Mark Meetings Resume with
The Mark of True Friendship Lodge, No.1480
The first Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodge meetings to take place in Essex after the suspension of Masonic activity took place on Tuesday 2nd of September with both the Lodge of True Friendship RAM & Mark meeting at their home venue of Saxon Hall, Southend. The Mark of True Friendship Lodges held their meetings with reduced numbers, which is to be expected given the current Covid-19 situation.
These were primarily business meetings, but it did not prevent the eight Brethren present from enjoying their Masonry and donning their regalia. The meetings were fully compliant with current Government and Grand Lodge regulations.
The Royal Ark Mariner Lodge saw W.Bro. Andy Hurrell acting as Commander with all Brethren filling in as offices as required. After the business of the RAM Lodge was completed, the Mark Lodge was opened with Andy Hurrell finding himself acting as Worshipful Master, and they competed the business from their cancelled May meeting. All of the Brethren then posed for a photograph to mark the first meeting in the Province before parting company in renewed spirits looking forward to the year ahead.
Mark Well Mark of True Friendship Lodge!
These were primarily business meetings, but it did not prevent the eight Brethren present from enjoying their Masonry and donning their regalia. The meetings were fully compliant with current Government and Grand Lodge regulations.
The Royal Ark Mariner Lodge saw W.Bro. Andy Hurrell acting as Commander with all Brethren filling in as offices as required. After the business of the RAM Lodge was completed, the Mark Lodge was opened with Andy Hurrell finding himself acting as Worshipful Master, and they competed the business from their cancelled May meeting. All of the Brethren then posed for a photograph to mark the first meeting in the Province before parting company in renewed spirits looking forward to the year ahead.
Mark Well Mark of True Friendship Lodge!