Why is The Mark called "The Friendly Degree"?
There are a number of reasons the Mark Degree is called the Friendly Degree and members all have their own explanation
but here are just a few:
During the Ceremony, one particular line sums it up nicely “Should other friends forsake you, should the envious traduce
your good name, or the malicious persecute you, should dangers, doubts or difficulties assail you, should force attempt to
drive or temptation entice you from the right path, among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends”.
It is this quote that members consider when calling the Degree "The Friendly Degree".
Ask any Mark Master Mason to describe the Mark Degree and they will invariably smile first and then tell you that it is a
most friendly of Masonic Orders. Brotherly Love is the keystone of Mark Masonry and the friendliness of the Degree is
clearly seen and experienced in our Lodge rooms in the genuine warmth of welcome that is universally extended among all
Mark Masons. Indeed, whilst our message is key, there is no doubt that among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends.
The Mark Degree is "less formal" than the Craft or Royal Arch and, whilst the ceremony is taken seriously, the atmosphere is more relaxed and there is always a smile on the candidates face as he Advances through the Ceremony.
Mark Men are, of course, members of Craft Lodges and so are experienced in masonic ways so do not have to ‘prove’ themselves. New members do not need to be interviewed or go through many of the Craft screening processes first. This tends
to lead to a friendlier, or a less rigid atmosphere than Craft Lodges.
Want to find out more? Then contact the Mark Degree via the website links
Don’t be one of those who miss out on an interesting fun degree. Either speak to a brother who you know is a
member and ask for more details, or contact the Provincial Grand Secretary via the contact details on the website at www.essexmark.co.uk or email to [email protected].
This is the fifth in a set of 9 teasers in this campaign and previous teasers can still be found on the Essex Mark website by clicking on the Teaser of the Month button on the front page.