Aurelius Lodge of R.A.M. No.814
Friday 13 October 2023

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the members of Aurelius Royal Ark Mariner Lodge decided to commission a banner to mark the occasion.
The meeting took place on Friday 13th of October at Colvin Memorial Temple, Clacton-on-Sea.
The Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern attended the meeting as part of his "Farewell Tour".
The meeting took place on Friday 13th of October at Colvin Memorial Temple, Clacton-on-Sea.
The Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern attended the meeting as part of his "Farewell Tour".
The Lodge was opened by their Commander Alan Penney who suffers from early onset dementia.
Once the minutes had been read, the Prov.G.M accompanied by members of his Executive and Active Officers entered the Lodge to much acclaim.
Once the minutes had been read, the Prov.G.M accompanied by members of his Executive and Active Officers entered the Lodge to much acclaim.
The Prov.G.M accepted the Sceptre from Alan and commenced the banner dedication ceremony, saying a few words about the history of the Lodge and it's seniority in the Province and in the RAM degree.
The Prov.G.M then ask his Prov.D.C W.Bro. Tony Goater to assemble the banner dedication party.
The banner entered the Lodge and and was placed by the Prov.G.M. The Commander then asked the Prov.G.M to accept the banner on behalf of the members, which he did.
The Prov.G.M then ask his Prov.D.C W.Bro. Tony Goater to assemble the banner dedication party.
The banner entered the Lodge and and was placed by the Prov.G.M. The Commander then asked the Prov.G.M to accept the banner on behalf of the members, which he did.
The Prov.G.M then took great delight in unveiling the banner. He then called upon the Provincial Deputy Grand Chaplin, W.Bro. Gordon MacLean, to give an oration about the banner. This was received with great interest by all those present.
Once this was completed, the banner was presented back to the Worshipful Commander, and the banner party was formed and the banner was paraded amongst the assembled Brethren.
Once the ceremony was completed, the Prov.G.M handed the Sceptre back to the Commander and the normal business of the Lodge continued , and was closed accordingly.
After a short "comfort" break, the Temple was set up for the Mark Meeting.
The meeting was very short, allowing for normal business to be conducted.
After a short "comfort" break, the Temple was set up for the Mark Meeting.
The meeting was very short, allowing for normal business to be conducted.

The Brethren retired to the bar, before the Festive Board.
The Festive Board was a very lively and friendly event and saw the Prov.G.M presented with an engraved glass tankard with both the Aurelius Mark and RAM crests engraved.
The glass also contained a "Gift Voucher" entitling the Prov.G.M to free beer on his return visits on production of the tankard. The voucher was valid from 14th of October ( the next day) until the 25th of February 2025,when the Mark Lodge will be celebrating its centenary. The Prov.G.M thanked the Brethren of the Lodge and stated that "He will be Back" to claim his reward.
The Prov.G.M received a donation of £280 towards the 2030 Festival.
The Festive Board was a very lively and friendly event and saw the Prov.G.M presented with an engraved glass tankard with both the Aurelius Mark and RAM crests engraved.
The glass also contained a "Gift Voucher" entitling the Prov.G.M to free beer on his return visits on production of the tankard. The voucher was valid from 14th of October ( the next day) until the 25th of February 2025,when the Mark Lodge will be celebrating its centenary. The Prov.G.M thanked the Brethren of the Lodge and stated that "He will be Back" to claim his reward.
The Prov.G.M received a donation of £280 towards the 2030 Festival.
A great time was had by all, and the members of Aurelius Royal Ark Mariner Lodge would like to thank the Provincial Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and his Deputy for the hard word and guidance in the ceremony.
Posted on 27/10/23