2021 Provincial Grand Officers' Mess
Friday 25th of November saw 90 Grand and Provincial Grand Officers gather at The Hutton Masonic Hall Mount Avenue, Hutton, Brentwood, Essex.
It was the first Officers Mess in two years due to Covid Restrictions. As is the usual custom, all enjoyed a chat over a few drinks in the bar before the meal. The Brethren sat down to a very enjoyable meal, with the Executive doing a "round robin" and sitting on a different table per course and chatting to all members, making for a very pleasant evening.
At the conclusion of the meal, the President from 2019, W.Bro. Ranjit Bhogal, the Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden, welcomed all the brethren to the evening and was pleased to propose a toast to the President W.Bro. Norman Eastbrook, MBE.
W.Bro. Norman took the opportunity of addressing the Brethren and details of his address are available below. He then went on to propose the toast to our Provincial Grand Master which was met with acclaim.
The Prov.G.M., in his response, reminded all of the ongoing initiatives in Essex as well as updating all on upcoming events. As is the usual custom, he also took the opportunity to announce the names of the next Provincial Wardens as well as his nomination for Grand Steward. Notes from his address are available below.
After having enjoyed a fine four course meal with wine, the brethren retired to the bar to congratulate the Prov.G.M.'s choosen men.