Northern Cluster Meeting Report
Thursday, 19th of September saw the annual “Northern Cluster” meeting held at the fascinating and historic Harwich Masonic Centre. It was hosted by the St. Nicholas Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 413. There were, however, members of 21 different Essex Lodges as well as all the Northern ones; a fantastic effort and a record so far.
With the Lodge opened, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern, was received; accompanied by a number of Acting Provincial Officers which included the DPGM, V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer and our new APGM, W.Bro. John Finlay.
The W.M. offered the PGM the Masters’ Chair and gavel which was graciously accepted and the PGM took the opportunity to welcome everyone and introduce his Provincial Officers as well as two Essex Brethren holding Acting Office in Grand Lodge, they being W.Bro. Fred Sander, Grand Asst. Std.Bearer and W.Bro. Glen Remblance, Grand Steward.
The PGM then handed the Chair back over to the W.M. and the Lodge business begun. The highlight of the evening being the Advancement of Stephen Fuller, a Past Master of the Star in the East Lodge in Harwich. As this was a Cluster Meeting, the various offices and ritual were shared between not just St. Nicholas, but also the Aurelius, Beriffe and Naze Tower Lodges.
The Ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner all involved, with special mention to W.Bro. Bob Crowe who gave the explanation of The Signs and to W.Bro. Rodney Osbourne who delivered the In Conclusion address.
The PGM took the opportunity to welcome Steve into Mark Masonry and the Province of Essex.
The W.M. later presented a cheque for £250 from the St. Nicholas Lodge to the PGM in favour of the Essex Mark Welfare fund which was gratefully accepted.
The meeting concluded, Brother Steve (also a Director of the Harwich Masonic Centre) took the opportunity to meet as many of his new brethren as he could. Speaking to them Steve said “The Ceremony was fascinating, enjoyable and thought provoking with elements of fun and definitely deserving of the name The Friendly Degree”.
Sixty five Mark Masons the enjoyed a fine festive board where the PGM thanked the Brethren of St. Nicholas for hosting the Northern Cluster meeting to such a high level (and in particular W.Bro. Manister for all the arrangements) as well as all those who has assisted and attended.
The evening finished, the Brethren then parted company having been reunited with old friends and introduced to new ones from around the Province. All in all an excellent evening carried out in the finest traditions of Mark Masonry.
With the Lodge opened, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Terence D. Sheern, was received; accompanied by a number of Acting Provincial Officers which included the DPGM, V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer and our new APGM, W.Bro. John Finlay.
The W.M. offered the PGM the Masters’ Chair and gavel which was graciously accepted and the PGM took the opportunity to welcome everyone and introduce his Provincial Officers as well as two Essex Brethren holding Acting Office in Grand Lodge, they being W.Bro. Fred Sander, Grand Asst. Std.Bearer and W.Bro. Glen Remblance, Grand Steward.
The PGM then handed the Chair back over to the W.M. and the Lodge business begun. The highlight of the evening being the Advancement of Stephen Fuller, a Past Master of the Star in the East Lodge in Harwich. As this was a Cluster Meeting, the various offices and ritual were shared between not just St. Nicholas, but also the Aurelius, Beriffe and Naze Tower Lodges.
The Ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner all involved, with special mention to W.Bro. Bob Crowe who gave the explanation of The Signs and to W.Bro. Rodney Osbourne who delivered the In Conclusion address.
The PGM took the opportunity to welcome Steve into Mark Masonry and the Province of Essex.
The W.M. later presented a cheque for £250 from the St. Nicholas Lodge to the PGM in favour of the Essex Mark Welfare fund which was gratefully accepted.
The meeting concluded, Brother Steve (also a Director of the Harwich Masonic Centre) took the opportunity to meet as many of his new brethren as he could. Speaking to them Steve said “The Ceremony was fascinating, enjoyable and thought provoking with elements of fun and definitely deserving of the name The Friendly Degree”.
Sixty five Mark Masons the enjoyed a fine festive board where the PGM thanked the Brethren of St. Nicholas for hosting the Northern Cluster meeting to such a high level (and in particular W.Bro. Manister for all the arrangements) as well as all those who has assisted and attended.
The evening finished, the Brethren then parted company having been reunited with old friends and introduced to new ones from around the Province. All in all an excellent evening carried out in the finest traditions of Mark Masonry.