Aurelius Lodge of Mark Masters No.814
14 April 2023
This year's Installation meetings for Aurelius Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodges were honored by a visit from the Provincial Grand Master accompanied by his active Officers.
The Mariner Lodge was opened first by its Commander W.Bro. Les Morgan, who then proceeded to Install Brother Alan Penney as Commander. Alan suffers from “young onset multi-infract dementia” and finds ritual difficult at times, but the members of Aurelius Lodge intend to assist him as much as possible. The Address to the Commander was carried out by W.Bro. Ken Headworth, who aged 89 years young shows no sign of sitting back.
Once the Mariner Lodge closed, the visitors retired to the bar, whilst the Temple was prepared for the Mark Installation meeting.
The Mariner Lodge was opened first by its Commander W.Bro. Les Morgan, who then proceeded to Install Brother Alan Penney as Commander. Alan suffers from “young onset multi-infract dementia” and finds ritual difficult at times, but the members of Aurelius Lodge intend to assist him as much as possible. The Address to the Commander was carried out by W.Bro. Ken Headworth, who aged 89 years young shows no sign of sitting back.
Once the Mariner Lodge closed, the visitors retired to the bar, whilst the Temple was prepared for the Mark Installation meeting.
The meeting was opened by W.Bro. Ivan Bruce in fine form and once the minutes had been confirmed, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern entered accompanied by his Active Officers.
The Worshipful Master offered the Prov.G.M the Gavel, who gladly accepted and then went onto introduce his Officers to everyone. He then gave the gavel back to Ivan.
The Travelling Maul was then presented to the Master by W.Bro. Robert Neal and Glen Remblance from Grays Thurrock Lodge.
The Installation Ceremony for Brother Walter Pasiful then took place with several of the Lodge assisting the Worshipful Master, with the Inner Working completed in a fine manner by by W.Bro. Tony King.
The Worshipful Master offered the Prov.G.M the Gavel, who gladly accepted and then went onto introduce his Officers to everyone. He then gave the gavel back to Ivan.
The Travelling Maul was then presented to the Master by W.Bro. Robert Neal and Glen Remblance from Grays Thurrock Lodge.
The Installation Ceremony for Brother Walter Pasiful then took place with several of the Lodge assisting the Worshipful Master, with the Inner Working completed in a fine manner by by W.Bro. Tony King.
Posted on 01/05/23