Essex MMM Recruitment Event
Saturday 4 March 2023 saw another successful awareness event held by the Provincial Recruitment Group at the County Hotel Chelmsford.
The event continued the highly successful format of previous events and saw “guests” in the form of Essex Freemasons arrive nice and early for a buffet style full English breakfast, followed by a presentation in the Temple. The 28 guests who were each invited by their hosts, all Essex Mark Men, who were keen to promote the Friendly Degree and to give them the opportunity to learn why they hold the Mark Degree so dear. |
After the customary sit down breakfast, where everyone mingled to informally discuss all things masonic and what the day was to bring, they were invited into the Temple in readiness for the presentation.
W.Bro. John Finlay, Deputy Provincial Grand Master welcomed everyone to the event, and thanked members of the Chelmer and West Ham Mark Lodge’s for their support in making the event a success. The Secretary’s of the Lodges were singled out for a special thanks for their efforts in organising the event along with a note of gratitude to W. Bro Andy Sylvester for his involvement in the event's planning and promotion.
The Temple which was laid out for a Mark meeting, with all the officers in place each dressed in full regalia, showing those present the full splendor of a working lodge.
The two presenters W.Bro. Mick West and W. Bro Roger Davis, began the presentation by explaining how the Mark Degree fits in with the other Solomonic degrees in Freemasonry, moving onto how the Order is ruled and managed from an International, National and Provincial basis. The presentation worked its way through the qualifications needed to take the 4th regular step in Freemasonry, onto the officers roles, regalia, progression, and finally onto a lively question and answer session. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master closed the event by thanking everyone for their attendance and stating that he hoped the event had been enjoyed by all and perhaps inspiring enough for the guests to consider taking their 4th regular step and joining the Mark Degree in Essex. |
Such was the success of the event, that 12 of the guests attending were inspired enough to complete application forms for Advancement into Mark Lodges, confirming an exciting future for Mark Masonry in Essex.
Monitor the Essex Mark Facebook page and Website for notice of a number of double Advancements, and possibly, a quadruple Advancement, in the not-too-distant future. |
Further Mark Awareness events are planned around the Province in the future with the next one at the Orsett Masonic Hall in October this year.
Posted 07/03/23