Crowstone RAM and Mark No.945
Thursday 16 November
Saxon Hall
This was the 75-year anniversary of the Crowstone RAM Lodge, at which a replica of the PLA Crowstone was presented by Geoff Newman to the Lodge, having been commissioned and made by W.Bro. Phil Richardson to which the names and details of the past Commanders for RAM and the Past Masters for Mark will be printed, and once complete it will take pride of place on the Secretary’s table at each meeting.
At the Mark meeting which followed, the new Master, W. Bro. John Drabble was installed and it was a delight to see nine lay members return to the lodge after the inner workings. As part of installing his officers, the Worshipful Master appointed and invested W.Bro. Geoff as the D.C and presented him with a special pen holder to clip onto his wand, thus proving that pens and sticks can mix!
At the end of the meeting the Lodge were honoured when the Dep.Prov.G.M W. Bro. John Finlay presented the Lodge with our Diamond collarette from the MBF.
A very special day was enjoyed by all.
At the Mark meeting which followed, the new Master, W. Bro. John Drabble was installed and it was a delight to see nine lay members return to the lodge after the inner workings. As part of installing his officers, the Worshipful Master appointed and invested W.Bro. Geoff as the D.C and presented him with a special pen holder to clip onto his wand, thus proving that pens and sticks can mix!
At the end of the meeting the Lodge were honoured when the Dep.Prov.G.M W. Bro. John Finlay presented the Lodge with our Diamond collarette from the MBF.
A very special day was enjoyed by all.
Posted on 25/11/23