The Provincial Grand Master Visits Royal Oak Tree Mark and RAM, No. 1244
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Terence Sheern, escorted by The ProvGrDC, WBro John Finlay, and accompanied by a number of Provincial Grand Officers was delighted to add to his already busy schedule and attend the meetings of the Royal Oak Tree RAM and Mark Lodges on Tuesday, 9th October. The meeting was added as a result of the hard work and enthusiasm in that Lodge from members in turning their fortunes around and increasing their number, in addition, there was to be a name change to the Lodge of which more later..
Earlier this year, W.Bro Mark Reeve, APGM had attended their meetings where two new members were advanced into the Mark Lodge. Details of three more potential candidates were given at that meeting who were to be Advanced later in that year.
In recognition of all the hard work put in by the Brethren, RWBro Sheern added this meeting to his schedule to reinforce the support that he and his Provincial Officers officers could give back in return.
We began the evening with a meeting of the RAM Lodge where we saw a fine Installation carried out by W.Bro. Latchman as Installing Commander of W.Bro. Bhogal who, we suspect, is hoping some new blood can be found for the future, but these are truly, two Lodges re energising and looking to the future.
The Mark meeting began with a relatively uncommon event; The Royal Oak Tree Lodge of MMMs had petitioned for, and been granted a name change to The Khalsa Royal Oak Tree Lodge of MMMs, No. 1244 and the explanatory document is reproduced below. The Declaration from Grand Lodge on the Warrant authorising the name change was read by the Provincial Deputy Grand Secretary before being formally presented to the Lodge by the Provincial Grand Master.
The "new" Lodge then proceeded to Advance a further two new brethren into Mark Masonry (that's four in one year and there are many Lodges that would be pleased to do the same and not many that do!) in a splendid Ceremony performed by
WBro. Latchman and his Lodge with just a little help from three Acting Provincial Officers and, in particular, the two Brethren Advanced earlier that year who took on the roles of Senior and Junior Overseer in an impressive display of Ceremony for two such young Brethren.
It was truly a fine, enthusiastic and heartfelt Ceremony carried out in the finest traditions of Mark Masonry and to the enjoyment of all present.
Now, more on the name change. The Royal Oak Tree Lodge had been in some decline for a number of years and, with dwindling numbers, the potential end of the Lodge was contemplated. One member, WBro. Rangit Singh Bhogal, whose infectious smile and boundless enthusiasm are known and admired by all who know him, was determined not to let it happen. With some further determination from others, from a small acorn grew another mighty oak tree! As the original one preserved and protected a King, the new Khalsa Royal Oak Tree Lodge has, we trust, preserved and protected a Mark Lodge for many a year to come. So far the RAM Lodge has not adopted the new name but, when you read the attached paper I'm sure all Royal Ark Mariners will notice a real similarity between the ideals of Khalsa and the five Cardinal Virtues that are explained in the meaning of the 9 steps.