Mark Benevolent Fund makes Substantial Donation to Havens Hospice.
Brethren all, the video below reports on the visit of the PGM and colleagues to Havens Hospice to formally present the donation made via the MBF. You will notice that the sums as originally reported have increased as a decision to fully fund the additional requirements for treatment beds was made; the total donation now stands at £92,548.
A wonderful result for Essex Mark Master Masons and, we hope, a real difference to the quality of care that can be offered to those at a time of most need.
A wonderful result for Essex Mark Master Masons and, we hope, a real difference to the quality of care that can be offered to those at a time of most need.
(original story)
Brethren all, the Provincial Grand Master is delighted to announce that the MBF has agreed a donation to Havens Hospice in the sum of £84,800.
This sum is for the purchase of purchasing 16 specialist beds, at an individual cost of £5,300, for the new premises in Southend on Sea. That is a full donation for a bed in each and every one of the 16 in-patient rooms in the Fair Havens Hospice Building.
Andy Smith, Chief Executive of Havens Hospices, says, “Thank you so much to Bob and to all his Provincial Colleagues; especially Roy Kaye and your Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Terence D. Sheern. Securing the whole £84,800 funding we need to purchase all 16 beds is phenomenal. We are proud that The Mark Benevolent Fund has recognised the value of the care we provide, and we will work hard to ensure we make The Mark Benevolent Fund and the Essex Mark Province proud in the new Fair Havens Hospice.
The provision of 16 new beds is really transformative. For the first time our patients will be able to have the latest design in beds, not just ‘riser/recliner’ but the very best technology supporting patients to be comfortable, and reducing the risk of bed sores throughout their time with us. It is genuinely humbling to know that local Masons stand with us in providing excellent care to those who need it most.”
This staggering and significant donation came about following a request at the previous meeting of Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge by our Provincial Almoner, W.Bro. Roy Kaye. Having recently attended an Almoners Seminar at Mark Masons Hall, Roy heard of a similar donation having been made in another Province and that the MBF were looking to support other valuable and worthy charitable causes.
W.Bro. Bob Harvey was at the meeting and, he and his wife Margaret having been volunteers at the hospice for a combined total of 43 years between them, he approached Roy afterwards and raised the possibility of support for Havens.
Havens Hospice is, as many are no doubt aware, moving to a brand new and bespoke building on Priory Crescent, Southend opposite the Priory Park. The new premises, as well as having day care facilities will have 16 in-patient rooms where complete, respectful and superlative care can be offered to those needing the full facilities and support of the hospice.
The Provincial Grand Master is proud of the efforts made by Roy and Bob in securing the grant for such a worthy and worthwhile local, Essex Charity, as well as the assistance from Darren Coleman the Charities and Communications Coordinator at Mark Mason's Hall and promises to ensure that updates on the progress of the purchase and installation of the beds as and when it happens. This is a real example of your kind and generous donations made at your meetings in action.