Essex Mark "Teaser" Campaign
Update, with the current suspension of all masonic activity, it is prudent to put this campaign on hold. Don't stop your work in the background and continue to promote our, wonderful two Degrees. Once we have moved on we will be recommencing the Teasers.
Ever wondered about The Mark Degree, wondered if it was for you? Want to know what the Ancient and Honourable Degree of Royal Ark Mariner was about? Know someone who has progressed into Mark Masonry and want to know if it's for you?
Well, help is at hand!
Each month we will be releasing a "little nugget" of information, a "teaser" in the form of a question relating to Mark & RAM Masonry. The answer to which will pique your interest and signpost you to The Degree of Mark Master Mason.
The first poster will be appearing in all our Masonic Centres and will also have a QR code box on it. Use the QR code to access the answer! At the same time, they will be posted as a link here for your information too.
If we have your attention and you want to know more the go to the Home Page of this site for further details and a contact with the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Want to know what Essex Freemasons find on joining the Mark Degree? Press the button below to find out some of the answers. Want to know the rest? Contact the Provincial Secretary for application forms (from the Home Page)