West Ham Lodge of M.M.M. No.467
Wednesday 25 October 2023

An exciting event for West Ham Mark Lodge saw a triple advancement on Wednesday 25 October, in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master and his Executive.
Opening the Lodge, the Worshipful Master, Steve McConnell welcomed all attending, and especially the large number of visitors.
The Provincial Grand Master entered with his Executive and took the gavel and chair for a short time. Having been previously reminded by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies not to forget to introduce his Deputy, W. Bro. John Finlay, as he had unfortunately done so on an earlier occasion, R. W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern introduced each attending member of the Executive in turn.
The highlight of the agenda saw a triple advancement of new members Ian Weller, Steve Chambers and Steve Vinton.
It was clear that a great deal of work had gone in to making the advancement run smoothly, including the re-writing of several items to ensure that all candidates enjoyed the ceremony. The Advancements were split in a different manner, but it worked and was enjoyable for all.
With at least a further 4 applicants waiting to join West ham, it’s possible that an equally enjoyable meeting will be considered in the future.
After the proclamation of Steve McConnell for a second year as Master, the officers were invested, and the business moved on.
W.Bro. Roy Kaye, a visiting stalwart of so many Lodges, was elected to be an Honorary Member of the Lodge in recognition of the service that he has given to West Ham Lodge over the years.
The Provincial Grand Master was then called upon to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Peter Wigley and was surprised to discover that the GL Certificate for the IPM, W. Bro. Robin Fletcher had surfaced. It was prepared in 2014 but was never presented. So here we had a genuine reason to compare the current certificate with the older versions.
All accomplished by the P.G.M. in his usual style to the appreciation of the two brethren concerned.
Opening the Lodge, the Worshipful Master, Steve McConnell welcomed all attending, and especially the large number of visitors.
The Provincial Grand Master entered with his Executive and took the gavel and chair for a short time. Having been previously reminded by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies not to forget to introduce his Deputy, W. Bro. John Finlay, as he had unfortunately done so on an earlier occasion, R. W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern introduced each attending member of the Executive in turn.
The highlight of the agenda saw a triple advancement of new members Ian Weller, Steve Chambers and Steve Vinton.
It was clear that a great deal of work had gone in to making the advancement run smoothly, including the re-writing of several items to ensure that all candidates enjoyed the ceremony. The Advancements were split in a different manner, but it worked and was enjoyable for all.
With at least a further 4 applicants waiting to join West ham, it’s possible that an equally enjoyable meeting will be considered in the future.
After the proclamation of Steve McConnell for a second year as Master, the officers were invested, and the business moved on.
W.Bro. Roy Kaye, a visiting stalwart of so many Lodges, was elected to be an Honorary Member of the Lodge in recognition of the service that he has given to West Ham Lodge over the years.
The Provincial Grand Master was then called upon to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Peter Wigley and was surprised to discover that the GL Certificate for the IPM, W. Bro. Robin Fletcher had surfaced. It was prepared in 2014 but was never presented. So here we had a genuine reason to compare the current certificate with the older versions.
All accomplished by the P.G.M. in his usual style to the appreciation of the two brethren concerned.
There followed an extremely enjoyable festive board, with all toasts being given and received to the enjoyment of all.
Posted on 02/11/23