On 29 November 2024, all roads led to Hutton Masonic Centre for the Provincial Officers Mess in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Executive; the event chaired in tradition by the Provincial Grand Junior Warden, W.Bro. Andrew Hurrell.
Prior to commencing the business of the evening, the 97 assembled Brethren chatted and mixed with welcome drinks eagerly awaiting the announcements that were to follow.
Duly seated, the meal commenced, the air thick with good-humoured exchanges, the toasts commenced in that same vein with the requisite formalities to respected Merit; to our Mess President W. Bro. Andrew Hurrell being delivered by W.Bro Geoff Waddoups. A response from the Mess President followed that allegedly dispelled rumours of the President’s driving abilities so eloquently depicted within the toast to him!
In closing the President's response, W.Bro. Andrew reflected on his own appointment as Provincial Grand Junior Warden and the Installation of the Provincial Grand Master that same year, an occasion of poignance for him personally.
The Provincial Grand Master addressed the Brethren with the distinct thematic that ‘Change must Happen’ as the address continued with several key announcements to the assembly; firstly the Prov.G.M noted his own Installation at the Provincial Meeting at Chelmsford Racecourse in May of this year as clearly, for the Province of Essex this was the most major and significant change, and one of most distinct Fraternal Salutation for us in 2024. Retaining the subject of the Provincial Meeting at Chelmsford it was confirmed this was to be the venue for the 2025 Provincial Meeting.
Moving on the PGM reiterating his earlier comment on change the first of the major announcements were made.
The Provincial Grand Almoner, W. Bro. Roy Kaye was retiring from his role after 8yrs of sterling service to the Province. The Prov.G.M was wholly appreciative of the enormous amount of work W. Bro. Roy had put into the role during his tenure.
The Prov.G.M announced that W.Bro. Paul Firmin was appointed to Provincial Grand Almoner, and as the viewpoint was that an Assistant Almoner should assist in becoming more involved going forward, W.Bro. Barry Coombes was appointed Assistant Grand Almoner.
The Prov.G.M then announced that the Provincial Grand Treasurer, W.Bro. Clive Snell had submitted his resignation and the PGM wished it be noted by the Brethren that W. Bro. Clive had been a superb servant to the Province in his role.
The Prov.G.M was pleased to report that he was to appoint W.Bro. Brian Dack as Provincial Grand Treasurer.
The Prov.G.M, continuing, yet finalising his theme of ‘Change must Happen’ informed the assembly that the Provincial Grand Tyler, W.Bro. Laurie Kavanagh was also retiring.
His replacement as Provincial Grand Tyler was to be W.Bro. Kevin Bull.
All of these appointments were met with warm applause and congratulations by all present.
Moving on, the Prov.G.M stated that Essex had another ‘First’ in that at the upcoming Grand RAM Meeting W.Bro’s Pierre & Geoff Waddoups were the first Father & Son ‘duo’ to be appointed to Grand RAM Rank. A wonderful distinction for them both.
The Mark Awareness sessions being run, most recently at Maldon where 10 Master Masons attended with many forms submitted and from the session run within a Craft Meeting, generously agreed to by the Prov.G.M of the Craft, R.W. Bro. Paul Tarrant, was a great success. Also, Tudor Lodge having 2 Advancements from these sessions which is a great confirmation of their collective successes of the initiative.
We now moved onto the 3 significant announcements of tradition at this annual event, that of the Senior & Junior Wardens, and the PGM’s nomination for Grand Steward.
The Prov.G.M was delighted to appoint to the roles, those Mark Men truly of note and distinction who had devoted much time, effort & distinction to their Mark Masonry, Lodges and the Province overall he knew that his choices would serve the Province with distinction.
Therefore, he appointed to Provincial Grand Senior Warden W.Bro. Vince Bull.
To Provincial Grand Junior Warden W.Bro. Paul Thurgood.
At this point the Prov.G.M requested that W. Bro. Geoff Waddoups was to be presented to him.
Continuing with a suitable preamble for the nomination, the Prov.G.M stated that;
W.Bro. Geoff Waddoups was his nomination for Grand Steward.
While W.Bro. Geoff remained with the Prov.G.M he announced to the Brethren that the culmination of many years work by him had resulted in the publication of ‘125yrs History of Mark Masonry in the Province of Essex’.
This book covers every Lodge in our Order from its origins to the present day and W.Bro. Geoff was to be applauded for the historical publication the Province now enjoys which portrays our rich heritage and our collective journeys together.
The Prov.G.M presented him with the 1st copy and encouraged all Lodges to purchase a copy for their Lodge Memberships to enjoy.
The 2030 Festival was moving along at pace and the Prov.G.M urged everyone to support the many events that were being publicised by the media team ever mindful that it is ‘our Festival’ for us to enjoy.
The raffle took place for the Solar Panel draw and the lucky ticket-holder drawn from the hat was Bro. Terry Maton who was unfortunately unable to be with us at the Mess. It has to be noted that the Brother who donated the prize, worth some £4-5k had also pledged to match in cash the amount raised in ticket sales; this amounting to £1710thus £3410 being donated to the Festival 2030; such a generous gesture by the Mark Man. The raffle for general tickets raised £665.
In closing comments, the Prov.G.M wished for his thanks to be given to the organisers of the event, W. Bro. Geoff Newman and his team.
Brethren, another successful year in our achievements as a Province of Mark Master Masons passes by and I know we all share the positivity that our Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Asst.Prov.G.M’s and Executive present to the wider audience of Grand Mark on our behalf.
Long may that continue
Posted 12/05/24