Letter from W.Bro. John Finlay
Deputy Provincial Grand Master
We find ourselves in strange and disturbing times, the Covid-19 threat has not left us and will not for some time yet I fear. We must all be vigilant and protective of our families and of course ourselves. Life, however, must go on and some degree of normality must remain in our lives if we are not to suffer from the strain and effects of living with this threat.
We have all seen the many edicts and advice handed down from the various Grand Lodges including our own at Mark Masons Hall, all have been given after seeking the absolute best advice from our legal and secretarial representatives. After the general suspension of our Masonic activities was lifted in July, we all hoped for a gradual return to normality but alas we have been dealt another blow to our resumption with the “Rule of 6”.
The last advice from Mark Grand Lodge is still current in that if a Lodge cannot meet due to not securing a quorum of members or cannot obtain a venue, the meeting sadly must be abandoned. There is also the mechanism of holding a ‘Virtual Business Meeting’ in the circumstances mentioned above in lieu of a physical meeting. All the necessary steps to abandonment and to hold a business meeting have been circulated by the Provincial Grand Secretary
If, however, there is an appetite amongst some of the members to hold a physical meeting this should be encouraged, remember a Lodge needs only three members to form a quorum and meet and can welcome guests up to the total maximum of six . Lodges up and down the Country in the Craft and the Mark are meeting and working. We must, however, be mindful that no-one should be coerced into attending a meeting in any circumstance, it would be wholly un-masonic to attempt this. Equally so it is unfair and incorrect to deny Lodge members the opportunity to meet at a regular meeting albeit limited to the maximum of six Brethren.
At the moment we are seeing communications from Lodge Secretaries sent to members stating that several meetings ahead are set to be abandoned due to a lack of interest in attending, whilst this may eventually be the case; it cannot be correct to say so in such categoric terms at such an early stage.
Mark and RAM Lodges have already met in the Province and quite successfully so. New Masters and Commanders have been Installed into the Chairs of their Lodges and the reports are that all those who attended were glad that they did. We have had no reports that anyone felt the ceremony was adversely diluted or that individuals felt somehow devalued.
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Michael West and the Provincial Ritual Support Team are set, ready and willing to attend Lodges who want to meet but have insufficient experienced members to do so. They will provide the Brethren who can, and will help with, or conduct, Ceremonies according to the new rules. We are set to publish a set of advice guidelines to assist Lodges in the new temporary workings to enable candidates to be Advanced and Elevated, or a Master Elect to be Installed into the Chair of their Lodge. These will be published on the website and circulated to all Lodges and hopefully this will bring further clarity and aid understanding.
There are many Brethren in the Province who are not required to shield themselves away to protect their health, there are brethren who are desperately missing their Mark Masonry and, given the opportunity, would meet and embrace the new temporary normal. We saw that with our ‘Mark Meals on Wheels’ initiative during the last lockdown when many Essex Mark Men came out to assist our vulnerable or shielded brethren.
Brethren, as stated at the beginning of this communication, we find ourselves in strange times, with a lot of uncertainty, and a fair amount of fear of the unknown still pervading through our thoughts. But we have the constant of our Mark Masonry to keep us hopeful of better times sooner rather than later. To this end we need to keep moving forward, attend our meetings if safe to do so, and not deny others the opportunity to continue their masonic journey or even take their fourth regular step into your lodge.
Fraternal regards.
W. Bro. John Finlay
Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
We find ourselves in strange and disturbing times, the Covid-19 threat has not left us and will not for some time yet I fear. We must all be vigilant and protective of our families and of course ourselves. Life, however, must go on and some degree of normality must remain in our lives if we are not to suffer from the strain and effects of living with this threat.
We have all seen the many edicts and advice handed down from the various Grand Lodges including our own at Mark Masons Hall, all have been given after seeking the absolute best advice from our legal and secretarial representatives. After the general suspension of our Masonic activities was lifted in July, we all hoped for a gradual return to normality but alas we have been dealt another blow to our resumption with the “Rule of 6”.
The last advice from Mark Grand Lodge is still current in that if a Lodge cannot meet due to not securing a quorum of members or cannot obtain a venue, the meeting sadly must be abandoned. There is also the mechanism of holding a ‘Virtual Business Meeting’ in the circumstances mentioned above in lieu of a physical meeting. All the necessary steps to abandonment and to hold a business meeting have been circulated by the Provincial Grand Secretary
If, however, there is an appetite amongst some of the members to hold a physical meeting this should be encouraged, remember a Lodge needs only three members to form a quorum and meet and can welcome guests up to the total maximum of six . Lodges up and down the Country in the Craft and the Mark are meeting and working. We must, however, be mindful that no-one should be coerced into attending a meeting in any circumstance, it would be wholly un-masonic to attempt this. Equally so it is unfair and incorrect to deny Lodge members the opportunity to meet at a regular meeting albeit limited to the maximum of six Brethren.
At the moment we are seeing communications from Lodge Secretaries sent to members stating that several meetings ahead are set to be abandoned due to a lack of interest in attending, whilst this may eventually be the case; it cannot be correct to say so in such categoric terms at such an early stage.
Mark and RAM Lodges have already met in the Province and quite successfully so. New Masters and Commanders have been Installed into the Chairs of their Lodges and the reports are that all those who attended were glad that they did. We have had no reports that anyone felt the ceremony was adversely diluted or that individuals felt somehow devalued.
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Michael West and the Provincial Ritual Support Team are set, ready and willing to attend Lodges who want to meet but have insufficient experienced members to do so. They will provide the Brethren who can, and will help with, or conduct, Ceremonies according to the new rules. We are set to publish a set of advice guidelines to assist Lodges in the new temporary workings to enable candidates to be Advanced and Elevated, or a Master Elect to be Installed into the Chair of their Lodge. These will be published on the website and circulated to all Lodges and hopefully this will bring further clarity and aid understanding.
There are many Brethren in the Province who are not required to shield themselves away to protect their health, there are brethren who are desperately missing their Mark Masonry and, given the opportunity, would meet and embrace the new temporary normal. We saw that with our ‘Mark Meals on Wheels’ initiative during the last lockdown when many Essex Mark Men came out to assist our vulnerable or shielded brethren.
Brethren, as stated at the beginning of this communication, we find ourselves in strange times, with a lot of uncertainty, and a fair amount of fear of the unknown still pervading through our thoughts. But we have the constant of our Mark Masonry to keep us hopeful of better times sooner rather than later. To this end we need to keep moving forward, attend our meetings if safe to do so, and not deny others the opportunity to continue their masonic journey or even take their fourth regular step into your lodge.
Fraternal regards.
W. Bro. John Finlay
Deputy Provincial Grand Master.