Easterford Lodge of M.M.M. No.1781
Wednesday 11 October 2023

Easterford Mark Lodge No 1781 held its regular meeting on Wednesday 11 October, when they were delighted to welcome the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. John Finlay, accompanied by his Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Phil Richardson.
The ceremony of Advancement of Bro. Derek Palmer, a Past Master of the Easterford Craft Lodge No 2342, was conducted by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Mark Richard Lawrence , assisted by Officers of the Lodge, in a faultless and superb relaxed manner.
The Working Tools were presented by Bro. Richard Williams, who was later presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
The ceremony of Advancement of Bro. Derek Palmer, a Past Master of the Easterford Craft Lodge No 2342, was conducted by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Mark Richard Lawrence , assisted by Officers of the Lodge, in a faultless and superb relaxed manner.
The Working Tools were presented by Bro. Richard Williams, who was later presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
In true Easterford style, the brethren dined at a most enjoyable Festive Board, where the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, during his toast to the Worshipful Master, thanked the Lodge for a most generous donation of £1500 towards the 2030 Festival.
Posted on 12/10/23