Battlesbridge No.1415 Host a Mark Recruitment Evening
Monday 21 March 22
The Battlesbridge Mark Lodge No. 1415 played host to a Mark Recruitment evening on Monday 21 March at Saxon Hall in Southend. The evening was organised to bring the Mark in Essex to those Brethren that wanted to know more about the Degree and to have a series of presentations relating to the history of the Mark, its symbolism, and its links to the Craft and the Holy Royal Arch.
The Royal Ark Mariner Degree was also treated to a presentation on its history, its formation, and, how it came to be moored to the Mark. For both the Mark and the RAM, the presentations were given in a Lodge set up for this purpose with members of the Battlesbridge Lodge and Provincial officers taking the relevant offices, to showcase the similarities and unique differences to those in attendance.
The evening began with Battlesbridge holding their regular meetings and keeping the Mark Lodge set up in readiness for the 17 potential Candidates that had signed up to take a journey into the 3rd largest Masonic Order. After an introduction by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. John Finlay, it was W. Bro. Michael West in his capacity as the current Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies led the presentation and was assisted by W. Bro. Jack Saunders as an outgoing Provincial AGDC for the Mark.
The Brethren were taken through the history of the Mark as a Masonic entity beginning in 1856 and the formation of Mark Grand Lodge but also its relevance to the wider Masonic canon and the operative usage of a Masons Mark. This was brought together by a tour of the offices within a Mark Lodge, the symbolism and regalia of the Order, from the Grand officers in their dress and undress regalia, the Provincial officers, and finally an Installed Master and the regalia of a Mark Master.
The Royal Ark Mariner Degree was also treated to a presentation on its history, its formation, and, how it came to be moored to the Mark. For both the Mark and the RAM, the presentations were given in a Lodge set up for this purpose with members of the Battlesbridge Lodge and Provincial officers taking the relevant offices, to showcase the similarities and unique differences to those in attendance.
The evening began with Battlesbridge holding their regular meetings and keeping the Mark Lodge set up in readiness for the 17 potential Candidates that had signed up to take a journey into the 3rd largest Masonic Order. After an introduction by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. John Finlay, it was W. Bro. Michael West in his capacity as the current Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies led the presentation and was assisted by W. Bro. Jack Saunders as an outgoing Provincial AGDC for the Mark.
The Brethren were taken through the history of the Mark as a Masonic entity beginning in 1856 and the formation of Mark Grand Lodge but also its relevance to the wider Masonic canon and the operative usage of a Masons Mark. This was brought together by a tour of the offices within a Mark Lodge, the symbolism and regalia of the Order, from the Grand officers in their dress and undress regalia, the Provincial officers, and finally an Installed Master and the regalia of a Mark Master.
The Ceremony of Advancement was briefly discussed to whet the appetite and a short Q&A was left to close the Mark event. A Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was then set up and the presentation was again opened by the DepPGM, led by our Provincial DC but this time supported by W. Bro. Colin Kendrick. The history of the RAM was given, its relevance to the Mark explained and again the unique elements of the officers and its Ceremony without anything being given away, the true colour and beauty of the Degree left for the Elevation Ceremony itself.
There were a total of 40 Brethren in attendance, with almost half of those as Craft Brothers with an interest in learning more. They were treated to a buffet dinner with wine and the Mark Masters seated amongst them to answer any questions they had.
The evening was concluded with a further Q&A with the DepPGM and an overview of the Battlesbridge Mark and RAM Lodges, in particular, given by W. Bro. Jeffrey Conway in his usual majestic style. The success of the evening was in the number of attendees and the further proof will be in the future Advancement Ceremonies hosted by the Mark Lodges of Essex. On the evening, 6 of those in attendance have signed up for Advancement into the Mark, with many more enthused and considering which Mark Lodge to join.
The next awareness event will be held on the 2nd of April at the Kirby Cross Masonic centre under the banner of a cluster of the northern Mark Lodges. The event will be held in the morning and a full English breakfast at 10 am, followed by the event itself.
Guests that are not yet members of the Mark will dine free and bookings are to be made with W. Bro. John Stannard.
There were a total of 40 Brethren in attendance, with almost half of those as Craft Brothers with an interest in learning more. They were treated to a buffet dinner with wine and the Mark Masters seated amongst them to answer any questions they had.
The evening was concluded with a further Q&A with the DepPGM and an overview of the Battlesbridge Mark and RAM Lodges, in particular, given by W. Bro. Jeffrey Conway in his usual majestic style. The success of the evening was in the number of attendees and the further proof will be in the future Advancement Ceremonies hosted by the Mark Lodges of Essex. On the evening, 6 of those in attendance have signed up for Advancement into the Mark, with many more enthused and considering which Mark Lodge to join.
The next awareness event will be held on the 2nd of April at the Kirby Cross Masonic centre under the banner of a cluster of the northern Mark Lodges. The event will be held in the morning and a full English breakfast at 10 am, followed by the event itself.
Guests that are not yet members of the Mark will dine free and bookings are to be made with W. Bro. John Stannard.
Posted 27 March 22