Essex AGM Virtual Business Meeting
Due to Covid-19 restrictions the Province was unable to hold its Annual Meeting at Felsted School in May where, along with the years' appointments and promotions, the "normal business" of the Province is also conducted. As we were unable to meet, we needed a solution to complete the Provincial business.
Thanks to the advancement of technology, this meeting was able to proceed by a video conference on Thursday 20th of September.
The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Brother Terence D. Sheern, opened the meeting at 7.00 pm with over 100 Mark Men in "attendance".
We were also honoured to have the Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Steven Davison, and the Grand Secretary,
R.W.Bro. Ryan Williams join us. The PGM then proceeded to complete the business side of the meeting.
Here is a transcript of the PGM's address:
"Brethren, as you have all had a copy of my address, which was included in the Annual Meeting booklet for May, and as I know you will have all read and digested every word I don’t intend repeating myself again tonight!
I should, however, just like to take a few minutes of your time on other matters but, before I do, I thank the Assistant Grand Master and the Grand Secretary for their attendance this evening. We were all looking forward to their company at Felsted this year so I hope they can both join us next year for a bumper meeting.
I also thank all of you for joining the meeting this evening, it really is good to see so many of you; I have been going through the gallery and it’s good to see you your happy smiling faces again. I have congratulated those who were appointed or promoted as of May but I should like to reiterate that once again and thank you all for your support to our Province, our Lodges and, where appropriate, wear your new regalia with pride.
Brethren, I am fully aware of how some of you feel about returning to meetings and say again, so there is no misunderstanding, you must only return to meetings when the time is right for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not attending meetings or of course, on the other hand for wanting to attend meetings. It is, as always, a personal choice.
Having said that, the Grand Secretary and the staff at Mark Masons Hall have been working hard behind the scenes to provide us with the framework to resume meetings for those who wish to do so. For me, personally, this is a big step forward and I certainly look forward to attending meetings in the very near future.
We all know things are not going to be the same for some time so, with the glass half full, we have to make the best of what we have.
We all know our ceremonies will not be the same but the Candidates waiting to join us also know things are not the same at the moment. That does not stop us giving the best ceremony we can, remembering that when we do eventually return to normality they will see the Advancement and or Elevation ceremony as it should be conducted and that will make the evening more enjoyable for them as well.
Having spoken to colleagues around the country who have attended meetings even under the restricted conditions and guidelines, the one thing I have heard is how good it is to experience again what we get from our meetings and each other’s company. It is not necessarily something we can describe but I think you all know what I mean.
I also wish to take the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings regarding dining after a meeting as I have heard comments such as “a meal after a meeting is contrary to government rules” and the like. So, for clarity, if Lodges meet at a centre or location where restaurant style dining is available then Lodge members who wish to may have a meal, but not a festive board. The rules are that there can be no festive board style setting. No toasts or speeches, no sprig type seating plan, no standing up and no toasting etc. You are to behave as though you are in a restaurant and members must book to dine with the centre directly themselves; the Lodge cannot make a group booking. As the Lodge members, in the main, are not members of the same family, the table must be set out for two diners only per table. Again, having a meal after a meeting is solely a personal choice, the purpose of the meal would be purely to socialise.
To the Secretaries and DCs among you, please try to attend the zoom meetings arranged for you. You will be the ones your Lodge looks to for advice and help over the next few months. By attending the zoom meetings, you will be better prepared to assist your Lodges and the members when you return to meetings.
Brethren, I must again take the opportunity to thank W.Bro. Roy Kaye, the Provincial Almoner, and his small team of volunteers, for the great work they have also been doing behind the scenes in keeping in touch with Lodges, “thank you” Roy, Michael and Geoff!
I also thank the media team for keeping us well informed and up to date and for keeping us amused with the competitions, photos, and posts etc.
Lastly, I thank those of you who were involved in our Sunday “meals on wheels” initiative, the feedback has been so generous. We made many new friends and have convinced others to return to the fold, I have also received, so far, one application form from a non “mark man” who now wants to join us because of the scheme! Well done to all and “thank you”.
Brethren, before I close and ask the Assistant Grand Master to address you, I should like to make one other announcement.
I am sure you will all have seen the financial assistance package circulated from Grand Lodge outlining no increases and the reduction in fees and charges this next year. I am sure you will agree this will help Lodges not only retain members but also help recruit new ones.
Taking the lead from Grand Lodge, I have decided there will be no Provincial Fees to pay this next year for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges although other “general charges” will continue in the normal manner.
Having taken into account our current financial position and, remembering we did not have to pay for an annual meeting this year, I thought it appropriate to return that money, as it were, to you, the members, via your Lodges, thus in a way to benefit everyone.
So, there will be no Provincial Fees to pay for the next year which were due as of the 1st September.
With the package from Grand Lodge and now the Province, Lodge Treasurers can now make forecasts of their Lodge account balances and perhaps see a way of passing these savings on to the lodge members. Although that decision is, of course, for each Lodge to consider in light of their own circumstances.
Brethren, I thank you for your attendance and for your attention and should now like to invite the Assistant Grand Master to address us. Thank You"
The Assistant Grand Master then addressed the meeting as follows:
"As I said earlier, it really is a joy to be with you all albeit on Zoom which, I’m sure you will agree, has become "the norm" nowadays. Personally I, and I guess all of you, prefer face to face meetings but if this is what we have to do to beat this virus then so be it. Having said that Brethren I do look forward to the time when we can all be together in each other’s company. And it is happening Brethren, slow and steady with no coercion on anyone, the decision to return to meetings, albeit with modified social distancing ceremonies is a personal one and must be respected.
Tonight, has been a great privilege and delight for me, and I do thank you all for the very warm welcome, not only given to me, but also to our Grand Secretary RW. Bro. Ryan Williams who’s with us also.
RW. Bro. Terry, it has been a super gathering and I take this opportunity to congratulate you for organising it and also to congratulate all the Brethren of the Province of Essex on their appointments and promotions in Provincial Grand Lodge.
Brethren, I don’t need to tell you that your PGM is a very dedicated and hardworking Mason and is doing a splendid job in your Province. RW. Bro. Terry, it is now six years since you became PGM and you have certainly made your mark. On behalf of Grand Lodge I give you our grateful thanks for all you do in your Province and further afield.
So, what’s happening at Mark Grand Lodge Brethren? Well, as you well know, the suspension of meetings has been lifted and Lodges are able to return to some kind of normality if they wish and Mark Masons Hall has been reopened on reduced hours.
During the lockdown, the Grand Secretary and many of his staff were working from home and it’s been very much business as usual. The last quarterly communication due to be held on the 9th June, where the Active appointments and first appointments to Grand Rank would have been conferred, could not take place due to Covid -19, but those appointments became effective from that date and each recipient received a congratulatory letter from the Grand Master himself. The Promotions in Grand Rank which were due to be conferred at Grand Lodge on 8th September will become effective from that date but, unfortunately, due to the current rule of the amount of people able to meet together, that meeting also has had to be abandoned.
I can tell you that our Pro Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Ray Smith and our Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. John Prizeman, are both well and we all keep in regular contact by telephone, email and Zoom.
The Trustees of our Mark Benevolent Fund, now in its 151st year, are still meeting virtually and carrying out their good work in providing support to many good causes including grants to our own Brethren and Corona Virus related projects. The annual MBF Festival, this year in Kent, should have taken place in June but had to be postponed, but plans are being made for it to be held next March, subject to Government guidance.
R.W. PGM and brethren all, thank you for your attention. Being a very much hands on person, (well perhaps not so much at the moment) and whilst it is part of my duties to address you and inform you all on what is going on in our Orders, what I really enjoy is spending time meeting, listening to and discussing what you as members have to say and I do look forward to the day when I am able to come to Essex and do just that face to face, when I can shake your hands and we can get back to what I always call, the Magic of the Mark!
Thank you again, Provincial Grand Master for inviting me to join you and thank you all again Brethren, for the generous welcome given to R.W. Bro. Ryan and myself this evening."
The PGM closed the meeting, having thanked all those for attending and hoped to see everyone return to meetings and was looking forward to seeing everyone in the flesh at our AGM next year.
Once the meeting was closed there followed a Question and Answer session with the Assistant Grand Master and Grand Secretary, which was proved to be very informative for all those present.
Thanks to the advancement of technology, this meeting was able to proceed by a video conference on Thursday 20th of September.
The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Brother Terence D. Sheern, opened the meeting at 7.00 pm with over 100 Mark Men in "attendance".
We were also honoured to have the Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Steven Davison, and the Grand Secretary,
R.W.Bro. Ryan Williams join us. The PGM then proceeded to complete the business side of the meeting.
Here is a transcript of the PGM's address:
"Brethren, as you have all had a copy of my address, which was included in the Annual Meeting booklet for May, and as I know you will have all read and digested every word I don’t intend repeating myself again tonight!
I should, however, just like to take a few minutes of your time on other matters but, before I do, I thank the Assistant Grand Master and the Grand Secretary for their attendance this evening. We were all looking forward to their company at Felsted this year so I hope they can both join us next year for a bumper meeting.
I also thank all of you for joining the meeting this evening, it really is good to see so many of you; I have been going through the gallery and it’s good to see you your happy smiling faces again. I have congratulated those who were appointed or promoted as of May but I should like to reiterate that once again and thank you all for your support to our Province, our Lodges and, where appropriate, wear your new regalia with pride.
Brethren, I am fully aware of how some of you feel about returning to meetings and say again, so there is no misunderstanding, you must only return to meetings when the time is right for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not attending meetings or of course, on the other hand for wanting to attend meetings. It is, as always, a personal choice.
Having said that, the Grand Secretary and the staff at Mark Masons Hall have been working hard behind the scenes to provide us with the framework to resume meetings for those who wish to do so. For me, personally, this is a big step forward and I certainly look forward to attending meetings in the very near future.
We all know things are not going to be the same for some time so, with the glass half full, we have to make the best of what we have.
We all know our ceremonies will not be the same but the Candidates waiting to join us also know things are not the same at the moment. That does not stop us giving the best ceremony we can, remembering that when we do eventually return to normality they will see the Advancement and or Elevation ceremony as it should be conducted and that will make the evening more enjoyable for them as well.
Having spoken to colleagues around the country who have attended meetings even under the restricted conditions and guidelines, the one thing I have heard is how good it is to experience again what we get from our meetings and each other’s company. It is not necessarily something we can describe but I think you all know what I mean.
I also wish to take the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings regarding dining after a meeting as I have heard comments such as “a meal after a meeting is contrary to government rules” and the like. So, for clarity, if Lodges meet at a centre or location where restaurant style dining is available then Lodge members who wish to may have a meal, but not a festive board. The rules are that there can be no festive board style setting. No toasts or speeches, no sprig type seating plan, no standing up and no toasting etc. You are to behave as though you are in a restaurant and members must book to dine with the centre directly themselves; the Lodge cannot make a group booking. As the Lodge members, in the main, are not members of the same family, the table must be set out for two diners only per table. Again, having a meal after a meeting is solely a personal choice, the purpose of the meal would be purely to socialise.
To the Secretaries and DCs among you, please try to attend the zoom meetings arranged for you. You will be the ones your Lodge looks to for advice and help over the next few months. By attending the zoom meetings, you will be better prepared to assist your Lodges and the members when you return to meetings.
Brethren, I must again take the opportunity to thank W.Bro. Roy Kaye, the Provincial Almoner, and his small team of volunteers, for the great work they have also been doing behind the scenes in keeping in touch with Lodges, “thank you” Roy, Michael and Geoff!
I also thank the media team for keeping us well informed and up to date and for keeping us amused with the competitions, photos, and posts etc.
Lastly, I thank those of you who were involved in our Sunday “meals on wheels” initiative, the feedback has been so generous. We made many new friends and have convinced others to return to the fold, I have also received, so far, one application form from a non “mark man” who now wants to join us because of the scheme! Well done to all and “thank you”.
Brethren, before I close and ask the Assistant Grand Master to address you, I should like to make one other announcement.
I am sure you will all have seen the financial assistance package circulated from Grand Lodge outlining no increases and the reduction in fees and charges this next year. I am sure you will agree this will help Lodges not only retain members but also help recruit new ones.
Taking the lead from Grand Lodge, I have decided there will be no Provincial Fees to pay this next year for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges although other “general charges” will continue in the normal manner.
Having taken into account our current financial position and, remembering we did not have to pay for an annual meeting this year, I thought it appropriate to return that money, as it were, to you, the members, via your Lodges, thus in a way to benefit everyone.
So, there will be no Provincial Fees to pay for the next year which were due as of the 1st September.
With the package from Grand Lodge and now the Province, Lodge Treasurers can now make forecasts of their Lodge account balances and perhaps see a way of passing these savings on to the lodge members. Although that decision is, of course, for each Lodge to consider in light of their own circumstances.
Brethren, I thank you for your attendance and for your attention and should now like to invite the Assistant Grand Master to address us. Thank You"
The Assistant Grand Master then addressed the meeting as follows:
"As I said earlier, it really is a joy to be with you all albeit on Zoom which, I’m sure you will agree, has become "the norm" nowadays. Personally I, and I guess all of you, prefer face to face meetings but if this is what we have to do to beat this virus then so be it. Having said that Brethren I do look forward to the time when we can all be together in each other’s company. And it is happening Brethren, slow and steady with no coercion on anyone, the decision to return to meetings, albeit with modified social distancing ceremonies is a personal one and must be respected.
Tonight, has been a great privilege and delight for me, and I do thank you all for the very warm welcome, not only given to me, but also to our Grand Secretary RW. Bro. Ryan Williams who’s with us also.
RW. Bro. Terry, it has been a super gathering and I take this opportunity to congratulate you for organising it and also to congratulate all the Brethren of the Province of Essex on their appointments and promotions in Provincial Grand Lodge.
Brethren, I don’t need to tell you that your PGM is a very dedicated and hardworking Mason and is doing a splendid job in your Province. RW. Bro. Terry, it is now six years since you became PGM and you have certainly made your mark. On behalf of Grand Lodge I give you our grateful thanks for all you do in your Province and further afield.
So, what’s happening at Mark Grand Lodge Brethren? Well, as you well know, the suspension of meetings has been lifted and Lodges are able to return to some kind of normality if they wish and Mark Masons Hall has been reopened on reduced hours.
During the lockdown, the Grand Secretary and many of his staff were working from home and it’s been very much business as usual. The last quarterly communication due to be held on the 9th June, where the Active appointments and first appointments to Grand Rank would have been conferred, could not take place due to Covid -19, but those appointments became effective from that date and each recipient received a congratulatory letter from the Grand Master himself. The Promotions in Grand Rank which were due to be conferred at Grand Lodge on 8th September will become effective from that date but, unfortunately, due to the current rule of the amount of people able to meet together, that meeting also has had to be abandoned.
I can tell you that our Pro Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Ray Smith and our Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. John Prizeman, are both well and we all keep in regular contact by telephone, email and Zoom.
The Trustees of our Mark Benevolent Fund, now in its 151st year, are still meeting virtually and carrying out their good work in providing support to many good causes including grants to our own Brethren and Corona Virus related projects. The annual MBF Festival, this year in Kent, should have taken place in June but had to be postponed, but plans are being made for it to be held next March, subject to Government guidance.
R.W. PGM and brethren all, thank you for your attention. Being a very much hands on person, (well perhaps not so much at the moment) and whilst it is part of my duties to address you and inform you all on what is going on in our Orders, what I really enjoy is spending time meeting, listening to and discussing what you as members have to say and I do look forward to the day when I am able to come to Essex and do just that face to face, when I can shake your hands and we can get back to what I always call, the Magic of the Mark!
Thank you again, Provincial Grand Master for inviting me to join you and thank you all again Brethren, for the generous welcome given to R.W. Bro. Ryan and myself this evening."
The PGM closed the meeting, having thanked all those for attending and hoped to see everyone return to meetings and was looking forward to seeing everyone in the flesh at our AGM next year.
Once the meeting was closed there followed a Question and Answer session with the Assistant Grand Master and Grand Secretary, which was proved to be very informative for all those present.