Stilus et Denarius Lodge No. 1735
The Stilus et Denarius, (Secretaries and Treasurers) Lodge exists as a forum for those Lodge officers, from both Mark and RAM Lodges, to meet and exchange views, information and knowledge.
It meets at various venues across Essex and is a non dining Lodge; members pay a small annual subscription of £55 and pay for dining on attendance.
The Lodge is an excellent forum for the experienced and the new Secretary and Treasurer alike, new appointees will have a chance to learn much from the former in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.
The Provincial Grand Secretary is a member and always takes the opportunity to update the brethren on matters of note, procedure and accuracy.
All Secretaries and Treasurers are encouraged to join or, in the first place, attend as a guest.
Details are available from W. Bro. Andy Sylvester, Lodge Secretary, whose contact details are on the Members Only pages.
It meets at various venues across Essex and is a non dining Lodge; members pay a small annual subscription of £55 and pay for dining on attendance.
The Lodge is an excellent forum for the experienced and the new Secretary and Treasurer alike, new appointees will have a chance to learn much from the former in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.
The Provincial Grand Secretary is a member and always takes the opportunity to update the brethren on matters of note, procedure and accuracy.
All Secretaries and Treasurers are encouraged to join or, in the first place, attend as a guest.
Details are available from W. Bro. Andy Sylvester, Lodge Secretary, whose contact details are on the Members Only pages.