Provincial Grand Master Visits Mayflower Lodge
On Wednesday, 21st November, 2018 the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. Terence D. Sheern, escorted by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and accompanied by fifteen other Acting Officers visited the Mayflower RAM and Mark Lodges at Orsett Masonic Hall.
The RAM meeting was a, relatively, quiet affair but the Mark meeting was to see the real work and enjoyment of the meeting. On being greeted by the WM, the PGM accepted the kind offer of the gavel, as is his custom, and introduced all the acting officers; on this occasion, however, he did not hand the gavel back but, remaining in the chair, proceeded to conduct a confident, fluent and most impressive Advancement of the Lodge's candidate. A ceremony that was conducted in fine style and with the easy delivery of our most senior member. The candidate, Brother Stuart, is in fairness, a longstanding friend of the PGM and Mayflower Mark was only too pleased to facillitate the event to take place.
The Lodge was handed back to its WM for the rest of the business before which the PGM and his Active Officers retired. Pictured below are the PGM, Active Officers and officers and members of Mayflower Lodge. All then retired to a splendid festive board as is the custom of the Orsett Centre before retiring in peace and friendship. A fine evening of Mark Master Masonry.
The RAM meeting was a, relatively, quiet affair but the Mark meeting was to see the real work and enjoyment of the meeting. On being greeted by the WM, the PGM accepted the kind offer of the gavel, as is his custom, and introduced all the acting officers; on this occasion, however, he did not hand the gavel back but, remaining in the chair, proceeded to conduct a confident, fluent and most impressive Advancement of the Lodge's candidate. A ceremony that was conducted in fine style and with the easy delivery of our most senior member. The candidate, Brother Stuart, is in fairness, a longstanding friend of the PGM and Mayflower Mark was only too pleased to facillitate the event to take place.
The Lodge was handed back to its WM for the rest of the business before which the PGM and his Active Officers retired. Pictured below are the PGM, Active Officers and officers and members of Mayflower Lodge. All then retired to a splendid festive board as is the custom of the Orsett Centre before retiring in peace and friendship. A fine evening of Mark Master Masonry.