Combined Stewards' Lodge, No.1628
Banner Dedication
Friday, the 12th November saw the (somewhat delayed) dedication of the Combined Stewards' Lodge banner. As you will see from the photographs below, this was planned for April 2020 but "something" got in the way!
Many years ago the Langdon Hills Mark Lodge was in dire trouble and considering surrendering its' Warrant. After much deliberation, until an inspirational decision was made to make it the Combined Stewards Lodge, No.1628. It was repurposed to accept, both as joining members and as brethren for Advancement, Provincial Stewards, or their equivalent, from ALL of the recognised Orders represented in Essex. Since then the membership has flourished to a very healthy number.
In the Royal Ark Mariner meeting, W.Bro. Brian Birkin installed W.Bro. Robin Hall as their new Commander in very fine manner with the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, in attendance. The new Commander invested those Officers present although some were unable to attend.
The Prov.G.M. presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Jack Gilliland with good humour and a sprinkling of historical fact. Joining members were welcomed into the Lodge.
The brethren returned and the Mark Lodge was Opened. The Prov.G.M of London, Right Worshipful Brother Tom Quinn was received under escort from the Prov. G.D.C. and, this being his first visit to an Essex Lodge, he was saluted. he thanked the brethren and sat in the East. There was a second report and R.W. Bro.Terence D. Sheern, the Provincial Grand Master, was received together with his Acting Entourage. These were requested to assist him and were escorted to their places.
Having taken the Chair on entry, the Prov.G.M. went on to introduce all the Provincial Officers present. The Prov.G.M then proceeded to dedicate the new Combined Stewards Mark Lodge Banner in a most excellent manner and the banner was eventually paraded by its escort. There was an excellent Oration from the Prov.G. Chaplain, W.Bro. Roger Smith.
The Prov.G.M vacated the Chair with W.Bro. Paul Thurgood resuming. A Dispensation was read out to permit the Worshipful Master to stay in Office for a further year. W.Bro. Paul Thurgood was proclaimed, and saluted by the assembled brethren. Officers present were invested with the addresses being given in fine form.
Reports were given by the Almoner and Charity Steward with the latter, on behalf of the Combined Stewards Mark Lodge, presenting a £500 cheque towards the 2030 Festival which the Prov.G.M graciously accepted. The Provincial Grand Master presented the W.M. W.Bro.Paul Thurgood with the MBF Diamond Status collar for generous Lodge donations.
All business being concluded the Lodge was closed with everyone ready for their Festive Board supper. During the Festive Board the Prov.G.M gave the toast to the W.M. He also enquired to ask if the Worshipful Commander had enough to eat? (those that know, know!)
Outside the Craft brethren coming for a Lodge of Instruction must have wondered what was going on? One of their members is a Mark Man who should be able to enlighten them into the enjoyment of Mark Masonry.
(thanks to W.Bro. Peter Hall for the draft details for this article)
Many years ago the Langdon Hills Mark Lodge was in dire trouble and considering surrendering its' Warrant. After much deliberation, until an inspirational decision was made to make it the Combined Stewards Lodge, No.1628. It was repurposed to accept, both as joining members and as brethren for Advancement, Provincial Stewards, or their equivalent, from ALL of the recognised Orders represented in Essex. Since then the membership has flourished to a very healthy number.
In the Royal Ark Mariner meeting, W.Bro. Brian Birkin installed W.Bro. Robin Hall as their new Commander in very fine manner with the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, in attendance. The new Commander invested those Officers present although some were unable to attend.
The Prov.G.M. presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Jack Gilliland with good humour and a sprinkling of historical fact. Joining members were welcomed into the Lodge.
The brethren returned and the Mark Lodge was Opened. The Prov.G.M of London, Right Worshipful Brother Tom Quinn was received under escort from the Prov. G.D.C. and, this being his first visit to an Essex Lodge, he was saluted. he thanked the brethren and sat in the East. There was a second report and R.W. Bro.Terence D. Sheern, the Provincial Grand Master, was received together with his Acting Entourage. These were requested to assist him and were escorted to their places.
Having taken the Chair on entry, the Prov.G.M. went on to introduce all the Provincial Officers present. The Prov.G.M then proceeded to dedicate the new Combined Stewards Mark Lodge Banner in a most excellent manner and the banner was eventually paraded by its escort. There was an excellent Oration from the Prov.G. Chaplain, W.Bro. Roger Smith.
The Prov.G.M vacated the Chair with W.Bro. Paul Thurgood resuming. A Dispensation was read out to permit the Worshipful Master to stay in Office for a further year. W.Bro. Paul Thurgood was proclaimed, and saluted by the assembled brethren. Officers present were invested with the addresses being given in fine form.
Reports were given by the Almoner and Charity Steward with the latter, on behalf of the Combined Stewards Mark Lodge, presenting a £500 cheque towards the 2030 Festival which the Prov.G.M graciously accepted. The Provincial Grand Master presented the W.M. W.Bro.Paul Thurgood with the MBF Diamond Status collar for generous Lodge donations.
All business being concluded the Lodge was closed with everyone ready for their Festive Board supper. During the Festive Board the Prov.G.M gave the toast to the W.M. He also enquired to ask if the Worshipful Commander had enough to eat? (those that know, know!)
Outside the Craft brethren coming for a Lodge of Instruction must have wondered what was going on? One of their members is a Mark Man who should be able to enlighten them into the enjoyment of Mark Masonry.
(thanks to W.Bro. Peter Hall for the draft details for this article)
Dear Terry,
Just a few lines to say how much I enjoyed my first foray into Essex Mark on Friday. Your Banner Dedication Ceremony was very nicely done and dinner in the Orsett Centre was a most enjoyable diversion from all that’s going on in London just now. I had a most relaxing and entertaining time and would like to thank you for your welcome and the many courtesies shown to me during the whole evening.
Tom Quinn
Just a few lines to say how much I enjoyed my first foray into Essex Mark on Friday. Your Banner Dedication Ceremony was very nicely done and dinner in the Orsett Centre was a most enjoyable diversion from all that’s going on in London just now. I had a most relaxing and entertaining time and would like to thank you for your welcome and the many courtesies shown to me during the whole evening.
Tom Quinn