Centurion Lodge of Mark Master Masons
4 February 2023
Fraternity Hall

The Centurion Lodge, No. 1804, like some other Lodges had been struggling with membership and, after discussion with members, contacted the Province to ask for assistance in saving the Lodge.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. John Finlay was tasked with the role and hatched a plan to save the Lodge. Working on the "Centurion" name and using the "Roman" connection, he looked at changing the meeting place and dates and re-purposing the Lodge as a "brunch Lodge".
So, on Saturday the 4th of February, the Lodge held its first meeting in its new venue of Fraternity Hall, Leigh on Sea. The new membership of the Lodge comprises of some of the existing membership, supplemented by new members from "the North".
The Lodge members assembled at 8 am to set up for the first meeting in its new home, and to cross the T’s and dot the I’s as it was due to welcome the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, accompanied by his Active Provincial Officers.
The Lodge was opened in due form by V.W. Bro. David Garston, who was the Primus Master back in the year 2000 when the Lodge was consecrated. The Prov.G.M entered with his retinue of Provincial Grand Officers and was welcomed by great acclaim from all present. The Prov.G.M. took the chair and introduced his accompanying Provincial Grand Officers, as his usual custom.
The main work of the day was to Advance Bro. Steve Bull. The Ceremony was carried out in an exemplary manner by the W.M., he was assisted by another Founding member of the Lodge, W.Bro. Terry Birdseye who gave a faultless explanation of the Signs and Secrets of the Degree.
Steve was in very safe hands, as the Dep.P.G.M., John Finlay, normally the Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge, acted as Senior Deacon, he was ably assisted by W.Bro. Peter Maloney as Junior Deacon, who managed to smile all day!! Steve was very nervous but really enjoyed the Ceremony and is looking forward to taking an active part in the Lodge. The Lodge also welcomed two Joining members, with a further 5 in the pipeline as well as two candidates for Advancement.
The Lodge donated £200 towards the forthcoming Wing Walk by the Provincial Grand Master.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. John Finlay was tasked with the role and hatched a plan to save the Lodge. Working on the "Centurion" name and using the "Roman" connection, he looked at changing the meeting place and dates and re-purposing the Lodge as a "brunch Lodge".
So, on Saturday the 4th of February, the Lodge held its first meeting in its new venue of Fraternity Hall, Leigh on Sea. The new membership of the Lodge comprises of some of the existing membership, supplemented by new members from "the North".
The Lodge members assembled at 8 am to set up for the first meeting in its new home, and to cross the T’s and dot the I’s as it was due to welcome the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, accompanied by his Active Provincial Officers.
The Lodge was opened in due form by V.W. Bro. David Garston, who was the Primus Master back in the year 2000 when the Lodge was consecrated. The Prov.G.M entered with his retinue of Provincial Grand Officers and was welcomed by great acclaim from all present. The Prov.G.M. took the chair and introduced his accompanying Provincial Grand Officers, as his usual custom.
The main work of the day was to Advance Bro. Steve Bull. The Ceremony was carried out in an exemplary manner by the W.M., he was assisted by another Founding member of the Lodge, W.Bro. Terry Birdseye who gave a faultless explanation of the Signs and Secrets of the Degree.
Steve was in very safe hands, as the Dep.P.G.M., John Finlay, normally the Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge, acted as Senior Deacon, he was ably assisted by W.Bro. Peter Maloney as Junior Deacon, who managed to smile all day!! Steve was very nervous but really enjoyed the Ceremony and is looking forward to taking an active part in the Lodge. The Lodge also welcomed two Joining members, with a further 5 in the pipeline as well as two candidates for Advancement.
The Lodge donated £200 towards the forthcoming Wing Walk by the Provincial Grand Master.

Once the meeting was closed, 46 Brethren retired to the Festive Board full English “Brunch”. This was, some believe the main reason for the Prov.G.M’s visit as he is very keen on fried bread!
The Festive Board was a very lively and friendly event with the raffle raising £250.
The Brethren parted company before midday with all looking forward to their next meeting in April.
The Lodge has a couple of unique selling points, firstly it is the only Saturday brunch Lodge in the Province. Secondly, the Lodge name “Centurion” is taken as the theme of the Lodge, with some aspects of the ancient Roman Centurion to be woven into the procedural workings, the festive board and the Tyler's Toast.
The Lodge meets on Saturday mornings in January, April, and July, ideal for those who struggle to attend weekday meetings and the early start allows members to be home early to attend to family weekend life.
If you would like more information on this unique Lodge, please contact their Secretary by email:centsec1804@gmail.
The Festive Board was a very lively and friendly event with the raffle raising £250.
The Brethren parted company before midday with all looking forward to their next meeting in April.
The Lodge has a couple of unique selling points, firstly it is the only Saturday brunch Lodge in the Province. Secondly, the Lodge name “Centurion” is taken as the theme of the Lodge, with some aspects of the ancient Roman Centurion to be woven into the procedural workings, the festive board and the Tyler's Toast.
The Lodge meets on Saturday mornings in January, April, and July, ideal for those who struggle to attend weekday meetings and the early start allows members to be home early to attend to family weekend life.
If you would like more information on this unique Lodge, please contact their Secretary by email:centsec1804@gmail.
Posted on 12/02/23