E.E.C and E.I.M.M Lodge No.1044
Tuesday 21st of September 2021
Saxon Hall in Southend-On-Sea played host to the Essex Enthroned Commanders and Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1044 on Tuesday the 21st of September 2021 which was honoured with the presence of the Pro. Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Raymond J. Smith in support of the Essex Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother, Terence D. Sheern.
The Pro. Grand Master was escorted by the Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies Very Worshipful Bro. Dr. Nigel Scott- Moncrieff whilst the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Michael West not only had our own PGM to escort but was tasked to keep an eye on the PGM for Middlesex, R. W. Bro. Eddie Garty who was also in attendance to support the Mark in Essex and our PGM.
The day began with the Enthroned Commanders Lodge to which those assembled witnessed the Deputy PGM, W. Bro. John Finlay Installed as the Worshipful Commander for the ensuing year with the Pro. Grand Master and two PGM’s as part of the Installation party, which must be something of a record. W. Bro. ‘Grand’ Barry Coombes led the Installation of his successor with his usual heartfelt ceremonial excellence and at the conclusion of the Installation, R. W. Bro. Terence Sheern gave the address to the Commander who then proceeded to Appoint and Invest his officers.
The Lodge was then closed and a short break ensued filled with tea, biscuits and catching up with friends not seen for many months before all were called to return for the opening of the Essex Mark Installed Masters Lodge.
The Brethren were called to order and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted the R. W. Provincial Grand Master into the Lodge to be greeted by the Master of the Lodge, W. Bro. Derek B. Manister. The Brethren were called to order once more and this time the Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies entered the Lodge to inform the Worshipful Master that the Pro. Grand Master was at the door of the Lodge and demanded admission.
The Pro. Grand Master was escorted into the Lodge, welcomed by the Master and saluted with 11 under the direction of his escorting officer. The business of the day then began. The Master, W. Bro. Manister was proclaimed as Master for the ensuing year and once complete, began the process of Appointing and Investing his officers to support him in the year ahead.
The PGM rose and explained that he would like to personally congratulate those Brethren who had received Promotion or indeed First Appointments in the Province. Due to the pandemic, the Provincial meeting held in May of each year at Felsted School had been suspended, so it had been 2 years since he was able to congratulate anyone. The Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Paul Busby stood and read out all those that had received Provincial Honours and all were warmly congratulated by the PGM.
The PGM wasn’t finished. He remained standing and was joined by the Pro. Grand Master to congratulate those Brethren who were to receive their MBF Collarets both personally and on behalf of the Lodges in Essex that had reached the various milestones for such an honour. The MBF being close to hearts of the PGM and the Pro. Grand Master, they both welcomed those called out with much warmth exchanging a few words of thanks for their efforts.
The next item on the Agenda was to Dedicate a new table cloth for the Secretary’s table, purchased from the legacy donation of the late W. Bro. John Edwards. The Provincial Grand Chaplain, W. Bro. Roger Smith rose to give a short biography of John in his years through Masonry and Dedicated the cloth in his memory.
With the meeting drawing to a close, the Pro. Grand Master rose to give a speech of his choice, explaining that he had been given the opportunity to speak on any subject he chose. He began by giving his thoughts on the importance of an Installed Masters Lodge calling them the ‘engine room’ of the Province and from the way in which the Enthroned Commanders and Installed Masters Lodges had been organised, the engine room of the Mark Province of Essex was clearly in fine form.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary and his team, led by W. Bro. Tony Goater were congratulated on their continued efforts in keeping 1044 running smoothly. The Pro. Grand Master continued and gave updates on the success of the Virtual Business Meetings supported across all of the Progressive Orders by Mark Masons Hall and the success of this venture during the suspension of Masonic activity. He also explained that the rebate given to members was due to a surplus of £1 million at years end and that this was passed back to the membership.
With the MBF clearly supported in the Province the Pro. Grand Master wished the Essex Province every success in their efforts towards the Essex 2030 MBF festival and from the number of Brethren wearing their Essex 2030 Stewards jewels, clearly had a strong start.
The Pro. Grand Master retired from the Lodge accompanied by R. W. Bro’s Terence Sheern and Eddie Garty, leaving the Lodge to finalise its remaining business. The Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony and all descended on the bar for refreshment.
The festive board was supported by 140 Brethren and our PGM presented to the Pro. Grand Master a mug, printed upon which was a guide to the ‘Essex lingo’ translating ‘Fink’ into ones attempt to ponder or a common expression of gratitude from ‘Fanx’ to how very kind of you. The Province of Essex was well supported throughout the day and after such a long period of time, friends from across its nearly 50 Lodges were able to meet again and show their support to the PGM and his executive, ready for a full diary of official visits and special occasions.
The Pro. Grand Master was escorted by the Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies Very Worshipful Bro. Dr. Nigel Scott- Moncrieff whilst the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Michael West not only had our own PGM to escort but was tasked to keep an eye on the PGM for Middlesex, R. W. Bro. Eddie Garty who was also in attendance to support the Mark in Essex and our PGM.
The day began with the Enthroned Commanders Lodge to which those assembled witnessed the Deputy PGM, W. Bro. John Finlay Installed as the Worshipful Commander for the ensuing year with the Pro. Grand Master and two PGM’s as part of the Installation party, which must be something of a record. W. Bro. ‘Grand’ Barry Coombes led the Installation of his successor with his usual heartfelt ceremonial excellence and at the conclusion of the Installation, R. W. Bro. Terence Sheern gave the address to the Commander who then proceeded to Appoint and Invest his officers.
The Lodge was then closed and a short break ensued filled with tea, biscuits and catching up with friends not seen for many months before all were called to return for the opening of the Essex Mark Installed Masters Lodge.
The Brethren were called to order and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted the R. W. Provincial Grand Master into the Lodge to be greeted by the Master of the Lodge, W. Bro. Derek B. Manister. The Brethren were called to order once more and this time the Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies entered the Lodge to inform the Worshipful Master that the Pro. Grand Master was at the door of the Lodge and demanded admission.
The Pro. Grand Master was escorted into the Lodge, welcomed by the Master and saluted with 11 under the direction of his escorting officer. The business of the day then began. The Master, W. Bro. Manister was proclaimed as Master for the ensuing year and once complete, began the process of Appointing and Investing his officers to support him in the year ahead.
The PGM rose and explained that he would like to personally congratulate those Brethren who had received Promotion or indeed First Appointments in the Province. Due to the pandemic, the Provincial meeting held in May of each year at Felsted School had been suspended, so it had been 2 years since he was able to congratulate anyone. The Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Paul Busby stood and read out all those that had received Provincial Honours and all were warmly congratulated by the PGM.
The PGM wasn’t finished. He remained standing and was joined by the Pro. Grand Master to congratulate those Brethren who were to receive their MBF Collarets both personally and on behalf of the Lodges in Essex that had reached the various milestones for such an honour. The MBF being close to hearts of the PGM and the Pro. Grand Master, they both welcomed those called out with much warmth exchanging a few words of thanks for their efforts.
The next item on the Agenda was to Dedicate a new table cloth for the Secretary’s table, purchased from the legacy donation of the late W. Bro. John Edwards. The Provincial Grand Chaplain, W. Bro. Roger Smith rose to give a short biography of John in his years through Masonry and Dedicated the cloth in his memory.
With the meeting drawing to a close, the Pro. Grand Master rose to give a speech of his choice, explaining that he had been given the opportunity to speak on any subject he chose. He began by giving his thoughts on the importance of an Installed Masters Lodge calling them the ‘engine room’ of the Province and from the way in which the Enthroned Commanders and Installed Masters Lodges had been organised, the engine room of the Mark Province of Essex was clearly in fine form.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary and his team, led by W. Bro. Tony Goater were congratulated on their continued efforts in keeping 1044 running smoothly. The Pro. Grand Master continued and gave updates on the success of the Virtual Business Meetings supported across all of the Progressive Orders by Mark Masons Hall and the success of this venture during the suspension of Masonic activity. He also explained that the rebate given to members was due to a surplus of £1 million at years end and that this was passed back to the membership.
With the MBF clearly supported in the Province the Pro. Grand Master wished the Essex Province every success in their efforts towards the Essex 2030 MBF festival and from the number of Brethren wearing their Essex 2030 Stewards jewels, clearly had a strong start.
The Pro. Grand Master retired from the Lodge accompanied by R. W. Bro’s Terence Sheern and Eddie Garty, leaving the Lodge to finalise its remaining business. The Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony and all descended on the bar for refreshment.
The festive board was supported by 140 Brethren and our PGM presented to the Pro. Grand Master a mug, printed upon which was a guide to the ‘Essex lingo’ translating ‘Fink’ into ones attempt to ponder or a common expression of gratitude from ‘Fanx’ to how very kind of you. The Province of Essex was well supported throughout the day and after such a long period of time, friends from across its nearly 50 Lodges were able to meet again and show their support to the PGM and his executive, ready for a full diary of official visits and special occasions.