Provincial Grand Lodge 2018, Report
May the 31st saw the 2018 Essex Mark Provincial Grand Lodge take place, once again, at the picturesque setting of Felsted School. On what was a fine day on the inside if, as it transpired when we left, a little damp on the outside, around 350 Mark Masons from Essex and across the Country gathered together to attend the meeting and enjoy the festive board afterwards.
We were privileged to be able to see-and take a short tour round- the MBF Ambulance which was formally presented to St. Johns and blessed before the meeting.
With Provincial Lodge opened, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, formally welcomed our guests who numbered over 40 from other Provinces and Heads of other Essex Masonic Orders- a splendid attendance and a measure of the success of our Province.
The PGM, went on to appoint and invest his officers as well as those receiving first appointments and promotions. His address is published below.
Of note, again, was the significant support in the number of displays and information stalls of other Orders meeting in Essex, not just those under the auspices of Mark Grand Lodge, but from Essex Craft and Royal Arch and all those that have an Essex footprint. By supporting and encouraging membership of other Orders we all ensure that Essex Freemasonry will flourish.
Many took the time to speak to the representatives of the Orders, ask questions and, in many cases, take away joining forms.
Our own Regalia Store was, again, there, with a significant amount of pre-loved regalia sold to members not only saving them a significant amount but also raising a significant amount for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.