Address to the Brethren - PGL 2024
Prov.G.M R.W.Bro. John Finlay
Brethren, I must say how delighted I am to see so many of you here at this, my first annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge as Provincial Grand Master. I do hope that you enjoyed the meeting this morning presided over by the Pro Grand Master in such an excellent manner, and of course your lunch.
It has given me great pleasure on behalf of the Province to invest the recipients of Provincial Grand Rank this afternoon and I do congratulate them most sincerely. Brethren, I hope this day has been as special to you as it has been to me. Provincial Grand Rank comes with responsibility as well as kudos, it is incumbent on you to go back to your Lodges and offer assistance, support and inspiration to your Lodge and it’s members particularly the newer ones. By doing this we can all help to create a happy and successful Lodge and in turn a vibrant Province.
To the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master’s, congratulations. I do look forward to working with you.. I am confident you will greatly assist me by utilizing all of your considerable skills and abilities, and together as a team we will serve the province well.
We now have a completely new Provincial Secretariat, congratulations to them all. Brethren unless you have been involved in these roles at a Provincial level you have no idea how much work is required, Brethren, thank you for taking on these responsible roles, I know the Province is in safe hands.
Brethren, At the annual investiture meeting of Grand Lodge to be held on the 11th of next month, the Most Worshipful Grand Master will as usual appoint and invest the Acting Grand Officers, and bestow first appointments to Grand Rank. It gives me much pleasure to inform you that Essex has several Brethren receiving acting and first appointments.
Already appointed as Grand Secretary R.W.Bro, Dan Heath.
To be Appointed to Acting Grand Rank.
W.Bro Tony Goater as a Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro Derek Mersch to Asst Grand Secretary
And appointed as a Grand Steward: our new Asst.Prov.G.M. W.Bro. Geoff Newman.
W.Bro Paul Busby will be re-appointed as Grand Tyler.
And First appointment to Grand Rank
as a P.A.G.D.C. W. Bro Rob Sandy, our own Grand Secretary.
W.Bro Phil Richardson, our Dep.G.D.C. as P.A.G.Swd.B.
W. Bro. Robin Morley as P.G.St.B.
W.Bro. Bob Crow as P.A.G.Std.B.
And at the September meeting of Grand Lodge W. Bro Richard Goodwin our Dep.Prov.G.M. will be promoted to P.G.J.O. who by his promotion will become a Very Worshipful Brother.
I also take the opportunity to congratulate those Brethren whom the Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank last December together with those Brethren R.W.Bro Sheern had the pleasure of investing with Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank at the meeting of The Essex Enthroned Commanders Lodge in March.
I am sure Brethren that you will join me in giving those Brethren our heartiest congratulations on their promotions and preferments.
Brethren I mentioned a little earlier the responsibility attached to holding Provincial Grand Rank, however the responsibility that comes with Grand Rank is even greater. Grand Officers are expected to be the best leaders, counsellors, and set the best example of everything that is good to their brethren and fellows. I expect no less.
Brethren the last year has been another busy year for our Province, culminating at the end of November when we held another successful Provincial Grand Officers’ mess to say farewell to my predecessor R.W. Bro Terry Sheern. The turnout was first class and the mess was presided over in an exemplary manner by W. Bro Geoff Waddoups the Prov.G.J.W.
In mentioning R.W. Bro Terry it is only right and proper that I acknowledge the debt we owe to him. I shall start by saying that if it was not for the 20 plus years that R.W.Bro Terry spent as an active officer, which included his time as Provincial Grand Master, the Province would be a much different place. The strong leadership and the direction he took us only ever led to success. His dedication, guidance and support has been an inspiration to us all and he will be a hard act to follow. It is clear that the Province is as strong and successful as it is because of his leadership and personality.
I would also like to express my personal thanks to him for all the help, guidance and friendship that he has given to me over the 8 years or so that I served him in various capacities. I am sure he will always be there for advice and support in the years to come and I look forward to him rejoining us in the future.
A number of other Brethren also left office today, to all of those officers standing down today, I say thank you for your work and commitment during your time in office. I hope you enjoyed the experience and I know you will support those appointed in your place today. It was never my intention to come into office with a new broom and sweep away success for no good reason. However, I intend to carry on with one of our principle tenets, that of giving anyone who wishes to experience high office within the Province the opportunity, and to allow this to happen vacancies need to be made for them to fill.
Brethren, looking ahead every new Provincial Grand Master brings with him his own ideas for change and improvement, and of course has his own personality, which will ultimately reflect how the Province is shaped. I do not intend to unpick the good work done by my predecessor R.W.Bro Terry, much of which I have had a hand in as both a Deputy and Assistant PGM.
The Active Provincial officers will continue to be invited to accompany me on my official visits around the Province. I believe active officers should be just that, their involvement gives a purpose to being appointed to an active rank. By accompanying me around the Province they will gain invaluable experience and their presence will add to the sense of occasion for both them and the Lodges we visit. For many of our smaller Lodges the occasion of such a visit brings so much to their meeting in terms of both enjoyment and purpose.
The Cluster meeting held annually in the North of the Province will continue, they have been such great occasions in the past I could not let them slip. I am pleased to announce that the next Northern cluster meeting will be hosted by the Naze Tower Lodge of MMM at Kirby Cross on the 19th of February 2025, brethren please try to support both the Lodge and the Province on this occasion.
The annual Provincial Grand Officers Mess will continue to be held. I intend to see the venue for this event shared equally around the geographical areas of the Province. Last year we held the mess in Colchester and this year the mess is going to be held at the Hutton Masonic Hall on Friday, 27th November, please try to support the evening if you can.
The 20230 festival committee will continue to run many and new and exciting events in the coming year and I urge you to support them where and when you can, Please continue to monitor the website and our e-mailings for news of future events. Without your support we cannot make a success of it.
Brethren I better than anyone else am aware we have some Lodges who have found recruitment of candidates difficult and have struggled with the issues that come from this unwanted predicament. Of course the Pandemic and subsequent economic problems have not helped. It is easy to lose heart when the Lodge is struggling, and meetings become dull, and it is difficult to see a purpose to them. In my experience when a Lodge finds itself in such a position, and begins to broach the subject of their travails their first thought is to consider surrendering its warrant, this should not be so, There is much that can be done.
You will all have heard of or read about the success we have had in reinvigorating some of our Lodges, these once broken Lodges are now vibrant fun places to be, new members want to join these Lodges. Take some time to visit one of these Lodges and see for yourself the success in action, I am sure you will be most warmly welcomed, and find ideas freely shared.
Our successful and innovative Mark Awareness Events have produced many new members for the order here in Essex, the successful introduction of the “Magic of the Mark” advertising has sparked a new interest among our Craft and Royal Arch brethren, use the tools we provide and with some imagination and hard work you too can benefit. Supporting the Mark Awareness programme and becoming a vocal advocate for the order can only reap reward.
Brethren, There is a new flourishing relationship between our own Mark Grand Lodge and the U.G.L.E, one of co-operation and an understanding that all the orders in Freemasonry have a place in ensuring that our beloved Freemasonry remains the strong fraternity that it is. Without the Craft we in the Mark and other Companion Orders cannot continue to remain the bright, vibrant, enthusiastic organizations that we have become. You are the best advocates for the Mark, so continue to educate your Craft colleagues and invite them to join us, so as they may get the opportunity to enjoy the “Magic of the Mark” as much as we do.
Brethren meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge take a tremendous amount of planning, commitment and hard work, particularly on an occasion such as today when there is also the Installation and Investiture of a new Provincial Grand Master, and of course a new venue.
I would therefore like to express my particular thanks to the Provincial secretariat and ceremonial teams for the enormous amount of time and effort they have given to ensuring that our meetings today have run so smoothly.
I would also like to thank all of those involved in the stewarding, furniture removal, photography and information teams for giving up their time to ensure everything was put in place and gave us all a wonderful time to remember.
Brethren lastly, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to both the Presiding officer, V.W.Bro John Jacobson and the Deputy Presiding Officer V.W.Bro Richard Bowyer for agreeing to assist in today’s proceedings, unfortunately I didn't get to see them in their full resplendent glory but I am sure they were both as proud as I am today. Thank you John and Richard.
Brethren the Province has entered into a new chapter of its life today with a new team and with a slightly different approach but still intending to remain true to the ancient landmarks of our order. Brethren I recognize that I am privileged to be your Provincial Grand Master, and I pledge to you that I will do all that I can to maintain the high reputation of this Mark Province of Essex and to serve you to the best of my skill and ability.
And finally, once Provincial Grand Lodge is closed, you are all welcome to join me, and the other members of the Provincial executive on the terrace for a well-earned drink! Thank you.
It has given me great pleasure on behalf of the Province to invest the recipients of Provincial Grand Rank this afternoon and I do congratulate them most sincerely. Brethren, I hope this day has been as special to you as it has been to me. Provincial Grand Rank comes with responsibility as well as kudos, it is incumbent on you to go back to your Lodges and offer assistance, support and inspiration to your Lodge and it’s members particularly the newer ones. By doing this we can all help to create a happy and successful Lodge and in turn a vibrant Province.
To the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master’s, congratulations. I do look forward to working with you.. I am confident you will greatly assist me by utilizing all of your considerable skills and abilities, and together as a team we will serve the province well.
We now have a completely new Provincial Secretariat, congratulations to them all. Brethren unless you have been involved in these roles at a Provincial level you have no idea how much work is required, Brethren, thank you for taking on these responsible roles, I know the Province is in safe hands.
Brethren, At the annual investiture meeting of Grand Lodge to be held on the 11th of next month, the Most Worshipful Grand Master will as usual appoint and invest the Acting Grand Officers, and bestow first appointments to Grand Rank. It gives me much pleasure to inform you that Essex has several Brethren receiving acting and first appointments.
Already appointed as Grand Secretary R.W.Bro, Dan Heath.
To be Appointed to Acting Grand Rank.
W.Bro Tony Goater as a Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro Derek Mersch to Asst Grand Secretary
And appointed as a Grand Steward: our new Asst.Prov.G.M. W.Bro. Geoff Newman.
W.Bro Paul Busby will be re-appointed as Grand Tyler.
And First appointment to Grand Rank
as a P.A.G.D.C. W. Bro Rob Sandy, our own Grand Secretary.
W.Bro Phil Richardson, our Dep.G.D.C. as P.A.G.Swd.B.
W. Bro. Robin Morley as P.G.St.B.
W.Bro. Bob Crow as P.A.G.Std.B.
And at the September meeting of Grand Lodge W. Bro Richard Goodwin our Dep.Prov.G.M. will be promoted to P.G.J.O. who by his promotion will become a Very Worshipful Brother.
I also take the opportunity to congratulate those Brethren whom the Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank last December together with those Brethren R.W.Bro Sheern had the pleasure of investing with Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank at the meeting of The Essex Enthroned Commanders Lodge in March.
I am sure Brethren that you will join me in giving those Brethren our heartiest congratulations on their promotions and preferments.
Brethren I mentioned a little earlier the responsibility attached to holding Provincial Grand Rank, however the responsibility that comes with Grand Rank is even greater. Grand Officers are expected to be the best leaders, counsellors, and set the best example of everything that is good to their brethren and fellows. I expect no less.
Brethren the last year has been another busy year for our Province, culminating at the end of November when we held another successful Provincial Grand Officers’ mess to say farewell to my predecessor R.W. Bro Terry Sheern. The turnout was first class and the mess was presided over in an exemplary manner by W. Bro Geoff Waddoups the Prov.G.J.W.
In mentioning R.W. Bro Terry it is only right and proper that I acknowledge the debt we owe to him. I shall start by saying that if it was not for the 20 plus years that R.W.Bro Terry spent as an active officer, which included his time as Provincial Grand Master, the Province would be a much different place. The strong leadership and the direction he took us only ever led to success. His dedication, guidance and support has been an inspiration to us all and he will be a hard act to follow. It is clear that the Province is as strong and successful as it is because of his leadership and personality.
I would also like to express my personal thanks to him for all the help, guidance and friendship that he has given to me over the 8 years or so that I served him in various capacities. I am sure he will always be there for advice and support in the years to come and I look forward to him rejoining us in the future.
A number of other Brethren also left office today, to all of those officers standing down today, I say thank you for your work and commitment during your time in office. I hope you enjoyed the experience and I know you will support those appointed in your place today. It was never my intention to come into office with a new broom and sweep away success for no good reason. However, I intend to carry on with one of our principle tenets, that of giving anyone who wishes to experience high office within the Province the opportunity, and to allow this to happen vacancies need to be made for them to fill.
Brethren, looking ahead every new Provincial Grand Master brings with him his own ideas for change and improvement, and of course has his own personality, which will ultimately reflect how the Province is shaped. I do not intend to unpick the good work done by my predecessor R.W.Bro Terry, much of which I have had a hand in as both a Deputy and Assistant PGM.
The Active Provincial officers will continue to be invited to accompany me on my official visits around the Province. I believe active officers should be just that, their involvement gives a purpose to being appointed to an active rank. By accompanying me around the Province they will gain invaluable experience and their presence will add to the sense of occasion for both them and the Lodges we visit. For many of our smaller Lodges the occasion of such a visit brings so much to their meeting in terms of both enjoyment and purpose.
The Cluster meeting held annually in the North of the Province will continue, they have been such great occasions in the past I could not let them slip. I am pleased to announce that the next Northern cluster meeting will be hosted by the Naze Tower Lodge of MMM at Kirby Cross on the 19th of February 2025, brethren please try to support both the Lodge and the Province on this occasion.
The annual Provincial Grand Officers Mess will continue to be held. I intend to see the venue for this event shared equally around the geographical areas of the Province. Last year we held the mess in Colchester and this year the mess is going to be held at the Hutton Masonic Hall on Friday, 27th November, please try to support the evening if you can.
The 20230 festival committee will continue to run many and new and exciting events in the coming year and I urge you to support them where and when you can, Please continue to monitor the website and our e-mailings for news of future events. Without your support we cannot make a success of it.
Brethren I better than anyone else am aware we have some Lodges who have found recruitment of candidates difficult and have struggled with the issues that come from this unwanted predicament. Of course the Pandemic and subsequent economic problems have not helped. It is easy to lose heart when the Lodge is struggling, and meetings become dull, and it is difficult to see a purpose to them. In my experience when a Lodge finds itself in such a position, and begins to broach the subject of their travails their first thought is to consider surrendering its warrant, this should not be so, There is much that can be done.
You will all have heard of or read about the success we have had in reinvigorating some of our Lodges, these once broken Lodges are now vibrant fun places to be, new members want to join these Lodges. Take some time to visit one of these Lodges and see for yourself the success in action, I am sure you will be most warmly welcomed, and find ideas freely shared.
Our successful and innovative Mark Awareness Events have produced many new members for the order here in Essex, the successful introduction of the “Magic of the Mark” advertising has sparked a new interest among our Craft and Royal Arch brethren, use the tools we provide and with some imagination and hard work you too can benefit. Supporting the Mark Awareness programme and becoming a vocal advocate for the order can only reap reward.
Brethren, There is a new flourishing relationship between our own Mark Grand Lodge and the U.G.L.E, one of co-operation and an understanding that all the orders in Freemasonry have a place in ensuring that our beloved Freemasonry remains the strong fraternity that it is. Without the Craft we in the Mark and other Companion Orders cannot continue to remain the bright, vibrant, enthusiastic organizations that we have become. You are the best advocates for the Mark, so continue to educate your Craft colleagues and invite them to join us, so as they may get the opportunity to enjoy the “Magic of the Mark” as much as we do.
Brethren meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge take a tremendous amount of planning, commitment and hard work, particularly on an occasion such as today when there is also the Installation and Investiture of a new Provincial Grand Master, and of course a new venue.
I would therefore like to express my particular thanks to the Provincial secretariat and ceremonial teams for the enormous amount of time and effort they have given to ensuring that our meetings today have run so smoothly.
I would also like to thank all of those involved in the stewarding, furniture removal, photography and information teams for giving up their time to ensure everything was put in place and gave us all a wonderful time to remember.
Brethren lastly, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to both the Presiding officer, V.W.Bro John Jacobson and the Deputy Presiding Officer V.W.Bro Richard Bowyer for agreeing to assist in today’s proceedings, unfortunately I didn't get to see them in their full resplendent glory but I am sure they were both as proud as I am today. Thank you John and Richard.
Brethren the Province has entered into a new chapter of its life today with a new team and with a slightly different approach but still intending to remain true to the ancient landmarks of our order. Brethren I recognize that I am privileged to be your Provincial Grand Master, and I pledge to you that I will do all that I can to maintain the high reputation of this Mark Province of Essex and to serve you to the best of my skill and ability.
And finally, once Provincial Grand Lodge is closed, you are all welcome to join me, and the other members of the Provincial executive on the terrace for a well-earned drink! Thank you.
Posted 05/06/24