Essex Enthroned Commanders & Essex Installed Mark Masters No. 1044.
Saxon Hall
Tuesday 15th March 2022
Saxon Hall in Southend was host once again for the dual meetings of the Essex Enthroned Commanders and Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1044, which met on Tuesday the 15th of March. Both meetings were honoured with the presence of Right Worshipful Brother Terence D. Sheern, his Deputy W.Bro John Finlay, and the Assistants, V.W. Bro. Mark Reeve and W. Bro. Richard Goodwin. Also in attendance was R.W. Bro. Tom Quinn, Provincial Grand Master for London.
The day began with the Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. John Finlay, DepPGM, opened the Lodge in fine form. He then welcomed W. Bro. Michael West as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies so that he could escort R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern into the Lodge. The ProvGM entered in procession and took the Commander's Chair to open a Provincial Grand Assembly. The ProvGM requested his Provincial officers to take their place within a Provincial Grand Assembly and this was duly opened.
The business of the meeting was to invest those Brethren receiving Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank and this was duly undertaken by the ProvGM who thanked the Brethren for their continued hard work. The Provincial Grand Assembly was then closed and the business of the Enthroned Commanders Lodge was carried out. The Election of Commander resulted in W.Bro. Robert Neal being Elected as the next Commander of the Lodge and will be Installed in September. The Lodge was closed and those assembled readied themselves for a short break before the Mark.
The Brethren were returned to the Temple for the opening of the Essex Mark Installed Masters Lodge. The business of the day then began. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Derek Manister having served two years as Master was presented with W.Bro. David Awcock, Master Elect and in need of Installation.
The Master carried out the Installation and W.Bro. Awcock was placed into the Chair of Adoniram. The Installing Master rendered the Address to the Master eloquently and the Master began the process of Appointing and Investing his officers, in readiness for the year ahead with a new Chaplain, Secretary, and Director of Ceremonies. The Addresses to the Wardens and Overseers were rendered and the Brethren were treated to V.W.Bro. Mark Reeve addressing them, which concluded the Installation portion of the meeting.
The Secretary reminded those present that the Provincial meeting is to be held on Wednesday the 1st of June at Felsted School and the next meeting of the ‘1044’ will be on Thursday the 8th of September and the Provincial Officers Mess will be held at the Hutton Masonic Centre on Friday the 4th of November.
The remainder of the business was completed and the festive board was supported by 130 Brethren remaining to dine. To close out the day, the Master stood and thanked the ProvGM and the Brethren assembled for their trust in his ability to lead the year. He remarked that looking down the list of Masters of 1044 that he was now part of Essex Provincial history, taking his place amongst the prominent names of decades past, and that he would do his best to be worthy of that privilege.
The day began with the Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. John Finlay, DepPGM, opened the Lodge in fine form. He then welcomed W. Bro. Michael West as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies so that he could escort R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern into the Lodge. The ProvGM entered in procession and took the Commander's Chair to open a Provincial Grand Assembly. The ProvGM requested his Provincial officers to take their place within a Provincial Grand Assembly and this was duly opened.
The business of the meeting was to invest those Brethren receiving Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank and this was duly undertaken by the ProvGM who thanked the Brethren for their continued hard work. The Provincial Grand Assembly was then closed and the business of the Enthroned Commanders Lodge was carried out. The Election of Commander resulted in W.Bro. Robert Neal being Elected as the next Commander of the Lodge and will be Installed in September. The Lodge was closed and those assembled readied themselves for a short break before the Mark.
The Brethren were returned to the Temple for the opening of the Essex Mark Installed Masters Lodge. The business of the day then began. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Derek Manister having served two years as Master was presented with W.Bro. David Awcock, Master Elect and in need of Installation.
The Master carried out the Installation and W.Bro. Awcock was placed into the Chair of Adoniram. The Installing Master rendered the Address to the Master eloquently and the Master began the process of Appointing and Investing his officers, in readiness for the year ahead with a new Chaplain, Secretary, and Director of Ceremonies. The Addresses to the Wardens and Overseers were rendered and the Brethren were treated to V.W.Bro. Mark Reeve addressing them, which concluded the Installation portion of the meeting.
The Secretary reminded those present that the Provincial meeting is to be held on Wednesday the 1st of June at Felsted School and the next meeting of the ‘1044’ will be on Thursday the 8th of September and the Provincial Officers Mess will be held at the Hutton Masonic Centre on Friday the 4th of November.
The remainder of the business was completed and the festive board was supported by 130 Brethren remaining to dine. To close out the day, the Master stood and thanked the ProvGM and the Brethren assembled for their trust in his ability to lead the year. He remarked that looking down the list of Masters of 1044 that he was now part of Essex Provincial history, taking his place amongst the prominent names of decades past, and that he would do his best to be worthy of that privilege.