Provincial News and Events
This is a new page where we will post "local" and Lodge events. This will consist of the reports from our new team of "volunteer" Media Liaison Officers (MLOs) who have been asked by the PGM to provide an accessible, local link with all RAM and Mark Lodges. Your Lodge Secretary should be aware of their MLO and advise them of the more "domestic" events that are of interest to all in general rather than the larger events already reported on by Provincial staff.
You should see these events also reported upon in our Facebook Page (which is closed to members only) at "Essex Mark & RAM". Please visit this group and ask to join if you are not already in that group. Please be aware that this News Page is Publicly viewable, you should have been reminded and asked whether you wish your details to be made public. If you DO NOT want this to happen, please inform your MLO accordingly. All Lodge Secretaries have been made aware of their relevant MLO, please ensure that YOUR Lodges keep in contact with them so that news can be circulated within our membership and outside so that Mark Masonry continues to attract new members and retains existing ones.
The "Mark Times" button will take you to our Provincial Newsletter.
You should see these events also reported upon in our Facebook Page (which is closed to members only) at "Essex Mark & RAM". Please visit this group and ask to join if you are not already in that group. Please be aware that this News Page is Publicly viewable, you should have been reminded and asked whether you wish your details to be made public. If you DO NOT want this to happen, please inform your MLO accordingly. All Lodge Secretaries have been made aware of their relevant MLO, please ensure that YOUR Lodges keep in contact with them so that news can be circulated within our membership and outside so that Mark Masonry continues to attract new members and retains existing ones.
The "Mark Times" button will take you to our Provincial Newsletter.
Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.825
The Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons 825 met under conditions of a Virtual Business Meeting on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7:30pm. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Birkin, declared the Virtual Business meeting open and the Secretary, W.Bro. John Stannard, then read the required Authorisation and the Dispensation after which the Lodge worked through the published Order of Business.
Under normal circumstances, the meeting would have been an Installation Ceremony, declaring W.Bro Brian Birkin as the Worshipful Master for the 2021-2022 season. However, due to the ongoing Covid pandemic restrictions, the Installation has to be deferred until the Lodge can hold its first face-to-face meeting, which could be in May 2021.
The online meeting was honoured by the presence of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro John Finlay, and V.W. Bro Paul Humphrey (Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master). Administration matters covered during the evening included the re-election of auditors (W.Bro Bobbie McWilliams and Bro Peter Ball) and the re-election of the Brightlingsea Hall Committee representative (W.Bro Richard Stephens).
It was a highlight of the evening for Treasurer (W.Bro Richard Stephens) and Junior Warden (W. Bro Bobbie McWilliams) to propose and second, a £250 donation from the Lodge towards the Essex Mark Welfare Fund. This was unanimously approved by the Brethren. Under Any Other Business, W.Bro John Finlay thanked the Brethren for their generous donation. Since the transfer of this sum, the Lodge has also received an e-mail of thanks from the Provincial Grand Charity Steward.
Apart from the usual reports, the Treasurer also announced that he had set up a Centenary account to enable the Lodge to gradually build up a contingency fund against centenary celebrations to be held in 2026.
The Worshipful Master thanked the Brethren for attending and closed the meeting at 8:17pm.
A screenshot is enclosed showing the ‘rogues gallery’, although it worth saying that those Mark Masons who did not read their Paper of Business, and were improperly dressed, will be paying a fine for their negligence!!
Under normal circumstances, the meeting would have been an Installation Ceremony, declaring W.Bro Brian Birkin as the Worshipful Master for the 2021-2022 season. However, due to the ongoing Covid pandemic restrictions, the Installation has to be deferred until the Lodge can hold its first face-to-face meeting, which could be in May 2021.
The online meeting was honoured by the presence of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro John Finlay, and V.W. Bro Paul Humphrey (Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master). Administration matters covered during the evening included the re-election of auditors (W.Bro Bobbie McWilliams and Bro Peter Ball) and the re-election of the Brightlingsea Hall Committee representative (W.Bro Richard Stephens).
It was a highlight of the evening for Treasurer (W.Bro Richard Stephens) and Junior Warden (W. Bro Bobbie McWilliams) to propose and second, a £250 donation from the Lodge towards the Essex Mark Welfare Fund. This was unanimously approved by the Brethren. Under Any Other Business, W.Bro John Finlay thanked the Brethren for their generous donation. Since the transfer of this sum, the Lodge has also received an e-mail of thanks from the Provincial Grand Charity Steward.
Apart from the usual reports, the Treasurer also announced that he had set up a Centenary account to enable the Lodge to gradually build up a contingency fund against centenary celebrations to be held in 2026.
The Worshipful Master thanked the Brethren for attending and closed the meeting at 8:17pm.
A screenshot is enclosed showing the ‘rogues gallery’, although it worth saying that those Mark Masons who did not read their Paper of Business, and were improperly dressed, will be paying a fine for their negligence!!
St Nicholas Lodges of RAM No.413
The St Nicholas Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners 413 met in a Virtual Business Meeting on Tuesday 1st February 2021. The Lodge being declared open by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro Richard Stephens and the Letter of Authority and the Dispensation having been read out by the Scribe, W. Bro John Stannard, the Lodge proceeded with the published Paper of business. Under normal circumstances, the meeting would have been an Installation Ceremony, declaring W.Bro Richard Stephens as the Worshipful Commander for the 2021-2022 season. However, due to the ongoing Covid pandemic restrictions, the Installation has to be deferred until the Lodge can hold its first face-to-face meeting, which could be in April or July 2021.
The online meeting was honoured by the presence of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro John Finlay. In addition, members from surrounding Royal Ark Mariner Lodges including Aurelius 814, Constantine 145, Naze Tower 1380 and Saxon Shore 1319, provided excellent support in attendance.
Although an Installation Ceremony could not be conducted, the Lodge managed to complete various administration duties including the election of the two auditors for the purpose of examining the accounts.
The online meeting was honoured by the presence of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro John Finlay. In addition, members from surrounding Royal Ark Mariner Lodges including Aurelius 814, Constantine 145, Naze Tower 1380 and Saxon Shore 1319, provided excellent support in attendance.
Although an Installation Ceremony could not be conducted, the Lodge managed to complete various administration duties including the election of the two auditors for the purpose of examining the accounts.
Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.825
The Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons 825 met under conditions of a Virtual Business Meeting on Tuesday 1st December 2020 at 7:30pm. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Birkin, declared the Virtual Business meeting open and the Secretary, W.Bro. John Stannard, then read the required Authorisation and the Dispensation after which the Lodge worked through the published Order of Business. The Worshipful Master Elect and Treasurer Elect for the year 2021-2022 were declared. Both positions remain unchanged being currently occupied by W. Bro Brian Birkin and Richard Stephens respectively. It is expected that the Worshipful Master will reappoint all of his existing officers.
Sadly, the occasion also marked the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of one of the Lodge’s longest serving Brethren, Bro. Maurice ‘Maurie’ Johnson. He joined Beriffe 64 years ago and found in Masonry the comradeship he experienced during his service years. He was a fighter pilot in WWII and could reminisce over his many experiences.
On a happier note, W. Bro. Ken Powell who joined the Lodge in 1988 and had actively served Beriffe throughout (having been Treasurer for nine years) was made an Honorary Member. In recent years, Ken’s health problems has made it increasingly difficult for him to attend meetings, but it is hoped that the Lodge will enjoy his company from time to time in the future.
The screenshot shows the ten attendees enjoying a light-hearted moment. From left to right, top to bottom, they are Peter Ball (Master Overseer & Almoner), Richard Stephens (Treasurer), John Stannard (Secretary), Bobbie McWilliams (Junior Warded), Peter Alexander (Senior Deacon), Paul Firmin (Senior Warden), John Finlay (DPGM), Jeff Hierons (IPM), Jim McClure (Junior Overseer) and Brian Birkin (Worshipful Master).
The next meeting for the Lodge is scheduled for Tuesday 9th February 2021, subject to government ruling nearer the time.
Sadly, the occasion also marked the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of one of the Lodge’s longest serving Brethren, Bro. Maurice ‘Maurie’ Johnson. He joined Beriffe 64 years ago and found in Masonry the comradeship he experienced during his service years. He was a fighter pilot in WWII and could reminisce over his many experiences.
On a happier note, W. Bro. Ken Powell who joined the Lodge in 1988 and had actively served Beriffe throughout (having been Treasurer for nine years) was made an Honorary Member. In recent years, Ken’s health problems has made it increasingly difficult for him to attend meetings, but it is hoped that the Lodge will enjoy his company from time to time in the future.
The screenshot shows the ten attendees enjoying a light-hearted moment. From left to right, top to bottom, they are Peter Ball (Master Overseer & Almoner), Richard Stephens (Treasurer), John Stannard (Secretary), Bobbie McWilliams (Junior Warded), Peter Alexander (Senior Deacon), Paul Firmin (Senior Warden), John Finlay (DPGM), Jeff Hierons (IPM), Jim McClure (Junior Overseer) and Brian Birkin (Worshipful Master).
The next meeting for the Lodge is scheduled for Tuesday 9th February 2021, subject to government ruling nearer the time.
The Mark of Industry Lodge No.1413
The Mark of Industry Lodge No.1413 held a Virtual Business meeting on Saturday 21st November 2020 in place of the regular Royal Ark Mariner and Mark meetings due to the current suspension.
The Virtual Meeting was attended by nine Lodge members and by their Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Richard Goodwin.
W.Bro Stephen Gaish convened the virtual meetings and after the minutes were adopted, under the relevant item on the Order of business, was declared Master of the Lodge for a further year and as Commander Elect in the RAM (subject to meetings being resumed by the Installation date). The accounts were adopted and Bro. Anthony Snoad was made an honorary member of the lodge. Bro Snoad is a long serving member of the lodge but it had become difficult for him to attend actual meetings for some years and the brethren felt it was in order for his past services and support to be recognised. Although the meetings were limited in content due to the prevailing rules from MMH, it went well and all the business was properly dispatched.
The Virtual Meeting was attended by nine Lodge members and by their Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Richard Goodwin.
W.Bro Stephen Gaish convened the virtual meetings and after the minutes were adopted, under the relevant item on the Order of business, was declared Master of the Lodge for a further year and as Commander Elect in the RAM (subject to meetings being resumed by the Installation date). The accounts were adopted and Bro. Anthony Snoad was made an honorary member of the lodge. Bro Snoad is a long serving member of the lodge but it had become difficult for him to attend actual meetings for some years and the brethren felt it was in order for his past services and support to be recognised. Although the meetings were limited in content due to the prevailing rules from MMH, it went well and all the business was properly dispatched.
Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.825
The Beriffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons 825 met under the conditions of the ‘Rule of 6’ at the Masonic Hall, Brightlingsea on Tuesday 13th October 2020.
As the Brethren were all in position after having had their temperatures taken, the Lodge was opened by Worshipful Master W.Bro Brian Birkin ten minutes ahead of the scheduled 6:30pm start. W.Bro Paul Firmin, Senior Warden who also has been busy delivering meals in the Province through the Lockdown, also stood in for Senior Overseer, whilst W.Bro Richard Stevens, Treasurer, also stood in for the Junior Warden and as Junior Overseer. Secretary W.Bro John Stannard PPGSec, stood in for Master Overseer and Junior Deacon, whilst Senior Deacon Bro Peter Alexander also stepped in as Inner Guard and Tyler…! The Worshipful Master was ably assisted by IPM W.Bro Jeff Hierons, who also stood in for the Director of Ceremonies. A very well combined effort!
Although no formal ceremony was conducted, the Lodge took care of a lot of business including the approval of minutes, receiving and approving the Lodge accounts. The Almoner’s and Charity report were also read out. The full length of the meeting including Opening and Closing was recorded at 31 minutes, a record time as noted by the Lodge. In the photos, you may notice that the VSL is open; it was the personal property of the Senior Warden, so the IPM did not wish to touch it at the close.
The next meeting for the Lodge is scheduled for Tuesday 1st December 2020, subject to government ruling nearer the time.
As the Brethren were all in position after having had their temperatures taken, the Lodge was opened by Worshipful Master W.Bro Brian Birkin ten minutes ahead of the scheduled 6:30pm start. W.Bro Paul Firmin, Senior Warden who also has been busy delivering meals in the Province through the Lockdown, also stood in for Senior Overseer, whilst W.Bro Richard Stevens, Treasurer, also stood in for the Junior Warden and as Junior Overseer. Secretary W.Bro John Stannard PPGSec, stood in for Master Overseer and Junior Deacon, whilst Senior Deacon Bro Peter Alexander also stepped in as Inner Guard and Tyler…! The Worshipful Master was ably assisted by IPM W.Bro Jeff Hierons, who also stood in for the Director of Ceremonies. A very well combined effort!
Although no formal ceremony was conducted, the Lodge took care of a lot of business including the approval of minutes, receiving and approving the Lodge accounts. The Almoner’s and Charity report were also read out. The full length of the meeting including Opening and Closing was recorded at 31 minutes, a record time as noted by the Lodge. In the photos, you may notice that the VSL is open; it was the personal property of the Senior Warden, so the IPM did not wish to touch it at the close.
The next meeting for the Lodge is scheduled for Tuesday 1st December 2020, subject to government ruling nearer the time.
Chelmer RAM and MMM Lodge Meetings
The Chelmer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners met on Wednesday 14th October 2020 at Chelmsford Masonic Hall at 5.00pm, sharp under the ‘Rule of Six’ Covid-19 regulations with 5 Brethren in attendance.
W.Bro Lewis Conquer took the chair as Worshipful Commander, W.Bro Mike Saffil as Secretary, Bro. Chris Brown Senior Warden, Bro. Rob Whitfield as Junior Warden and Bro. Adam Taylor as Guardian. The lodge was opened in due form and the business of the Lodge, such as there was, was conducted by the Worshipful Commander and the Lodge was then closed in ancient form.
The Chelmer Lodge of MMM No.342 was then opened around 15 minutes later at around 5.30pm and the offices were filled as above by the same Brethren under the same regulations as before.
The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed, and the Lodge accounts were presented and adopted. The Worshipful Master for the ensuing year was then duly elected and there only being one nomination, W.Bro David Rootkin was so elected. The Treasurer for the ensuing was also elected and W.Bro Lewis Conquer was pleased to fill that position.
The remaining business of the lodge was conducted and a donation of £500 was approved by the Brethren present for a young man with cerebral palsy to pay for his physio sessions at Colchester General Hospital, this was after a letter was received by one of the members of the Lodge requesting help.
The lodge was the closed in due and ancient form. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th January 2021.
W.Bro Lewis Conquer took the chair as Worshipful Commander, W.Bro Mike Saffil as Secretary, Bro. Chris Brown Senior Warden, Bro. Rob Whitfield as Junior Warden and Bro. Adam Taylor as Guardian. The lodge was opened in due form and the business of the Lodge, such as there was, was conducted by the Worshipful Commander and the Lodge was then closed in ancient form.
The Chelmer Lodge of MMM No.342 was then opened around 15 minutes later at around 5.30pm and the offices were filled as above by the same Brethren under the same regulations as before.
The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed, and the Lodge accounts were presented and adopted. The Worshipful Master for the ensuing year was then duly elected and there only being one nomination, W.Bro David Rootkin was so elected. The Treasurer for the ensuing was also elected and W.Bro Lewis Conquer was pleased to fill that position.
The remaining business of the lodge was conducted and a donation of £500 was approved by the Brethren present for a young man with cerebral palsy to pay for his physio sessions at Colchester General Hospital, this was after a letter was received by one of the members of the Lodge requesting help.
The lodge was the closed in due and ancient form. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th January 2021.
Wayfarers Lodge No.1096
The Wayfarers Lodge of Mark Master Masons 1096 met under the conditions of the ‘Rule of 6’ at the St. Giles Masonic Centre in Colchester on Thursday 1st October 2020.
Worshipful Master W.Bro Vic Hodson opened the Lodge at 6:00pm, and was ably assisted by four other members, W.Bro. Steve Chandler, W.Bro. Bill Dyer, W.Bro. Peter Nason and Bro John Hardisty, who acted as “stand-in” for various officers when the Lodge was opened and during the rest of the meeting.
Although no ceremony of Advancement was conducted on this occasion, after the minutes had been presented and confirmed, the Lodge addressed the remaining business during the meeting. Even in these difficult times, the meeting was conducted in good spirit and some banter.
Worshipful Master W.Bro Vic Hodson opened the Lodge at 6:00pm, and was ably assisted by four other members, W.Bro. Steve Chandler, W.Bro. Bill Dyer, W.Bro. Peter Nason and Bro John Hardisty, who acted as “stand-in” for various officers when the Lodge was opened and during the rest of the meeting.
Although no ceremony of Advancement was conducted on this occasion, after the minutes had been presented and confirmed, the Lodge addressed the remaining business during the meeting. Even in these difficult times, the meeting was conducted in good spirit and some banter.
Naze Tower No.1380 Meeting
The Naze Tower Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Royal Ark Mariner, No.1380 met under the conditions of the ‘Rule of 6’ at the Kirby Masonic Centre on Wednesday 16th September 2020.
The Mariner Lodge was opened at 5pm. After the minutes were confirmed, the current Commander, Alan Thomas, was proclaimed for a second year; his current Lodge Officers were also reappointed for a further year. After concluding the remaining business of the meeting the Lodge was closed.
The Mark Lodge was opened at 6pm by the Worshipful Master, Alan Thomas, and the minutes were confirmed. Of course, following the previous total suspension of all activity and the current uncertainty a general, and productive, discussion was held with regards to future meetings and any programme of work that could be discharged. There being no other business to attend to, the Lodge was closed.
The next meeting, scheduled to take place on 18th November 2020, will be the Mark Installation where current Secretary,
Bro. Andrew Sylvester, is getting ready to take the Worshipful Master’s chair! We wish him all the best, and hope that the Ceremony can go ahead without disruption. The Lodge is also excited to have no less than three potential Candidates for Advancement ready in the pipeline for future meetings, which bodes well for Essex Mark Masonry.
It is also extremely pleasing to note the attendance of so may lay brethren in the total, well done Naze Tower!
St. Katherine's RAM and Mark Meetings.
The St. Katherine's Lodges of Royal Ark Mariners and Mark Master Masons, No. 1026, held their regular meetings on
Saturday 26th of September at Fraternity Hall in Southend. In keeping with the current regulations, only six Brethren were in attendance and both meetings went very smoothly.
The RAM Lodge was opened first and, after the minutes were confirmed, the Worshipful Commander, Les Dunn, was proclaimed for a second year. He then Appointed his officers and Invested those present.
The Lodge business concluded, it was closed at 10.30am.
After a short break the Mark Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, Bob Johnson, the minutes were confirmed, and the Lodge then went on to confirm W. Bro. Kevin Hyde as Master Elect for the ensuing year; the Master Elect thanked the Brethren for entrusting him with the job.
The Worshipful Master then announced that there was a candidate for Advancement at the next meeting, which will take place on Saturday 28th of November, Covid-19 regulations allowing.
The Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro Steve Joslin then thanked the Brethren in attendance for their help in making both meetings go ahead as planned.
With all business concluded, the Lodge was closed. Sadly, because of the Covid-19 restrictions, it was not possible to hold a festive board, so after posing for the splendid photos, the Brethren all went on their merry way to continue to “Mark Well”.
Saturday 26th of September at Fraternity Hall in Southend. In keeping with the current regulations, only six Brethren were in attendance and both meetings went very smoothly.
The RAM Lodge was opened first and, after the minutes were confirmed, the Worshipful Commander, Les Dunn, was proclaimed for a second year. He then Appointed his officers and Invested those present.
The Lodge business concluded, it was closed at 10.30am.
After a short break the Mark Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, Bob Johnson, the minutes were confirmed, and the Lodge then went on to confirm W. Bro. Kevin Hyde as Master Elect for the ensuing year; the Master Elect thanked the Brethren for entrusting him with the job.
The Worshipful Master then announced that there was a candidate for Advancement at the next meeting, which will take place on Saturday 28th of November, Covid-19 regulations allowing.
The Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro Steve Joslin then thanked the Brethren in attendance for their help in making both meetings go ahead as planned.
With all business concluded, the Lodge was closed. Sadly, because of the Covid-19 restrictions, it was not possible to hold a festive board, so after posing for the splendid photos, the Brethren all went on their merry way to continue to “Mark Well”.
Viking Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodges
Tuesday 3rd of March saw The Viking Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Master Masons Lodges hold their regular meetings at Saxon Hall.
The Mariner meeting saw V.W.Bro. Bob Potts stand in as Commander for the Elevation of Brother Andrew Chard.
The Elevation ceremony was carried out to a very high standard by Bob and all of the Officers.
The Mark Masons Lodge was treated to a talk by W.Bro. Richard Goodwin on the structure of Freemasonry in America, he was aided in his talk by a large floor chart showing the steps and degrees in American freemasonry. The talk was appreciated by all present.
After the meeting concluded, the Brethren retired for a most enjoyable festive board.
The Mariner meeting saw V.W.Bro. Bob Potts stand in as Commander for the Elevation of Brother Andrew Chard.
The Elevation ceremony was carried out to a very high standard by Bob and all of the Officers.
The Mark Masons Lodge was treated to a talk by W.Bro. Richard Goodwin on the structure of Freemasonry in America, he was aided in his talk by a large floor chart showing the steps and degrees in American freemasonry. The talk was appreciated by all present.
After the meeting concluded, the Brethren retired for a most enjoyable festive board.
W.Bro. John Finlay visits Dunmow Lodge
W.Bro. John Finlay, APGM, escorted by W.Bro. Darren Bartlett, ProvAGDC, visited the Dunmow Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners and the Dunmow Lodge of Mark Master Masons at Howard Hall, Braintree.
The meeting saw the Elevation Ceremony of Bro. Norman Eastbrook carried out in a most exemplary manner by all of the Lodge Officers.
Norman was very fortunate to have two Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters present in the person of
V.W. Bro. Paul Humphrey and V.W. Bro. Roger Wacey to witness his Ceremony.
The Mark Lodge saw W.Bro. John presented with a cheque for £500 in aid of Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
a most enjoyable time was had by all those present at both meetings and the festive board.
The meeting saw the Elevation Ceremony of Bro. Norman Eastbrook carried out in a most exemplary manner by all of the Lodge Officers.
Norman was very fortunate to have two Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters present in the person of
V.W. Bro. Paul Humphrey and V.W. Bro. Roger Wacey to witness his Ceremony.
The Mark Lodge saw W.Bro. John presented with a cheque for £500 in aid of Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
a most enjoyable time was had by all those present at both meetings and the festive board.
Fifty Year Certificate for W.Bro. Aubrey Temple
Worshipful Brother Mark Reeve, APGM with Aubrey Temple
On Saturday 22nd of February, W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM was honoured to make a "house call " on one of our distinguished Brethren to present a 50 year certificate on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.
W.Bro Aubrey Temple was Advanced into The Ashlar Lodge, No.236 on 9th of April 1969. He has been a member of four Essex Mark Lodges, Viking; Mark of True Friendship; Essex Installed Mark Masters and a Founder Of The Mark of Love and Remembrance of which he is now an Honorary Member (as he also is of True Friendship). His attendance at Love and Remembrance is now determined by his health unfortunately but, as one of the Founding Members of the Lodge, Aubrey is held in high regard by the Lodge membership.
On one of W.Bro. Mark's previous visits to the Lodge, the subject of Aubrey was discussed with their Almoner, W.Bro. John Baxter regarding the presentation of his certificate. A cunning plan was then devised between W.Bro. Mark, their Almoner and their Worshipful Master, Peter Houghton (Aubrey introduced him to the Mark Degree), to visit him at home and present the certificate.
With the kind permission of Mrs Temple, Mark, Peter and John were accompanied by a small number of friends and family and visited him at home and were made to feel most welcome. Aubrey was delighted to receive the certificate from W.Bro. Mark Reeve.
"Said Mark of the occasion, "It is always an honour to present such a certificate to senior members of our Province. It is a small mark of gratitude for all the effort that Aubrey has given to so many Mark brethren over the years and I was pleased to be part of a moment of history in our great Province"
On Saturday 22nd of February, W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM was honoured to make a "house call " on one of our distinguished Brethren to present a 50 year certificate on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.
W.Bro Aubrey Temple was Advanced into The Ashlar Lodge, No.236 on 9th of April 1969. He has been a member of four Essex Mark Lodges, Viking; Mark of True Friendship; Essex Installed Mark Masters and a Founder Of The Mark of Love and Remembrance of which he is now an Honorary Member (as he also is of True Friendship). His attendance at Love and Remembrance is now determined by his health unfortunately but, as one of the Founding Members of the Lodge, Aubrey is held in high regard by the Lodge membership.
On one of W.Bro. Mark's previous visits to the Lodge, the subject of Aubrey was discussed with their Almoner, W.Bro. John Baxter regarding the presentation of his certificate. A cunning plan was then devised between W.Bro. Mark, their Almoner and their Worshipful Master, Peter Houghton (Aubrey introduced him to the Mark Degree), to visit him at home and present the certificate.
With the kind permission of Mrs Temple, Mark, Peter and John were accompanied by a small number of friends and family and visited him at home and were made to feel most welcome. Aubrey was delighted to receive the certificate from W.Bro. Mark Reeve.
"Said Mark of the occasion, "It is always an honour to present such a certificate to senior members of our Province. It is a small mark of gratitude for all the effort that Aubrey has given to so many Mark brethren over the years and I was pleased to be part of a moment of history in our great Province"
W.Bro Mark Reeve Visits Essex Jubilee Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodges
The meeting of Essex Jubilee Mark and Royal Ark Mariners took on Friday the 14th February and was attended by
W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM with his escorting officer W.Bro, Darren Bartlett, ProvAGDC.
Brother Nigel Howard was elevated into the Mariner Degree in a first class ceremony performed by the Worshipful Commander, W.Bro. Martin Bullard and assisted by his Officers to make the Elevation a memorable one for Bro. Nigel.
After a short break The Mark Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, the Lodge was treated to a very informative and interesting talk by V.W.Bro. David Embling entitled "The Mason's Mark", which was very well received by all those present.
The meeting was also attended by one of the Honorary Members of the Lodge and "Father of the Province",
W.Bro. Dick Caldwell.
The lodge was closed and 23 Mark Master Masons took their seats to dine at a very enjoyable festive board.
W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM with his escorting officer W.Bro, Darren Bartlett, ProvAGDC.
Brother Nigel Howard was elevated into the Mariner Degree in a first class ceremony performed by the Worshipful Commander, W.Bro. Martin Bullard and assisted by his Officers to make the Elevation a memorable one for Bro. Nigel.
After a short break The Mark Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, the Lodge was treated to a very informative and interesting talk by V.W.Bro. David Embling entitled "The Mason's Mark", which was very well received by all those present.
The meeting was also attended by one of the Honorary Members of the Lodge and "Father of the Province",
W.Bro. Dick Caldwell.
The lodge was closed and 23 Mark Master Masons took their seats to dine at a very enjoyable festive board.
V.W. Bro. Richard Bowyer, DPGM, visits Grays Thurrock MMM No 570
On Wednesday the 12th, February, Very Worshipful Brother Richard Bowyer, PGJO, DPGM, visited the Grays Thurrock
Lodge of Mark Master Masons for their regular meeting at Cross Keys Masonic Centre, escorted by W.Bro. Vince Bull, Provincial Deputy GDC.
Although there was no candidate for that meeting, the evening was informative, fun and friendly. At the meeting the DPGM was presented with a cheque in favour of the Essex Mark Welfare Fund for £500 by the Worshipful Master, James Quinn.
All retired for an excellent festive board before retiring in friendship.
Lodge of Mark Master Masons for their regular meeting at Cross Keys Masonic Centre, escorted by W.Bro. Vince Bull, Provincial Deputy GDC.
Although there was no candidate for that meeting, the evening was informative, fun and friendly. At the meeting the DPGM was presented with a cheque in favour of the Essex Mark Welfare Fund for £500 by the Worshipful Master, James Quinn.
All retired for an excellent festive board before retiring in friendship.
Constantine RAM and Mark Lodges welcome W.Bro. Mark Reeve APGM

Constantine Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodges were honoured with a visit from W.Bro Mark Reeve, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, on Tuesday 22nd of January. The Mariner Lodge saw Stephen Finch Elevated in fine form by the
Commander, Vic Hodson, ably assisted by his Officers. The Provincial Media Teams Official photographer Peter Nason was also elected as the Commander for the ensuing year.
In the Mark Lodge, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Terry Norris welcomed their APGM W.Bro. Mark Reeve, escorted by W.Bro, Michael Howarth, ProvAGDC, on an official visit to the Lodge.
Stephen Finch was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by Mark in an excellent and humorous manner.
After the meeting, the Brethren retired to the Festive Board for traditional fayre of Haggis, Neaps and Tatties.
W.Bro. Mark Reeve APGM presenting Bro. Stephen Finch with his Grand Lodge Certificate
Commander, Vic Hodson, ably assisted by his Officers. The Provincial Media Teams Official photographer Peter Nason was also elected as the Commander for the ensuing year.
In the Mark Lodge, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Terry Norris welcomed their APGM W.Bro. Mark Reeve, escorted by W.Bro, Michael Howarth, ProvAGDC, on an official visit to the Lodge.
Stephen Finch was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by Mark in an excellent and humorous manner.
After the meeting, the Brethren retired to the Festive Board for traditional fayre of Haggis, Neaps and Tatties.
W.Bro. Mark Reeve APGM presenting Bro. Stephen Finch with his Grand Lodge Certificate
Mayflower Lodges Elevate and Advance at their last Meeting
The Mayflower Lodges had a great couple of meetings recently. Not only did they have a wonderful elevation in RAM of Bro. Graham Withey, excellently performed by WBro. Clive Mansfield, the Mark Lodge also witnessed a competently conducted Advancement of Bro David Gray by WBro. Steve Stock, who also did a fantastic job.
To add the icing to this Masonic cake they were honoured by the presence of R.W. Brother Terence Sheern, PGM (an Honorary Member) and WBro. Mark Reeve, APGM, a member of the Lodge.
Two great meetings, a great festive board, a great evening all in all.
To add the icing to this Masonic cake they were honoured by the presence of R.W. Brother Terence Sheern, PGM (an Honorary Member) and WBro. Mark Reeve, APGM, a member of the Lodge.
Two great meetings, a great festive board, a great evening all in all.
Crowstone RAM and Mark Welcome the DPGM
The Crowstone Lodges were delighted to receive the DPGM, escorted by WBro Steve Joslin, ProvAGDC, at their recent meeting on 21st November.
The RAM meeting saw the Elevation of Bro. Jayson Reid done in fine form by all involved as well as a presentation to
WBro Ray Fretten in commemoration of his 40 years in the Fraternity.
The Mark meeting saw the Installation of Geoff Newman, known to many from his part in the media team. Said, WBro Geoff afterwards, "When I joined the lovely Mark Degree I said that I couldn’t stop smiling. I am still smiling today, but probably more so!"
Pictured below are members of Crowstone together with the DPGM.
The RAM meeting saw the Elevation of Bro. Jayson Reid done in fine form by all involved as well as a presentation to
WBro Ray Fretten in commemoration of his 40 years in the Fraternity.
The Mark meeting saw the Installation of Geoff Newman, known to many from his part in the media team. Said, WBro Geoff afterwards, "When I joined the lovely Mark Degree I said that I couldn’t stop smiling. I am still smiling today, but probably more so!"
Pictured below are members of Crowstone together with the DPGM.
St. Nicholas Lodge Advances another!
The St.Nicholas Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 413, which meets in Harwich continues to grow,and at its regular meeting on Thursday 21st November, was delighted to Advance Stefan Lenyk a Past Master of the Star in the East Craft Lodge.
The Ceremony was carried out by the W.M, Brian Todd, in fine form along with Lodge Officers and by several visiting Brethren. Tony Woodcraft acted as SW, John Adams as Junior Warden, and Brian Wardle as Senior Overseer , all from Naze Tower, and Les Morgan from Aurelius as Master Overseer.
Derek Mannister, Stefan's Proposer also swapped his Secretarial duties to act as Senior Deacon , and afterwards presented Stefan with his Advancee's pack.
Afterwards Stefan said, “I have been wanting to join Mark Masonry for about 5 years now, but decided to wait until after I came out of the Chair of my Craft Lodge. It’s certainly very interesting and I want to know more about it”
This is Brian Todd's second year as Worshipful Master, having hosted the Cluster meeting and completed five Advancements,with another one planned for their January meeting!
After the Ceremony 30 Brethren retired to the Festive Board. Pictured below are (l to r) WM, Brian Todd, Stefan and (the ever "camera shy") David Rout!
The Ceremony was carried out by the W.M, Brian Todd, in fine form along with Lodge Officers and by several visiting Brethren. Tony Woodcraft acted as SW, John Adams as Junior Warden, and Brian Wardle as Senior Overseer , all from Naze Tower, and Les Morgan from Aurelius as Master Overseer.
Derek Mannister, Stefan's Proposer also swapped his Secretarial duties to act as Senior Deacon , and afterwards presented Stefan with his Advancee's pack.
Afterwards Stefan said, “I have been wanting to join Mark Masonry for about 5 years now, but decided to wait until after I came out of the Chair of my Craft Lodge. It’s certainly very interesting and I want to know more about it”
This is Brian Todd's second year as Worshipful Master, having hosted the Cluster meeting and completed five Advancements,with another one planned for their January meeting!
After the Ceremony 30 Brethren retired to the Festive Board. Pictured below are (l to r) WM, Brian Todd, Stefan and (the ever "camera shy") David Rout!
Oakleaf Mark Welcomes a new Brother
The Oakleaf Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 1126 meeting at the Cross Keys Centre, Chadwell, was delighted to see Bro. David Weightman Adavanced into the Lodge at its regular meeting on the 21st November.
Dave, a Past Master of the Sancto Claro Craft Lodge, meeting at Orsett, was treated to a fine ceremony, carried out by the WM. John Crates who rather belied his age and conducted a capable, competant and confident Ceremony in an evening which saw one of the guests, W.Bro. Mick West, become an impromptu JW and the Lodge DC, VW.Bro Tony Latham carrying out an admirable role as the JO and his twin brother the SO!
There are a number of members of Sancto Claro Craft who are members of Oakleaf Mark all of whom had office in the Lodge and all of whom were delighted to welcome Dave to his "Fourth Regular Step!" Afterwards, Dave said that "I was delighted with the Ceremony, I really enjoyed it and look forward to taking an active role in time".
All retired to an excellent Festive Board (after a medicinal one or two) to enjoy the first "Christmas Dinner" of the season; in all, a fine evening.
Dave, a Past Master of the Sancto Claro Craft Lodge, meeting at Orsett, was treated to a fine ceremony, carried out by the WM. John Crates who rather belied his age and conducted a capable, competant and confident Ceremony in an evening which saw one of the guests, W.Bro. Mick West, become an impromptu JW and the Lodge DC, VW.Bro Tony Latham carrying out an admirable role as the JO and his twin brother the SO!
There are a number of members of Sancto Claro Craft who are members of Oakleaf Mark all of whom had office in the Lodge and all of whom were delighted to welcome Dave to his "Fourth Regular Step!" Afterwards, Dave said that "I was delighted with the Ceremony, I really enjoyed it and look forward to taking an active role in time".
All retired to an excellent Festive Board (after a medicinal one or two) to enjoy the first "Christmas Dinner" of the season; in all, a fine evening.
Khalsa Royal Oak Tree Continues to Grow
The Khalsa Royal Oak Tree Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 1244 continues on its journey of recovery. Not that long ago the Lodge was looking to close, then a change of name to Khalsa Royal Oak Tree ( see am earlier story in News Section) helped change the Lodge's future. With a number of good quality advancees the Lodge Now has a secure future. It also now has a new bible cushion. W. Bro Ranjit Bhogal, ProvGJW. had the new cushion designed and made to replace the rather tired looking old one and what a fine cushion it is, adding to the character of the new life of this Lodge.
The Khalsa Royal Oak Tree meets at Chingford and is always glad to receive guests at any of its meetings. Details of the meeting dates amd the Secretaries contact details are in the Yearbook in the Members Section.
The Khalsa Royal Oak Tree meets at Chingford and is always glad to receive guests at any of its meetings. Details of the meeting dates amd the Secretaries contact details are in the Yearbook in the Members Section.
Essex Mark Continues to Support Havens Children's Hospice on behalf of the MBF
The Lifelites team has been in Essex this week, delivering a brand new package of magical technology to the children at Havens Hospice. All part of a £141,000 grant to Lifelites from the MBF to deliver Tech Trunks to 15 children’s hospices across the country.
The equipment is a selection of interactive tools and tech gadgets which uses virtual reality to allow the children to experience things and sensations that their conditions would otherwise not allow. They can play virtual football, paint portraits and even fly with eagles. There is even a music composing centre which allows the children to put together musical scores with genres from pop to rap. Lifelites supply all the staff training and ongoing support at no cost. This is commercial technology adapted to these special uses.
WBro. John Finlay, APGM, attended on behalf of the PGM presented the cheque on behalf of the MBF and said a few words on the importance of the project and the obvious delight of the children and staff. It all concluded with our representatives trying out some of the equipment, apparently not quite as efficiently as the children!
The equipment is a selection of interactive tools and tech gadgets which uses virtual reality to allow the children to experience things and sensations that their conditions would otherwise not allow. They can play virtual football, paint portraits and even fly with eagles. There is even a music composing centre which allows the children to put together musical scores with genres from pop to rap. Lifelites supply all the staff training and ongoing support at no cost. This is commercial technology adapted to these special uses.
WBro. John Finlay, APGM, attended on behalf of the PGM presented the cheque on behalf of the MBF and said a few words on the importance of the project and the obvious delight of the children and staff. It all concluded with our representatives trying out some of the equipment, apparently not quite as efficiently as the children!
Aurlelius Lodge of Mark Master Masons continur to Sponsor a Sibling
On Sunday 27th of October, Aurelius Lodge were joined by members of their families and friends at Colvin Memorial Temple, Clacton for Sunday Lunch to thank all those who helped with their summer BBQ.
They were also joined by Laura and Michelle from Sponsor A Sibling.
Nigel Martin , Worshipful Master had the pleasure of presenting Michelle and Laura from Sponsor A Sibling with a cheque for £500,which they continue to use for fundraising.
Laura thanked members of Aurelius Lodge and also gave a special mention to the Essex Mark Welfare Fund for the donation of the gazebo.
Laura's husband, Graham has submitted a joining form for Colvin Craft Lodge and will join next year. Graham has already shown an interest in joining our Friendly Degree.
Left to right, Michelle Pearce, a very happy Nigel Martin and Laura Rolf-Wills
For more information on the charity or Facebook Sponsor A Sibling
They were also joined by Laura and Michelle from Sponsor A Sibling.
Nigel Martin , Worshipful Master had the pleasure of presenting Michelle and Laura from Sponsor A Sibling with a cheque for £500,which they continue to use for fundraising.
Laura thanked members of Aurelius Lodge and also gave a special mention to the Essex Mark Welfare Fund for the donation of the gazebo.
Laura's husband, Graham has submitted a joining form for Colvin Craft Lodge and will join next year. Graham has already shown an interest in joining our Friendly Degree.
Left to right, Michelle Pearce, a very happy Nigel Martin and Laura Rolf-Wills
For more information on the charity or Facebook Sponsor A Sibling
V.W.Bro. Anthony Latham, PGJO, Makes His
Last Visit as APGM.
Tuesday, 13th August saw V.W.Bro. Anthony B.M. Latham, PGJO, make his last official visit before he retires as APGM.
Escorted by WBro. John Finlay, PAGDC, ProvGDC (and the APGM "elect"!), V.W.Bro.Latham made an official visit to the Craftsmen of Walden Lodge, No1366 at its home Centre in the picturesque town of Saffron Walden.
In the Royal Ark Mariner meeting, W.Bro Gary Watson installed W.Bro Barney Bannington as the new Commander who went on to appoint and invest his officers in a fine manner.
The Mark meeting had been intended as an Advancement but, due to last minute and unforseen circumstances preventing the attendance of the candidate, V.W.Bro Tony delivered an excellent talk entitled “Mark Masonry – from whence we came”. This was very well received by the 23 members & guests present who, with the Lodge closed, then retired to an excellent festive board.
Pictured below with the Worshipful Master, WBro Fred Harris is VWBro Latham (front row, 2nd from right) together with members and visiting brethren including the Lodges newest recruit, Bro Ken Wheeler, an old friend of the APGM who was Advanced at the previous meeting following his attendance at an Awareness evening arranged at the centre last February.
The more observant will also notice a second chain being worn (front row 3rd from the left) which is being worn by V.W.Bro Trevor Clarke a permanent guest at Craftsmen of Walden, who was recently appointed as the Acting Grand Junior Overseer.
(The next meeing of Essex Installed Mark Masters, No. 1044 on 12th September at Saxon Hall, Southend on Sea, will see the Investiture of W.Bro. John Finlay as APGM for which details are available on the front page and to which ALL Mark Master Masons are cordially invited.)
Escorted by WBro. John Finlay, PAGDC, ProvGDC (and the APGM "elect"!), V.W.Bro.Latham made an official visit to the Craftsmen of Walden Lodge, No1366 at its home Centre in the picturesque town of Saffron Walden.
In the Royal Ark Mariner meeting, W.Bro Gary Watson installed W.Bro Barney Bannington as the new Commander who went on to appoint and invest his officers in a fine manner.
The Mark meeting had been intended as an Advancement but, due to last minute and unforseen circumstances preventing the attendance of the candidate, V.W.Bro Tony delivered an excellent talk entitled “Mark Masonry – from whence we came”. This was very well received by the 23 members & guests present who, with the Lodge closed, then retired to an excellent festive board.
Pictured below with the Worshipful Master, WBro Fred Harris is VWBro Latham (front row, 2nd from right) together with members and visiting brethren including the Lodges newest recruit, Bro Ken Wheeler, an old friend of the APGM who was Advanced at the previous meeting following his attendance at an Awareness evening arranged at the centre last February.
The more observant will also notice a second chain being worn (front row 3rd from the left) which is being worn by V.W.Bro Trevor Clarke a permanent guest at Craftsmen of Walden, who was recently appointed as the Acting Grand Junior Overseer.
(The next meeing of Essex Installed Mark Masters, No. 1044 on 12th September at Saxon Hall, Southend on Sea, will see the Investiture of W.Bro. John Finlay as APGM for which details are available on the front page and to which ALL Mark Master Masons are cordially invited.)
Centurion Mark Welcomes its WM Back & Advances a New Candidate
The Centurion Lodge of MMMs was delighted to welcome its WM Adrian Wilkins back to "Active Duty" following his significant operation recently. Adrian has recovered well and was pleased to welcome everyone and open his Lodge.
Members and guests (a number of whom found themselves with more work than planned!) enjoyed a fine Advancement of Richard Hitchcock into the Mark Degree carried out by both VWBro Davis Garston and WBro Len Abrahams.
Richard will be known to many as a Tyler in many units. He is looking forward to being Elevated into RAM shortly.
With the WM back in his rightful place the rest of the Lodge business was conducted before all retired to a fine festive board. Mark Masonry at its best!
Also pictured below is Bro. Robert Sudlow and Lodge Officers together with V.W. Bro. Anthony Latham, PGJO, APGM at his Official Visit to their last meeting.
Members and guests (a number of whom found themselves with more work than planned!) enjoyed a fine Advancement of Richard Hitchcock into the Mark Degree carried out by both VWBro Davis Garston and WBro Len Abrahams.
Richard will be known to many as a Tyler in many units. He is looking forward to being Elevated into RAM shortly.
With the WM back in his rightful place the rest of the Lodge business was conducted before all retired to a fine festive board. Mark Masonry at its best!
Also pictured below is Bro. Robert Sudlow and Lodge Officers together with V.W. Bro. Anthony Latham, PGJO, APGM at his Official Visit to their last meeting.
Fillebrook Fine Dining Lodge, the Latest Serving.
Fillebrook "Fine Dining" Lodge, No. 944, and it's epicurean members enjoyed the latest meeting taking advantage of the fine dining menu at the home of Mark Masonry at Mark Masons Hall.
On the 28th June 2019, members and guests met, and, after the Installation of the new Master, W.Bro. J. Michael H. Levene, retired to enjoy the usual pre meal reception with Sparkling Wine & Canapes, followed by a Six Course Meal, each course with with accompanying wines and ending with a welcome serving of Vintage Port and a Cheese Platter.
Some of the brethren subsequently retired to the RAC Club to continue discussing masonic business. (At least that is our justification)
The next meeting will be in February 2020 and any Mark Mason interested in attending as a guest should, in the first instance, contact the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Paul H King, [email protected].
Pictured below are the new WM as well as some od the different courses, if there are some pictures slightly blurred one can only assume that the bubbles flowed freely!
On the 28th June 2019, members and guests met, and, after the Installation of the new Master, W.Bro. J. Michael H. Levene, retired to enjoy the usual pre meal reception with Sparkling Wine & Canapes, followed by a Six Course Meal, each course with with accompanying wines and ending with a welcome serving of Vintage Port and a Cheese Platter.
Some of the brethren subsequently retired to the RAC Club to continue discussing masonic business. (At least that is our justification)
The next meeting will be in February 2020 and any Mark Mason interested in attending as a guest should, in the first instance, contact the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Paul H King, [email protected].
Pictured below are the new WM as well as some od the different courses, if there are some pictures slightly blurred one can only assume that the bubbles flowed freely!
Naze Tower RAM and Mark Receive the PGM and Acting Officers
The Naze Tower RAM & Mark meetings held at Kirby Cross on the 15th of May saw a visit from the Provincial Grand Master,
R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, accompanied by a number of Acting Provincial Officers.
They were treated to a fine Installation in the RAM Meeting, with the new Commander being Installed by Dick Thomas and then in the Mark Meeting an excellent double Advancement of Terry Brown and Tony Dack .
After the superb ceremony 35 members and guests enjoyed a first class festive board.
R.W. Bro. Terence D. Sheern, accompanied by a number of Acting Provincial Officers.
They were treated to a fine Installation in the RAM Meeting, with the new Commander being Installed by Dick Thomas and then in the Mark Meeting an excellent double Advancement of Terry Brown and Tony Dack .
After the superb ceremony 35 members and guests enjoyed a first class festive board.
The Mark of Industry Live Up To Their Name with a Double Advancement!
The Mark of Industry Lodge held their regular meeting of the RAM and Mark Lodges on Saturday 15th of June at the Upminster Masonic Centre. They were honoured to receive V.W.Bro. Anthony Latham, APGM on an official visit who was, on this occasion, escorted by the ProvGDC, WBro. John Finlay.
The Mark Lodge was delighted to carry out a double Advancement, the candidates being Bro. Andrew Crawford and Bro. James Joyce. The WM and all his officers conducted the Ceremony in fine form and to the satisfaction of all.
The RAM Lodge now needs to look to its laurels and get ready for an Elevation or two!
The APGM was also pleased to be asked to present Grand Lodge Certificates in both the RAM and Mark Lodge.
All are pictured below with W.M Richard Hollier (r) and VWBro. Latham, APGM (l).
The Mark Lodge was delighted to carry out a double Advancement, the candidates being Bro. Andrew Crawford and Bro. James Joyce. The WM and all his officers conducted the Ceremony in fine form and to the satisfaction of all.
The RAM Lodge now needs to look to its laurels and get ready for an Elevation or two!
The APGM was also pleased to be asked to present Grand Lodge Certificates in both the RAM and Mark Lodge.
All are pictured below with W.M Richard Hollier (r) and VWBro. Latham, APGM (l).
First Meeting for WM of Brentwood Lodge--In at the Deep End!
W.Bro. Jack Saunders, who will be well known to many took his first working meeting of Brentwood Mark, No. 377, a short while ago. It was to be the Advancement of Bro. Alistair Barnwell, (ProvAsstGSec in Essex Craft), so far so good. Alistair is in the same Craft Lodge as the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Gordon Wilson, however, so is a certain M.W. Bro. Raymond Smith, the Pro Grand Master!
The Pro Grand Master was delighted to attend to see his friend's Advancement as a private guest. At the same time, as protocol dictates, the Essex PGM R.W. Bro. Terence Sheern also attended, so, no pressure on Jack then!
Said Jack of the meeting, "I can’t thank the members and visitors to Brentwood Lodge enough for making my first meeting in the chair of Adoniram a very memorable and special one! The ceremony was divided between myself and other members. This gave our candidate and very entertaining and enjoyable ceremony. I really enjoyed myself and think we put on a excellent version of the ceremony!"
Pictured below, left to right are:
Essex PGM, RWBro. Terry Sheern; Pro GM, MWBro. Raymond Smith; Bro. Alistair Barnwell; WBro. Jack Saunders, WM.
Easterford Mark Installation
The Easterford Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its Installation meeting on Wed 8th May at Kelvedon Masonic Temple.
Easterford have some of their own "traditional" variations, one of which is the wearing of black tie dress at all meetings. Pictured below, are the newly Installed Master W.Bro. George Lambeth (centre) with his two Wardens. Bro. Stewart Eastbrook (left) and Bro. Robert Lancashire (right). Many will know George from his activities in The Craft and Royal Arch and it is pleasing to see him continue to enjoy his Mark Masonry (mind you, he still needs to find a good RAM Lodge!). There were 40 members and guests who had a most enjoyable meeting and Festive Board which followed.
Easterford have some of their own "traditional" variations, one of which is the wearing of black tie dress at all meetings. Pictured below, are the newly Installed Master W.Bro. George Lambeth (centre) with his two Wardens. Bro. Stewart Eastbrook (left) and Bro. Robert Lancashire (right). Many will know George from his activities in The Craft and Royal Arch and it is pleasing to see him continue to enjoy his Mark Masonry (mind you, he still needs to find a good RAM Lodge!). There were 40 members and guests who had a most enjoyable meeting and Festive Board which followed.
Deputy Provincial Grand Master visits Wyven Lodges
The DepPGM, V.W.Bro. Richard Bowyer, had the pleasure of making an official visit to the meetings of Wyven Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges, No. 1333 on Thursday 25th April 2019 at the Wivenhoe Masonic Centre, escorted by W.Bro. Craig Bowles, ProvAGDC.
In the Royal Ark Mariner Lodge W.Bro. Tony Prevett gave a most interesting and informative talk on a number of those aspects the Royal Ark Mariner Degree which expanded everyone's knowledge of our enjoyable Degree.
In the Mark, the Lodge carried out an advancement ceremony for 21 year old Adam Mills, an Essex Craft Cornerstone member. The ceremony, carried out by the Master, W.Bro. Steven Bailey, and all of his Officers, was clearly enjoyed by Brother Mills. There was some able and capable assistance from W.Bro. Michael Kropidlowski who explained the signs, and Bro. Michael Manning who explained the working tools.
Afterwards 30 Brethren remained for the Festive Board, where fellowship and good humour were enjoyed.
In the Royal Ark Mariner Lodge W.Bro. Tony Prevett gave a most interesting and informative talk on a number of those aspects the Royal Ark Mariner Degree which expanded everyone's knowledge of our enjoyable Degree.
In the Mark, the Lodge carried out an advancement ceremony for 21 year old Adam Mills, an Essex Craft Cornerstone member. The ceremony, carried out by the Master, W.Bro. Steven Bailey, and all of his Officers, was clearly enjoyed by Brother Mills. There was some able and capable assistance from W.Bro. Michael Kropidlowski who explained the signs, and Bro. Michael Manning who explained the working tools.
Afterwards 30 Brethren remained for the Festive Board, where fellowship and good humour were enjoyed.
Essex Mark attend the PGL Meeting of Sussex
A delegation of Essex Mark Provincial Officers were delighted to attend and represent Essex PGL at the Sussex Mark Annual Provincial Meeting on Tuesday 9th April. Pictured below are, left to right:
WBro. Michael West, ProvDepGDC; VWBro Richard Bowyer, DPGM; RWBro. Terence Sheern, PGM;
VWBro Anthony Latham, APGM and WBro. Richard Goodwin, GJD.
A most enjoyable day (if a little damp on the outside) and we look forward to welcoming Sussex Masons to our meeting at Felsted in May.
WBro. Michael West, ProvDepGDC; VWBro Richard Bowyer, DPGM; RWBro. Terence Sheern, PGM;
VWBro Anthony Latham, APGM and WBro. Richard Goodwin, GJD.
A most enjoyable day (if a little damp on the outside) and we look forward to welcoming Sussex Masons to our meeting at Felsted in May.
Oakleaf Mark Installation
Oakleaf Lodge of Mark Master Masons, meeting at the Crossed Keys Centre, recently held its Installation Meeting.
Pictured below are W. Bro John Crates (centre) who was installed as Worshipful Master of Oakleaf for the third time. On the right is the Installing Master W.Bro Dave Richards. To the left is V. W. Bro Tony Latham who is Director of Ceremonies.
We congratulate John on his longevity (he states he was very young the first time round!) and hope he has honed his ritual since they have a prospective candidate for Advancement at the next meeting in November. That being David Weightman, a PM of Sancto Claro Craft meeting at Orsett who signed up after a recent Mark Awareness Evening.
Pictured below are W. Bro John Crates (centre) who was installed as Worshipful Master of Oakleaf for the third time. On the right is the Installing Master W.Bro Dave Richards. To the left is V. W. Bro Tony Latham who is Director of Ceremonies.
We congratulate John on his longevity (he states he was very young the first time round!) and hope he has honed his ritual since they have a prospective candidate for Advancement at the next meeting in November. That being David Weightman, a PM of Sancto Claro Craft meeting at Orsett who signed up after a recent Mark Awareness Evening.
Aurelius BBQ/Funday in aid of Sponsor a Sibling & Essex Mark Welfare Fund
Aurelius MMM Lodge will be holding a BBQ/Funday on Saturday 1st of June at Colvin Memorial Temple , Clacton - on-Sea, in aid of Sponsor A Sibling and Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
The day starts at 1 PM and finishes about 10 PM ish. In true Aurelius tradition the bar will be open all day. The day will be finished off with a disco.
The event is open to all, but it is a ticket only function. Tickets can be pre-booked by contacting Dave Todd [email protected] or call 07930596371.
Tickets cost £10 adult £5 child under 14. There is an event caterer providing the BBQ and several stalls ranging from bottle tombola cakes, bric a brac and pitch and put, and children's entertainment.
Sponsor A Sibling will be in attendance with their gazebo kindly donated by Essex Mark Masons.
If your Lodge would like a stall please contact Dave as above.
Stilus et Denarius Lodge Meeting, Friday, 22nd March
Stilus et Denarius Lodge, No. 1735 had a great meeting and festive board at Maldon Masonic Hall on Friday 22nd March. The Lodge was consecrated primarily for Secretaries and Treasurers of Lodges in the Province to meet and share best practice. It is, however, a "proper" mark Lodge and guests are always welcome, particularly those who might wish to be a Secretary/Scribe or treasurer in the future.
On this occasion, Bro Ian Simpson from the Viking Lodge (well known in the Holy Royal Arch), attended, and gave an excellent talk on "Freemasons in Captivity", on the subject of which he has also written a book.
The Lodge was pleased to present Bro. Simpson with a cheque for £200 towards the TLC of which he is the founder.
Our Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro Peirre Wadduops, updated the members on future activities and admin requirements, which was followed by a lively questions and answers session. A good time was had by all.
The next meeting will be the Installation and 25th Anniversary Meeting and will be held at the Wivenhoe Masonic Centre on 25th October. Details are available from the Secretary Barry Coombes
On this occasion, Bro Ian Simpson from the Viking Lodge (well known in the Holy Royal Arch), attended, and gave an excellent talk on "Freemasons in Captivity", on the subject of which he has also written a book.
The Lodge was pleased to present Bro. Simpson with a cheque for £200 towards the TLC of which he is the founder.
Our Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro Peirre Wadduops, updated the members on future activities and admin requirements, which was followed by a lively questions and answers session. A good time was had by all.
The next meeting will be the Installation and 25th Anniversary Meeting and will be held at the Wivenhoe Masonic Centre on 25th October. Details are available from the Secretary Barry Coombes
Crowstone Charity Chinese Night, 1st October, 2019
Building on the success of previous events, the Crowstone Mark Lodge is once more to hold its "World Famous" all you can eat buffet night at its home venue of Zen City Restaurent.
Booking details are as shown below and is not restricted to Masons only, all family members and friends are invited too. Got a prospective candidate? Invite them and as many Master Masons as you can find, show them the fun, food and frolics (then, to carry on the alliteration, a form!?)
As ever, this event is well attended so, as some may remember, "Book Early"!
Booking details are as shown below and is not restricted to Masons only, all family members and friends are invited too. Got a prospective candidate? Invite them and as many Master Masons as you can find, show them the fun, food and frolics (then, to carry on the alliteration, a form!?)
As ever, this event is well attended so, as some may remember, "Book Early"!
Brentwood Mark, No. 377; an Installation, a PGM and a real treasure!
Brentwood Mark recently held its Installation meeting where Jack Saunders was Installed Master. Jack will be known to many as one of the communications team and largely responsible for our "social media" output. A keen, committed and young(er!) Mark Mason, Jack said "Just home from Brentwood Mark No .377 where I was installed into the chair of Adoniram. What a nerve-wracking evening, but thoroughly enjoyable! I am looking forward to Advancing a candidate into our wonderful Order. I thank all the officers, members and the many guests who attended also"
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Terence Sheern, in recognition of Jacks' commitment to Mark Masonry, made an unofficial visit and was very pleased to receive a cheque for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund from the new Master.
Now for the "real treasure", one of the members of the Lodge, W.Bro. Phil Hind brought to the meeting a storage box that had been in his loft for over 15 years (Phil was Advanced into Brentwood Mark 20yrs ago).
He had decided to check its contents when clearing out the loft space. He thought the box contained old Lodge records as it had been given to him all those years ago by a member who has now passed away. To his delight and amazement he found and entire treasure trove of Lodge history and memorabilia including the following items (some of which are pictured below)
A set of ivory gavels dated 1901 (the Lodge was consecrated in 1890)
A silver cigarette case dated 1913
A Grand Lodge certificate dated 1887
Two silver cups
Gold members jewel
Nearly 100 years of year books
An Original Provincial Grand Lodge summons dating from 1934
A number of signing in books dating back to 1887
Plus a whole host of over lodge history and items
The items are now to be valued to ensure they have the proper insurance cover and the Lodge will decide if they want to sell
any or some if the items.
"This is a real treasure trove," said the Provincial Grand Master, " and I urge all Lodges and members to check their own records and collections to ensure that none of our valuable and unique history is lost. We must ensure that we preserve, retain and display our history so that we can create the memories of members yet to come"
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Terence Sheern, in recognition of Jacks' commitment to Mark Masonry, made an unofficial visit and was very pleased to receive a cheque for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund from the new Master.
Now for the "real treasure", one of the members of the Lodge, W.Bro. Phil Hind brought to the meeting a storage box that had been in his loft for over 15 years (Phil was Advanced into Brentwood Mark 20yrs ago).
He had decided to check its contents when clearing out the loft space. He thought the box contained old Lodge records as it had been given to him all those years ago by a member who has now passed away. To his delight and amazement he found and entire treasure trove of Lodge history and memorabilia including the following items (some of which are pictured below)
A set of ivory gavels dated 1901 (the Lodge was consecrated in 1890)
A silver cigarette case dated 1913
A Grand Lodge certificate dated 1887
Two silver cups
Gold members jewel
Nearly 100 years of year books
An Original Provincial Grand Lodge summons dating from 1934
A number of signing in books dating back to 1887
Plus a whole host of over lodge history and items
The items are now to be valued to ensure they have the proper insurance cover and the Lodge will decide if they want to sell
any or some if the items.
"This is a real treasure trove," said the Provincial Grand Master, " and I urge all Lodges and members to check their own records and collections to ensure that none of our valuable and unique history is lost. We must ensure that we preserve, retain and display our history so that we can create the memories of members yet to come"
The PGM Visits Beriffe Lodge, No.825
The Provincial Grand Master, escorted by the Provincial Grand DC and accompanied by a retinue of Active Provincial Officer made the perilous journey north (almost beyond The Wall) to visit the Beriffe Lodge for their Installation meeting.
In a fine Ceremony, Worshipful Brother Jeff Hierons was again Installed into the Master's Chair for another tour of duty.
After the meeting the Worshipful Master had great pleasure in presenting the PGM with a cheque for £2000 towards the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
Members of the Lodge also decided to donate £500 to the Brightlingsea First Responders, who assist the Ambulance Service look after us in time of emergency, and in fact one of our members whilst clearing the Dining Tables was taken ill and the First Responders attended within a few minutes of being summoned and assisted until an Ambulance arrived to take over.
A further £500.00 was also donated to the Essex Air Ambulance which is often seen landing in Brightlingsea to give aid where necessary and an asset to the County as a whole.
Finally, a further £500.00 was sent to one of our Brightlingsea girls, Jemma, who having taken a year out after University and, teaching in Ghana, realised how deprived the children were and started her charity and regularly visits in school holidays in spite of her teaching job in Southend. More details can be found on the website .
In a fine Ceremony, Worshipful Brother Jeff Hierons was again Installed into the Master's Chair for another tour of duty.
After the meeting the Worshipful Master had great pleasure in presenting the PGM with a cheque for £2000 towards the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
Members of the Lodge also decided to donate £500 to the Brightlingsea First Responders, who assist the Ambulance Service look after us in time of emergency, and in fact one of our members whilst clearing the Dining Tables was taken ill and the First Responders attended within a few minutes of being summoned and assisted until an Ambulance arrived to take over.
A further £500.00 was also donated to the Essex Air Ambulance which is often seen landing in Brightlingsea to give aid where necessary and an asset to the County as a whole.
Finally, a further £500.00 was sent to one of our Brightlingsea girls, Jemma, who having taken a year out after University and, teaching in Ghana, realised how deprived the children were and started her charity and regularly visits in school holidays in spite of her teaching job in Southend. More details can be found on the website .
Mark of Industry RAM Installation and an Advancement into the Mark
The Mark of Industry RAM & Mark Lodges meetings were held on Saturday 9th February at the Upminster Masonic Centre. W.Bro. John Barns installed W.Bro Richard Hollier as Worshipful Commander in the Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in an excellent manner.
After refreshments, W.Bro Hollier, who is also the current Master of the Mark Lodge, advanced Bro. Lee Low into the Degree of Mark Master Mason in a very memorable ceremony.
The brethren enjoyed a festive board of Scottish Fare, which included the inevitable Haggis and traditional address to the Scottish national dish.
After refreshments, W.Bro Hollier, who is also the current Master of the Mark Lodge, advanced Bro. Lee Low into the Degree of Mark Master Mason in a very memorable ceremony.
The brethren enjoyed a festive board of Scottish Fare, which included the inevitable Haggis and traditional address to the Scottish national dish.
DPGM visits Aurelius Mark and RAM
The DPGM, VWBro. Richard Bowyer, escorted by WBro. Andrew Watson, ProvAGDC made an official visit to the Aurelius Lodge of MMMs which meets at Clacton on Sea. Pictured below are members of Aurelius Lodge and visitors.with the DPGM.
Before the Mark meeting, Aurelius RAM Lodge were also honoured by the visit of V.W.Bro. Richard Bowyer. The meeting consisted of a double Elevation for Brothers Alan Penny and Martin Pearce.
The ceremony was carried out by W.Bro. Ken Headworth as the Commander, Ken Finch was unable to attend. The ceremony was carried out in an exemplary manner by all Lodge Officers.
Before the Mark meeting, Aurelius RAM Lodge were also honoured by the visit of V.W.Bro. Richard Bowyer. The meeting consisted of a double Elevation for Brothers Alan Penny and Martin Pearce.
The ceremony was carried out by W.Bro. Ken Headworth as the Commander, Ken Finch was unable to attend. The ceremony was carried out in an exemplary manner by all Lodge Officers.
Mayflower Mark Advances Two Brethren
The Mayflower Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1536 had two candidates to Advance at their meeting on Thursday 7th February, held at the Orsett Masonic Hall. In these times where some Masonic units are finding new members harder to come by, it is pleasing to see Mayflower Lodge and Mark Masonry continuing to grow.
Pictured below are the Worshipful Master is pictured here with the two new members of the Lodge.
Pictured below are the Worshipful Master is pictured here with the two new members of the Lodge.