Ritual Support and Demonstration Team
Brethren all, by way of an introduction and update, the Ritual Support Team needs new and more members.
As you are all aware, we run a ritual support team. The PGM is adamant that any Candidate in either Degree, or any incoming Master/Commander deserves the very best we can give him.
To that end, following the recent Provincial appointments, Phil Richardson, Prov.Dep.G.D.C will now be running the team. If you are willing and able to deliver (confidently and well) any part of Mark or RAM ritual, we need your help.
There is no part that we exclude, so, if you are willing to assist with anything, from Deacon, to Overseer to Wardens or Master/Commander or any of the Addresses; In Conclusion or Working Tools. Especially anyone who has the Tracing Boards or Explanation of the Mark Degree.
As a volunteer, you are able to nominate the area in which you are prepared to travel. You will only be expected to deliver ritual that you are confident in and happy to deliver. Let me know what sort of notice you require before a meeting and I will accommodate as best I can but be prepared to get "last minute" calls. You will, however, be expected to travel at your own expense and there is NO presumption of free dining (Lodges struggling to find those to deliver ritual may well be struggling financially and we would not want to add to that burden), free dining is the gift of the Lodge as it sees best.
As you are all aware, we run a ritual support team. The PGM is adamant that any Candidate in either Degree, or any incoming Master/Commander deserves the very best we can give him.
To that end, following the recent Provincial appointments, Phil Richardson, Prov.Dep.G.D.C will now be running the team. If you are willing and able to deliver (confidently and well) any part of Mark or RAM ritual, we need your help.
There is no part that we exclude, so, if you are willing to assist with anything, from Deacon, to Overseer to Wardens or Master/Commander or any of the Addresses; In Conclusion or Working Tools. Especially anyone who has the Tracing Boards or Explanation of the Mark Degree.
As a volunteer, you are able to nominate the area in which you are prepared to travel. You will only be expected to deliver ritual that you are confident in and happy to deliver. Let me know what sort of notice you require before a meeting and I will accommodate as best I can but be prepared to get "last minute" calls. You will, however, be expected to travel at your own expense and there is NO presumption of free dining (Lodges struggling to find those to deliver ritual may well be struggling financially and we would not want to add to that burden), free dining is the gift of the Lodge as it sees best.
(Original Story)
One of the new initiatives within The Province is the formation of a team of experienced and dedicated Mark and RAM Masons to support Lodges when they have problems filling an office or have an empty meeting where a demonstration degree could be performed.
To that end, the PGM has asked his Prov. DC, John Finlay, to oversee the formation and administration of that team. That team is now in place and ready to assist Lodges with immediate effect.
If your Lodge has a meeting, particularly a Candidate for Advancement, and you need help with any part of the ritual: Senior Deacon; Overseers, Wardens or any part of the master's ritual (signs; tools, in conclusion etc.) the team is ready to assist. This also extends to similar work in the RAM Degree. The intention is to assist Lodges where officers may be absent to ensure we give the Candidate the best possible experience of his Advancement into Mark or RAM Masonry.
Additionally, any part of an Installation Meeting in either Degree can be covered.
Members of the team expect to travel and dine at their own expense such that no additional financial burden is placed on Lodges.
If you find yourself in such circumstances, please contact W. Bro. Phil Richardson, Prov.Dep.G.D.C., whose details are in the Provincial Contacts Section in the Members area of this website. The more notice, the better, but Phil and the team will endeavour to accommodate all requests, even those at short notice.
The PGM is adamant that the Candidate is the most important person in your Lodge and ritual and should be given the best ceremony possible in-order to make a lasting impression on his Advancement or Elevation, so do ask for help if needed.