Essex Enthroned Commanders & Installed Mark Masters Lodges, No. 1044
Report on Meetings of September 14th, 2017
Report on Meetings of September 14th, 2017
Well, what a set of meetings! A full evening in a full Temple leading to some full stomachs afterwards!
We began with the Installation Meeting of the RAM Lodge in a packed Temple with over 180 attending. The business of the evening was to Install W.Bro. Len Abrahams, RAMGR, into the Chair. Having recited his obligation, the PGM, as Installing Commander, went on to do this in fine style and then treated us to an extended version of the Address to the Commander which many had never heard before. After appointing and investing his officers, the Commander closed the Lodge in fine style.
We then moved to the Installed Mark Masters Lodge which was opened and the official guests greeted. We then received the Provincial Grand Master, in full procession with his Provincial Officers who was offered and accepted the gavel.
The PGM then addressed the Brethren as to the purpose of his presence which was, of course, to appoint, obligate and invest two new Assistant Provincial Grand Masters. Before doing do, he paid tribute to both W.Bro. Roger Wacey and W.Bro. John Emmerick, the now Past APGMs, for their full and unstinting support of the Mark and RAM Degree and stated that he was confident that they had the full support from the Province and its' members not only for that previous service but for their continued efforts in the future. They were both presented to the PGM who invested them with Past APGM collars to warm applause from all the brethren present .
Moving on, having ascertained that both APGMs Designate were present, and in possession of their Patents, they were received into the Lodge with their Escorts. Both Very Worshipful Brother Anthony B. M. Latham, Past Grand Junior Overseer and Worshipful Brother Mark S. Reeve, Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearer, were appointed, obligated, invested, proclaimed and saluted as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters of the Province of Essex. It was a superb event which many Mark Masons will not see and which all present thoroughly enjoyed.
Now, having appointed his Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies as APGM, the Provincial Grand Master rightly pointed out that he needed to make some Provincial Appointments. To that end he appointed Worshipful Brother John Finlay as Provincial DC; to replace him, he appointed Worshipful Brother Michael West as Provincial Deputy DC and, to replace him, Worshipful Brother Anthony Goater as Provincial Deputy Secretary.
The Lodge was then returned to it's Master who continued with the meeting but we had one more surprise to come. The District Grand Master for South and East Caribbean, Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Cobham was present, having been at Grand Lodge two days before. The Caribbean having, of course, suffered dreadful loss of life, damage and disruption from the recent Hurricane. The Provincial Grand Master was pleased to announce that the Trustees of the Essex Mark Welfare Fund had agreed a grant of five thousand pounds (£5,000) in favour of the that District Overseas. The Provincial Grand Master was honoured to present the cheque to R.W.Bro. Cobham with our wishes that it might do some good in restoring the are to normality. R.W. Brother Cobham thanked the brethren present, and all those in the province who had made this donation possible and assured us that it would be put to good use on his return home. Brethren, once more we are shown the value of the support you give to the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
With the Lodge closed, over 170 Brethren dined in the splendid facilities of the Jubilee Suite at Saxon Hall and retired in peace and harmony.