Rainham Mark Lodge No.0859 Virtual Business Meeting
From Top Left Richard Bowyer, Chris M Smith, Richard Fox, Michael Wilkins, John Keens, Richard Goodwin, John Wilkins
In these testing times as we enter yet a 3rd national lockdown, it is important that we adapt to new methods of meeting and new ways of doing business. As such and although meeting casually every month on the Zoom platform, Rainham Mark Lodge No. 859 held its first Virtual Business Meeting on Thursday 7th January. In the pleasant company of Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro Richard Goodwin, the meeting was opened by the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Chris Smith. The approved Paper of Business for this Virtual Business meeting enabled the Lodge to re-elect Chris Smith as Master, and also to re-elect Very Worshipful Brother Richard Bowyer, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master as Treasurer.
The Lodge accounts were also presented and adopted. The Lodge members then went onto confer honorary membership onto Brother Peter Bryant.This means that there are no items of Lodge business that need to be held over until the next meeting. The next virtual meeting of the Lodge will be in 1 months time, where it is hoped that the smiling faces of the Brethren will once again, meet to chat and generally catch up.
The photo shows the happy faces of those Lodge members in attendance, together with the APGM..
The Lodge accounts were also presented and adopted. The Lodge members then went onto confer honorary membership onto Brother Peter Bryant.This means that there are no items of Lodge business that need to be held over until the next meeting. The next virtual meeting of the Lodge will be in 1 months time, where it is hoped that the smiling faces of the Brethren will once again, meet to chat and generally catch up.
The photo shows the happy faces of those Lodge members in attendance, together with the APGM..