Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge No.9940
17 February 2023
Union Jack Club - London
The Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge held their Installation meeting at the Union Jack Club, London on Friday 17 February 2023.
The Master Elect was R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern, Provincial Grand Master of Essex.
70 Mark Master Masons attended the meeting which included the Pro Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John Herbert Prizeman, and a large number of Provincial Grand Masters. Seventeen members of the Province of Essex attended in support of the Prov.G.M who was installed in an exemplary manner by W.Bro. Kenneth Fickling.
M.W.Bro. John Prizeman gave the Address to the Master, W.Bro John Daley, the Address to the Wardens, V.W.Bro. Steve Vanhinsbergh, the Address to the Overseers and R.W.Bro. Eddie Garty the address to the Brethren, all in a commendable manner.
The Master Elect was R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern, Provincial Grand Master of Essex.
70 Mark Master Masons attended the meeting which included the Pro Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John Herbert Prizeman, and a large number of Provincial Grand Masters. Seventeen members of the Province of Essex attended in support of the Prov.G.M who was installed in an exemplary manner by W.Bro. Kenneth Fickling.
M.W.Bro. John Prizeman gave the Address to the Master, W.Bro John Daley, the Address to the Wardens, V.W.Bro. Steve Vanhinsbergh, the Address to the Overseers and R.W.Bro. Eddie Garty the address to the Brethren, all in a commendable manner.
Following the meeting, and the obligatory recess at the bar, the Brethren enjoyed an excellent Festive Board, of Ham Hock Terrine, followed by Braised Beef Featherblade Steak in Red Wine Jus, and rounded off with Cheese & Biscuits with Port supplied courtesy of the newly installed Master. The Prov.G.M for Essex, (as the Worshipful Master) proposed the toast to the Prov.G.M for Middlesex, after which, the Prov.G.M for Middlesex proposed the toast to the Worshipful Master, who is the Prov.G.M for Essex, (Nepotism? Never). This was a convenient point for R.W.Bro. Eddie Garty to mention that, despite his deficiency in map reading when serving in the Parachute Regiment, his service was recognised by shiny things dangling from ribbons, while there was an oversight in that his good friend R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern had served in the “Cod Wars” which had preserved the British tradition of Fish and Chips, in that the powers that be had been remiss in issuing a dangly thing to the Naval personnel involved in that dispute. To redress the omission, R.W.Bro. Garty had procured “The Cod War Medal” which he had great pleasure to pin on the chest of the Worshipful Master.
In his response, R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern acknowledged that the three RAF members present had shown great fortitude in “roughing it” by persevering with the Chenin Blanc and Shiraz wines served with the meal instead of the accompaniment that they were accustomed. To make amends he presented each brother with an individual bottle of their traditional beverage, Babycham.
Posted on 21/02/23