V.W. Bro Richard Bowyer, DPGM, visits the Tudor Lodges.
The Tudor Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner and Lodge of Mark Master Masons were honoured to receive V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, at their meetings on Tuesday 3rd of March, V.W. Bro. Richard was escorted by W.Bro. Michael Howarth, ProvAGDC.
The Mariner meeting saw their Commander, W.Bro. Neil Taylor, ably assisted by W.Bro. Tony Latham, PAPGM, enthrone the "young" W.Bro.John Jewers in a most excellent ceremony that was enjoyed by all in attendance.
Richard Bowyer congratulated John on becoming Commander for the third time, having been so in 2003 and 2008.
The Mark Degree saw V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer present Bro. Erik Harding with his Grand Lodge Certificate in a most excellent and enjoyable manner, and welcomed Erik into the Province on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master also presented their Worshipful Master W.Bro. John Jewers with an MBF Grand Patron Certificate and Collarette on behalf of the Lodge. John said he would wear the collarette with pride.