Essex Enthroned Commanders & Essex Installed Mark Masters No. 1044.
Saxon Hall
Thursday 8th September 2022
Saxon Hall at Southend on Sea played host to the Essex Enthroned Commanders Lodge and Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge Meetings on Tuesday 8th September 2022.
The day began with the Enthroned Commanders Lodge to which those assembled witnessed the Dep.P.G.M, W. Bro. John Finlay Install W. Bro. Robert Neal as the Worshipful Commander in a near perfect ceremony after which W. Bro. Charles White gave the address to the Commander.
The Worshipful Commander then proceeded to Appoint and Invest his officers.
The Lodge was closed, for a short comfort break then all were called to return for the opening of the Essex Mark Installed Masters Lodge.
The Brethren were called to order and the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Phillip Richardson escorted the Provincial Grand Master into the Lodge to be greeted by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. David Awcock, who then vacated the Chair in favour of the Provincial Grand Master. R.W.Bro. Sheern then addressed the brethren, thanking V.W. Bro. Mark Reeve the outgoing A.P.G.M. for all his hard work and assistance during his many years in Office in the Province, he presented him with a Past A.P.G.M. collarette and then proceeded to Invest and Appoint W. Bro. John Stannard, P.A.G.D.C., as the 22nd Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Essex. (The Provincial Grand Master’s address can be read on the link below).
The Provincial Grand Master received an unexpected presentation from Right Worshipful Brother Paul Tarrant P.G.J.W. and Provincial Grand Master for Essex Craft, in the form of an envelope containing a cheque for £10,000 from the Craft Province of Essex, towards the Essex MBF Festival 2030.
R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern thanked him for the generous donation.
R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern thanked him for the generous donation.
After the business of the meeting was completed, the Lodge was closed in due form with the Brethren singing the National Anthem, totally unaware of the sad news that awaited them.
The Brethren retired to the bar area, where the news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was announced, the Brethren stood in quite reflection on receipt of this sad news.
The start of the Festive Board was sombre with the Provincial Grand Master calling the Brethren to stand to Order for a minute's silence in honour of our Late Queen.
The Festive Board continued in its normal manner and for the first time in over 70 years gave the Loyal Toast to The King.
After the festive board the Brethren parted company to wind their way home.
Fun and Friendship at the Festive Board
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