Provincial News and Events for 2022.
The news and events will appear in date order with the latest at the top.
The news and events will appear in date order with the latest at the top.
Saxon Shore Lodge of MMM No.1319
Wednesday 7 December 22
Hooray a new member, Brother Andy Fairbairn was successfully advanced into the Lodge on Wednesday 7th of December, and to ensure he received the best possible introduction into the Lodge we had several guests to assist with this task. Following the opening of the Lodge and the usual items, W.Bro. Andy Sylvester took the Chair to carry out the Ceremony with W.Bro.Robert Crow presenting the Signs and Passwords while the candidates proposer Paul Clancy providing the explanation of the Working Tools.
The whole ceremony was completed in a most excellent manner which was confirmed and acknowledged by our guests during the festive board.
Hopefully this good experience for Andy will help to encourage new members from his own Craft Lodge.
The Meal of Steak and stilton Pie was also very well received as most of the attendees had already had their fair share of turkey dinners already.
The whole ceremony was completed in a most excellent manner which was confirmed and acknowledged by our guests during the festive board.
Hopefully this good experience for Andy will help to encourage new members from his own Craft Lodge.
The Meal of Steak and stilton Pie was also very well received as most of the attendees had already had their fair share of turkey dinners already.
Posted on 28/12/22
Forest of Waltham RAM and MMM Lodges No.1444
Saturday 19 November 22
An official visit was made to Forest of Waltham Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Lodge No.1444 on Saturday 19th November 2022 by W.Bro. Richard Goodwin P.G.J.D. Assistant Provincial Grand Master. At the RAM meeting the A.P.G.M had the pleasure of presenting a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Paul Swinge. The Lodge also received a joining member Bro. Christopher Lane.
The Mark meeting saw an Advancement of Bro. Terence Mead which was conducted in a suitably uplifting way, and all enjoyed the ceremony. The Lodge also received Bro. Christopher Lane as a joining member. The Worshipful Master Philip Stabler was proclaimed for a second year and then Invested his Appointed officers.
Posted on 27/11/22
Naze Tower No.1380
Wednesday 16 November 22
On Wednesday 16 November 2022, following their Royal Ark Mariner meeting, Naze Tower Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No.1380, held their Installation meeting at Kirby Cross Masonic Hall. The current, and installing, Master W. Bro. Andy Sylvester performed an excellent ceremony in installing John Adams as Master. He was ably assisted by his officers, including the few "stand-ins pressed into excellent service. After a nervous start the new Master then had the Working Tools presented to him by Bro. Terry Brown in a very competent and able manner. The W.M. then appointed and installed the officers present in a manner which bodes well for his future meetings.
W. Bro. Bob Crow (Beriffe and Northern Star Lodges) gave the addresses to both the Master and the Overseers, W. Bro. Richard Stephens (Beriffe and Northern Star Lodges) the Address to the Wardens and W. Bro. Kaz Kosowski, a visitor from the Province of East Anglia, the address to the Brethren.
Twenty members and guests dined afterwards on what will be remembered by all present and, in particular, W. Bro. John Adams.
Posted on 20/11/22
Northern Star No.2012
Saturday 12 November 22
Northern Star Lodge held its Installation meeting at Kirby Cross on Saturday 12 November.
Thirty brethren sat down to a first-class buffet breakfast. After everyone had had their fill, (especially of fried bread), the work of the day began. Not content with just an Installation Ceremony, the first order of business was to Advance John Day, a member of North Essex Round Table Craft Lodge. Paul Firmin carried out the Ceremony in a first class and very friendly manner and he was ably assisted by his Lodge Officers. Paul has Advanced 10 Brethren during his time as Master. Well done, Paul!
The Secrets of the Degree were explained in a faultless manner by Richard Stephens. The Working Tools once again in a faultless manner by Peter Alexander.
Once John was welcomed into the Lodge, the Ceremony of Installation of Andy Sylvester started. Paul Firmin, as the Installing Officer, proved his great understanding and ability of the Installation ceremony and helped ease any nerves felt in the Temple.
The addresses were given by Richard Stephens, Bob Crowe and Paul Firmin, and Derek Mannister.
Once the Ceremony was completed, the normal business carried on. Bro. Bob Lawman gave his Charity Stewards report and had the great pleasure on behalf of the Provincial Charity Steward of presenting the Worshipful Master with a Gold Patron M.B.F collarette.
With the meeting closed the Brethren parted company looking forward to their next meeting in March 2023.
Posted on 20/11/22
Essex Combined Stewards Mark/RAM Lodge No.1628
Friday 11 November 22
A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all at the recent Essex Combined Stewards Mark/Ram Lodge No.1628 meeting which took place on Friday 11 November 2022. Firstly the Installation of W.Bro. Roy Kaye took place in the Royal Ark Mariner meeting,who was installed by W.Bro. Len Abrahams in superb manner, which was followed by the Address to the Worshipful Commander. W.Bro. Roy then invested his officers for the year and worked through the summons agenda. Previously W.Bro. John Finlay, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master had presented Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro. Stuart McMillan and Bro. Clint Childs.
The Mark meeting then ensued and witnessed one of the best Advancements a Candidate could receive and Bro. Paul Curry was received as a Mark Master Mason into the lodge. All those in Office put in a fantastic performance and those in attendance were treated to quality ritual. The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Chris Hicks delivered virtually the whole degree and was to be congratulated on a superb delivery of the work. All in attendance enjoyed the evening especially invited guests from Surrey Mark Stewards Lodge and a very uplifting Festive Board followed.
Posted on 13/11/22
Southern Start No.2026
Wednesday 9 November 22
Southern Star's First BirthdaySouthern Star No. 2026 held its first birthday meeting on Wednesday 9 November at Upminster Masonic Centre.
The meeting saw Primus Master W.Bro Roy Kaye, our Provincial Grand Almoner, install his successor W.Bro John McCann in front of 42 brethren. The addresses were given by:
The daylight Lodge enjoyed a very harmonious meeting with good ritual and with another joining member today and an advancement for February, the Lodge continues to grow and is one of our great success stories in these uncertain times.
Afterwards, 34 brethren dined at a very happy festive board.
Afterwards, 34 brethren dined at a very happy festive board.
Posted on 13/11/22
Boleyn Castle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.998
Tuesday 25 October 22
Tuesday 25 October saw the Boleyn Castle Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 998 meet at its home venue in Hutton.
The meeting was to see the Advancement of Bro. Marc Spurrell, of Roding Craft Lodge, who had been introduced to Mark Masonry by his good friend, Bro. Stuart McMillan, a member of our Combined Stewards Lodge.
With the absence of a few members, there was assistance from an eclectic group of willing volunteers. Stuart McMillan was delighted to assist as Inner Guard, Roy Kaye was pressed into service as Senior Overseer, Len Abrahams as Senior Warden and Mick West as Senior Deacon. The Junior Deacon, Mark Waddoups, gave a fine supporting performance as Junior Deacon, when one bears in mind he was Advanced immediately pre Covid and has seen and performed little ritual since then.
The work of the Master was split between members of the Lodge, with Secretary Chris Hicks taking the first part, the W.M. Steve Dwyer taking over later and the D.C. Paul Trower delivering the Working Tools.
All in all, it was an excellent ceremony, with all the aspects of serious and meaningful masonic ritual mixed with a small amount of the rather lighter moments which makes Mark Masonry so enjoyable and interesting.
With the Advancement done, the Secretary was delighted to announce that they had applications for Advancement for Mark and, as a result of new members therein, outstanding and new members willing to join their Royal Ark Mariner Lodge.
With the business of the Lodge done, all retired to an, as ever, fine festive board before parting.
The Boleyn Castle Lodges are one of the Provinces’ success stories, they have weathered a small storm and are increasing in numbers with more to come. Added to this, with its easy access to road and rail links, it’s an easy venue to travel to so guests can attend and are always guaranteed a warm welcome. So, if you fancy attending any of its future meetings (which will have candidates in both) give the Secretary, Chris Hicks a call.
Posted on 3010/22
Craftsmen of Walden Mark Lodge No.1366
Tuesday 18 October 22
Saffron Walden
The Craftsmen of Walden Lodge had an excellent and full evening on Tuesday 18th October, when they had an Official visit from Assistant Provincial Grand Master,
W.Bro. John Stannard together with the Advancement of Bro. Justin Attelsey.
The Lodge had suffered in recent years, with numbers falling, so the call went out for help to fill vacant offices, including that of Senior Deacon to conduct Bro Justin through his Advancement. Two Grand Officers heard the call and came to the rescue, W.Bro. Barry Coombes from Southend and W.Bro. Richard Stephens from Brightlingsea; both located at opposite ends of the Province as well as being about as far from Saffron Walden as it was possible to get. Barry admirably filled the vacant Senior Deacon post, and Richard that of Master Overseer. Even the APGM was called upon to undertake the duty of Junior Warden to wield his Axe!
It somehow all seemed to gel together, especially with the warm and sympathetic workings given by the Worshipful Master,
W.Bro. Allan Lean, and his predecessor, W. Bro. Fred Harris, who jointly Advanced the Candidate.
With such an introduction to Mark Masonry, and to Essex Mark Masonry in particular, Bro. Attelsey was shown how friendly Mark Masonry is, and how the Province can work as one team. Well done, Craftsmen of Walden and all of their visitors for a wonderful night.
W.Bro. John Stannard together with the Advancement of Bro. Justin Attelsey.
The Lodge had suffered in recent years, with numbers falling, so the call went out for help to fill vacant offices, including that of Senior Deacon to conduct Bro Justin through his Advancement. Two Grand Officers heard the call and came to the rescue, W.Bro. Barry Coombes from Southend and W.Bro. Richard Stephens from Brightlingsea; both located at opposite ends of the Province as well as being about as far from Saffron Walden as it was possible to get. Barry admirably filled the vacant Senior Deacon post, and Richard that of Master Overseer. Even the APGM was called upon to undertake the duty of Junior Warden to wield his Axe!
It somehow all seemed to gel together, especially with the warm and sympathetic workings given by the Worshipful Master,
W.Bro. Allan Lean, and his predecessor, W. Bro. Fred Harris, who jointly Advanced the Candidate.
With such an introduction to Mark Masonry, and to Essex Mark Masonry in particular, Bro. Attelsey was shown how friendly Mark Masonry is, and how the Province can work as one team. Well done, Craftsmen of Walden and all of their visitors for a wonderful night.
Posted on 21/10/22
Essex Armed Forces Lodge No.2016
Tuesday 18 October 22
Essex Armed Forces Lodge held its third Installation meeting on Tuesday 12 October and saw the media manager, W.Bro. David Todd, Installed as Master.
The Ceremony was carried out in an entertaining manner by W.Bro. Alan Fitz-John in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Terence D. Sheern, along with 21 of his Active Officers. The Ceremony included the Address to the Master given by W.Bro. Mick West, Grand Steward; and that to the Brethren by R.W.Bro. Eddie Garty, Prov.G.M for Middlesex.
After the Lodge closed, 39 Brethren retired to a first-class festive board where the P.G.M was presented with £500 for his Wing Walk next year, and the highlight was the additional presentation to him by W.Bro. Michael Howarth of a flying jacket, hat and goggles.
After the Lodge closed, 39 Brethren retired to a first-class festive board where the P.G.M was presented with £500 for his Wing Walk next year, and the highlight was the additional presentation to him by W.Bro. Michael Howarth of a flying jacket, hat and goggles.
A most enjoyable time was had by all.
Posted on 21/10/22
Easterford Mark Lodge No.
Wednesday 12 October 22
Easterford Mark Lodge at Kelvedon held its regular meeting on Wednesday 12 October when W.Bro. Richard Williams, of the Easterford Craft Lodge, and one of its longest serving members and currently it’s Chaplain, was Advanced into the Easterford Mark Lodge No 1781.
The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Stewart Eastbrook conducted a very moving and word-perfect ceremony, assisted by an almost full complement of officers.
The Working Tools were presented by W.Bro. John Jackson.
Following the ceremony, the brethren dined on the traditional Easterford soup followed by Duck Cerise and Cheese & Biscuits.
The picture shows Bro. Richard Williams with the Worshipful Master alongside, with the Junior Warden W.Bro. Michael JG Thomas, and the Senior Warden Bro. Mark Lawrence.
The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Stewart Eastbrook conducted a very moving and word-perfect ceremony, assisted by an almost full complement of officers.
The Working Tools were presented by W.Bro. John Jackson.
Following the ceremony, the brethren dined on the traditional Easterford soup followed by Duck Cerise and Cheese & Biscuits.
The picture shows Bro. Richard Williams with the Worshipful Master alongside, with the Junior Warden W.Bro. Michael JG Thomas, and the Senior Warden Bro. Mark Lawrence.
Posted on 17/10/22
Chelmer No.342
Wednesday 12 October 22
Wednesday 12 October saw a busy evening of work for Chelmer Mark and RAM, which included an official visit from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother John Finlay.
The RAM meeting commenced with a moments silence in memory of our late Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, before continuing with the Elevation into the RAM of Brother Bruce Heubner, having been advanced into the Mark in January of this year. The Worshipful Commander, W.Bro. Robert Whitfield, vacated the Commander’s chair in favour of the Immediate Past Commander, W.Bro. Chris Brown, who conducted the ceremony of Elevation in an excellent and near-perfect manner, ably assisted by W.Bro. Ian Gager who delivered the explanation of the working tools; the Worshipful Commander couldn’t sit back and relax however as he acted as Senior Deacon for the Elevation.
After the Elevation was complete, Rob Whitfield returned to the Commanders' chair and completed the remained of the RAM business, before closing the Chelmer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.
After a short interlude, during which the temple was rearranged, the Mark meeting was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Taylor, after which the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was received into the Lodge with much acclaim by all present; followed immediately by another moments silence in memory of our late Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and the recently departed brother Worshipful Brother David Pinkerton.
After approval of minutes and accounts, it was time for the main business of the Mark meeting, namely the Installation of W.Bro. Ian Gager into the Masters' Chair for the second time in Chelmer Lodge. The Ceremony of Installation was conducted by W.Bro. Taylor, including the Address to the Master, in a most heartfelt manner.
After being installed as Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Gager, had great pleasure in appointing and investing his officers; the Address to the Wardens being delivered by W.Bro. Mike Steen, the Address to the Overseers by W.Bro. Lewis Conquer, and the Address to the Brethren by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother John Finlay.
After the Ceremony of Installation was complete, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was very pleased to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Robert Hendrie.
The remaining agenda items were completed, which included a proposal by the Charity Steward to donate £750, split evenly between the Mark Benevolent Fund, and another to be determined by the Brethren, after which the Lodge was closed, and a number of member and guests retired to a friendly and enjoyable Festive Board.
The RAM meeting commenced with a moments silence in memory of our late Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, before continuing with the Elevation into the RAM of Brother Bruce Heubner, having been advanced into the Mark in January of this year. The Worshipful Commander, W.Bro. Robert Whitfield, vacated the Commander’s chair in favour of the Immediate Past Commander, W.Bro. Chris Brown, who conducted the ceremony of Elevation in an excellent and near-perfect manner, ably assisted by W.Bro. Ian Gager who delivered the explanation of the working tools; the Worshipful Commander couldn’t sit back and relax however as he acted as Senior Deacon for the Elevation.
After the Elevation was complete, Rob Whitfield returned to the Commanders' chair and completed the remained of the RAM business, before closing the Chelmer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.
After a short interlude, during which the temple was rearranged, the Mark meeting was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Taylor, after which the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was received into the Lodge with much acclaim by all present; followed immediately by another moments silence in memory of our late Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and the recently departed brother Worshipful Brother David Pinkerton.
After approval of minutes and accounts, it was time for the main business of the Mark meeting, namely the Installation of W.Bro. Ian Gager into the Masters' Chair for the second time in Chelmer Lodge. The Ceremony of Installation was conducted by W.Bro. Taylor, including the Address to the Master, in a most heartfelt manner.
After being installed as Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Gager, had great pleasure in appointing and investing his officers; the Address to the Wardens being delivered by W.Bro. Mike Steen, the Address to the Overseers by W.Bro. Lewis Conquer, and the Address to the Brethren by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother John Finlay.
After the Ceremony of Installation was complete, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was very pleased to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Robert Hendrie.
The remaining agenda items were completed, which included a proposal by the Charity Steward to donate £750, split evenly between the Mark Benevolent Fund, and another to be determined by the Brethren, after which the Lodge was closed, and a number of member and guests retired to a friendly and enjoyable Festive Board.
Posted on 17/10/22
Fillebrook Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner No.944
Friday 7 October 22
Chingford Masonic Hall
The Fillebrook Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner, No. 944 held its regular Installation Meeting recently at its “home” venue of Chingford Masonic Hall.
The Lodge was reponed “pre-Covid” to provide a learning resource primarily for Directors of Ceremonies, but welcomes ADCs, those aspiring to those offices and any Brother just wishing to gain a broader and deeper understanding of both the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Mark Degree.
So, the Commander Elect, the irrepressible Len Abrahams, was Installed in an excellent and informative manner by both the current Commander, Paul Firmin, and the D.P.G.M., John Finlay, with explanation at appropriate points by both John and the Lodge D.C., Michael James West.
Any “variations” to the printed ritual were, of course, deliberately made to provide instruction and to ensure that everyone else was awake! The formal part of the meeting was concluded with a question-and-answer session with the Lodge D.C.
Additionally, we also enjoyed a short comment from Pierre Waddoups on some of the deeper meanings of parts of our ritual which was most enlightening and, we hope, may well become a further feature at our meetings.
Finally, although not as “fine dining” a Lodge as “our” Mark Lodge, the brethren retired to an excellent festive board with the D.C. proving that it’s not “what”, but “who” you know with his alternative starter of smoked salmon rather than the soup! All in all an excellent evening.
So, a couple of “daily advancements” for you then.
Firstly, the current, and latest, version of the R.A.M. ritual is the 2019 reprint, Secondly, be careful where you put your “s”es!! We are the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner, not “Mariners”.
Our next meeting will be at Braintree with the date to be confirmed. Full details of what is to be worked will be circulated in good time, we also will demonstrate various parts of the Mark Degree during our meetings, so all are welcome as we will call off to allow your admittance and hold a Mark Festive Board.
As a last note, this Lodge is not in competition with or a replacement for the Provincial L.O.I., but a complementary resource.
The Lodge was reponed “pre-Covid” to provide a learning resource primarily for Directors of Ceremonies, but welcomes ADCs, those aspiring to those offices and any Brother just wishing to gain a broader and deeper understanding of both the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Mark Degree.
So, the Commander Elect, the irrepressible Len Abrahams, was Installed in an excellent and informative manner by both the current Commander, Paul Firmin, and the D.P.G.M., John Finlay, with explanation at appropriate points by both John and the Lodge D.C., Michael James West.
Any “variations” to the printed ritual were, of course, deliberately made to provide instruction and to ensure that everyone else was awake! The formal part of the meeting was concluded with a question-and-answer session with the Lodge D.C.
Additionally, we also enjoyed a short comment from Pierre Waddoups on some of the deeper meanings of parts of our ritual which was most enlightening and, we hope, may well become a further feature at our meetings.
Finally, although not as “fine dining” a Lodge as “our” Mark Lodge, the brethren retired to an excellent festive board with the D.C. proving that it’s not “what”, but “who” you know with his alternative starter of smoked salmon rather than the soup! All in all an excellent evening.
So, a couple of “daily advancements” for you then.
Firstly, the current, and latest, version of the R.A.M. ritual is the 2019 reprint, Secondly, be careful where you put your “s”es!! We are the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner, not “Mariners”.
Our next meeting will be at Braintree with the date to be confirmed. Full details of what is to be worked will be circulated in good time, we also will demonstrate various parts of the Mark Degree during our meetings, so all are welcome as we will call off to allow your admittance and hold a Mark Festive Board.
As a last note, this Lodge is not in competition with or a replacement for the Provincial L.O.I., but a complementary resource.
Posted 17/10/22
St. Nicholas Lodge No. 413
Thursday 15 September 22
Harwich Masonic Hall
Thursday 15 September saw members of St. Nicholas Lodge hold their regular meeting in the fine surroundings of Harwich Masonic Hall.
All though somewhat depleted in numbers due to various reasons, it did not deter the Lodge from Advancing Brother Paul Ainger, a member of Star in the East Craft Lodge in Harwich.
The Worshipful Master was unable to attend due to testing positive for Covid, so Colin Kendrick, Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, stood in for him and carried out the Ceremony in fine form, assisted by several visiting Brethren from various North Essex Lodge's, who were glad to assist.
The Senior Deacon work was carried out by Paul's proposer,
Bro. Graham Clarke, in a superb manner.
All though somewhat depleted in numbers due to various reasons, it did not deter the Lodge from Advancing Brother Paul Ainger, a member of Star in the East Craft Lodge in Harwich.
The Worshipful Master was unable to attend due to testing positive for Covid, so Colin Kendrick, Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, stood in for him and carried out the Ceremony in fine form, assisted by several visiting Brethren from various North Essex Lodge's, who were glad to assist.
The Senior Deacon work was carried out by Paul's proposer,
Bro. Graham Clarke, in a superb manner.
Posted 21/09/22
Essex Armed Forces Lodge No.2016
Friday 15 July 22
Our Essex Armed Forces Lodge re-deployed from their usual meeting place to the Masonic Centre at Witham for an emergency meeting to enable them to carry out their first Advancement Ceremony since their consecration in 2019.
The meeting commenced at 1600Hrs in the Temple, despite the high temperature.
The Lodge welcomed two joining members in the form of Bob and Martin Parsons, father, and son.
Bob being ex R.N and Martin ex R.A.F. Martin was unable to attend due to work commitments, but the members look forward to welcoming him at their next meeting.
The meeting commenced at 1600Hrs in the Temple, despite the high temperature.
The Lodge welcomed two joining members in the form of Bob and Martin Parsons, father, and son.
Bob being ex R.N and Martin ex R.A.F. Martin was unable to attend due to work commitments, but the members look forward to welcoming him at their next meeting.
The main work of the meeting then got underway with the Advancement of Bro. Chris Harding. Chris is ex R.N, swelling the Lodge numbers from the Senior Service to 4. They will be singing sea shanties at the festive board before long!!
The Lodge were joined by several guests who were more than happy to assist this fledgling Lodge with its ceremony.
Several Active Provincial Officers were in attendance and took Office to assist the Worshipful Master in carrying out a most enjoyable and very friendly Advancement Ceremony.
The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Alan Fitz-John performed an excellent ceremony and was assisted by W.Bro. Len Abrahams who explained the signs and passwords in an exemplary manner.
The Lodge were joined by several guests who were more than happy to assist this fledgling Lodge with its ceremony.
Several Active Provincial Officers were in attendance and took Office to assist the Worshipful Master in carrying out a most enjoyable and very friendly Advancement Ceremony.
The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Alan Fitz-John performed an excellent ceremony and was assisted by W.Bro. Len Abrahams who explained the signs and passwords in an exemplary manner.
Once the meeting finished, 17 very thirsty Mark Men retired to the bar for some refreshment.
The Festive Board was very lively with the Royal Navy members sat together recounting old times at sea. Brother Chris bears a slight resemblance to Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Horses, and I am sure the nickname will stick.
Len Abrahams was presented with a personal copy of Ray McKerron’s cookbook. This version featured kosher meals just for Len.
Len was also presented with a new T@3 shirt and shorts, which he promised to wear the following day, and will post on our Facebook page.
The Brethren parted company on a warm sunny evening, looking forward to their next meeting in October.
Len was also presented with a new T@3 shirt and shorts, which he promised to wear the following day, and will post on our Facebook page.
The Brethren parted company on a warm sunny evening, looking forward to their next meeting in October.
Posted 17 July 2022
Cheque Presentation to
Clacton Charity Sail Ship
Training and Learning for Life
Friday 20 May 22
Friday 20th May saw W.Bro. Roy Kaye, Provincial Grand Almoner accompanied by his son Matthew, travel to Clacton to present a cheque for £294 to Clacton Charity Sail ship Training and Learning for Life.
These funds are to support this Charity which trains young people with learning disabilities, and purchase a petrol mower and wheelbarrow.
They grow fruit and vegetables on their site and using their kitchen, turn these into jams,jellies and chutneys which are sold to the public,with proceeds used to help fund their operating costs.
These funds are to support this Charity which trains young people with learning disabilities, and purchase a petrol mower and wheelbarrow.
They grow fruit and vegetables on their site and using their kitchen, turn these into jams,jellies and chutneys which are sold to the public,with proceeds used to help fund their operating costs.
More details on the charity can be found on the link: Sailship Website
The picture has W Bro Roy (2nd from right ) with his son Matthew on the extreme right and W. Bro's Martin Humphries and Colin Kendrick from St Nicholas Mark Lodge Harwich on the left of the group.
5th from the left is Liz Barritt the CEO / Trustee of the Charity.
5th from the left is Liz Barritt the CEO / Trustee of the Charity.
Rainham Mark Lodge No.859
Friday 20 May 22
Orsett Masonic Hall
Rainham Mark Lodge No. 859 met at Orsett Masonic Hall on Friday 20 May to advance Bro. Jack Meleady. He was treated to an excellent ceremony, which was all the more interesting as there were many visiting brethren who had to 'sing for their supper'.
The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Chris Smith conducted the first half of the ceremony, and the second half was conducted by W.Bro. Mark Wilkins ,both in excellent fashion.
Bro Jack then took his place amongst the Brethren and the Worshipful Master was able to present a cheque to W.Bro. Ray McKerron Prov.G.S.W., who was there on behalf of the Prov.G.M., for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
After the meeting concluded the brethren enjoyed an excellent festive board.
The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Chris Smith conducted the first half of the ceremony, and the second half was conducted by W.Bro. Mark Wilkins ,both in excellent fashion.
Bro Jack then took his place amongst the Brethren and the Worshipful Master was able to present a cheque to W.Bro. Ray McKerron Prov.G.S.W., who was there on behalf of the Prov.G.M., for the Essex Mark Welfare Fund.
After the meeting concluded the brethren enjoyed an excellent festive board.
Posted on 30 May 22
Easterford No.1781
Wednesday 11 May 22
Easterford Mark Lodge held its Installation meeting on Wednesday 11 May in the presence of the Prov.G.M and his Active Provincial Officers
This evening also celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Mark Lodge having been consecrated on 19 April 1997 and the first meeting being held almost to the day 25 years ago
It was also a special evening for the Secretary of the Lodge, W.Bro. Norman Eastbrook M.B.E, Prov.G.J.W, to watch his son Stewart, who was Advanced into Mark Masonry on 9 October 2013 be Installed into the Masters Chair, in a superb ceremony carried out by W.Bro. Rob Lancaster. Norman’s Son in Law, Mark R. Lawrence being Appointed and Invested as the Senior Warden.
This evening also celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Mark Lodge having been consecrated on 19 April 1997 and the first meeting being held almost to the day 25 years ago
It was also a special evening for the Secretary of the Lodge, W.Bro. Norman Eastbrook M.B.E, Prov.G.J.W, to watch his son Stewart, who was Advanced into Mark Masonry on 9 October 2013 be Installed into the Masters Chair, in a superb ceremony carried out by W.Bro. Rob Lancaster. Norman’s Son in Law, Mark R. Lawrence being Appointed and Invested as the Senior Warden.
Our sincere thanks must also go to the Prov.G.M for presenting the address to the Brethren and also presenting a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Tom Broderick.
The evening concluded with a most enjoyable Festive Board.
The evening concluded with a most enjoyable Festive Board.
Craftsmen of Walden No.1366
Tuesday 3 May 22
Saffron Walden
Post 15 May 22
Crowstone Lodge No.
Thursday 5 May 22
Saxon Hall
Thursday 5 May 2022 saw another super RAM and Mark meeting of Crowstone Lodge.
The RAM meeting was opened by Commander Geoff Newman who, assisted by Len Abrahams, proceeded to install Mike Barrett into the Commanders chair. Mike then installed his officers and the good natured meeting closed with appropriate Crowstone banter after sincere installation ritual.
The RAM meeting was opened by Commander Geoff Newman who, assisted by Len Abrahams, proceeded to install Mike Barrett into the Commanders chair. Mike then installed his officers and the good natured meeting closed with appropriate Crowstone banter after sincere installation ritual.
W.Bro. Len then opened the Mark meeting promptly at 5.00pm. Promptness was needed to ensure the double Advancement would be completed with time for a drink and festive board. And indeed it was. The meeting was a great success and the two candidates were duly advanced. Bro.s Ezrick Campbell and Jabez Persaud, both of whom had attended the Mark Awareness evening at Southend, were welcomed into the Lodge and given a typical friendly Mark welcome. The Advancement ceremony was conducted with the help of several visitors as many Lodge members had given apologies because of holiday and birthday clashes. Crowstone thanks go to Mick West, Roy Kaye, Peter Hall and the rest of our regular visitors.
Two notable occurrences were the very welcome return to Lodge of V.W. Bro. Ray Fretten – the longest serving member and Lodge Chaplain (the members commented on the pleasure of once again hearing Ray’s booming voice in the Lodge room), and Crowstone’s newest member Josh Vaughan, who was Advanced into the Lodge in January, giving a flawless presentation of the Working Tools – word perfect!
Two notable occurrences were the very welcome return to Lodge of V.W. Bro. Ray Fretten – the longest serving member and Lodge Chaplain (the members commented on the pleasure of once again hearing Ray’s booming voice in the Lodge room), and Crowstone’s newest member Josh Vaughan, who was Advanced into the Lodge in January, giving a flawless presentation of the Working Tools – word perfect!
The festive board was a great success and 25 Mark men sat to enjoy the event. Both of the new members expressed their delight at joining Crowstone and said how they look forward to a happy and enjoyable future.
Posted 12 May 22
Wyven Mark Lodge No. 1333
Thursday 24 February 22
Wivenhoe Masonic Hall
At the well-attended meeting at Wivenhoe Masonic Hall on Thursday 24 February 2022, the Wyven Mark Lodge received the RW Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Terence D. Sheern and his Provincial Escort.
The ProvGM then took the Chair briefly, and addressed the meeting, including outlining the remarkable achievements of the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) in distributing over £1.2 million to Hospices around the country in the last year.
The ProvGM returned the Gavel to the WM, WBro Tony Prevett, PPGJW and the members balloted for Bro Michael Broom as a Candidate for Advancement, who is a Member of Mersea Island Craft Lodge No. 5534.
The Ceremony of Advancement began and Bro Michael was Advanced most ably to the rank of Mark Master Mason by the WM and his Officers. The agenda for the meeting was proceeded with and the Charity Steward explained the Zipwire Challenge that was soon being held in aid of the MBF Essex 2030 Festival, the sponsorship forms being available to any members wishing to contribute.
The Festive Board was then held, and 45 members including the ProvGM dined well in good company, and parted fraternally and in good spirits.
The ProvGM then took the Chair briefly, and addressed the meeting, including outlining the remarkable achievements of the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) in distributing over £1.2 million to Hospices around the country in the last year.
The ProvGM returned the Gavel to the WM, WBro Tony Prevett, PPGJW and the members balloted for Bro Michael Broom as a Candidate for Advancement, who is a Member of Mersea Island Craft Lodge No. 5534.
The Ceremony of Advancement began and Bro Michael was Advanced most ably to the rank of Mark Master Mason by the WM and his Officers. The agenda for the meeting was proceeded with and the Charity Steward explained the Zipwire Challenge that was soon being held in aid of the MBF Essex 2030 Festival, the sponsorship forms being available to any members wishing to contribute.
The Festive Board was then held, and 45 members including the ProvGM dined well in good company, and parted fraternally and in good spirits.
Posted 5 March 22
Dunmow Mark and RAM Lodge No. 527
Monday 21 February 22
Howard Hall - Braintree
In the afternoon of Monday 21 February, the members of the Dunmow Mark and RAM Lodges held their regular meeting at Howard Hall in Braintree to undertake a double Elevation in the Royal Ark Mariner Lodge followed by an official visit by WBro Richard Goodwin, Assistant Provincial Grand Master in the Mark.
The Dunmow Mark No. 527 is unique in that it was the very first Lodge to be Consecrated into the newly Constituted Mark Province of Essex. The Lodge was Consecrated on 23rd of May 1900 at the Saracens Head in Great Dunmow and is the 8th oldest in the Province.
The Dunmow RAM was opened and the Commander, WBro Dudley Holmes undertook Lodge business in preparation for the double Elevation. The Candidates were Bro Ian Barbrook and Bro Nigel Farmer and they entered to the Lodge to receive what was described at the meeting as a Ceremony undertaken in a ‘commendable and heartfelt manner’, a great entry for two new Brothers in the RAM Degree in Essex.
After a short break, the Dunmow Mark Lodge was opened and WBro Phil Richardson, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies entered in order to escort the APGM into the Lodge on his official visit. The Brethren of Dunmow welcomed WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM and the Master; WBro Michael Sayer greeted him, offered him the gavel but was to remain in his office.
The next item of business was for the APGM to present the Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Ian Barbrook and Nigel Farmer which was duly completed. Fortunately for the Secretary, the Certificates were in order and they were signed by the Brothers receiving them. The remainder of the Lodge business was completed and the Lodge was closed with the 21 Brethren present remaining to dine at the festive board.
The Dunmow Mark No. 527 is unique in that it was the very first Lodge to be Consecrated into the newly Constituted Mark Province of Essex. The Lodge was Consecrated on 23rd of May 1900 at the Saracens Head in Great Dunmow and is the 8th oldest in the Province.
The Dunmow RAM was opened and the Commander, WBro Dudley Holmes undertook Lodge business in preparation for the double Elevation. The Candidates were Bro Ian Barbrook and Bro Nigel Farmer and they entered to the Lodge to receive what was described at the meeting as a Ceremony undertaken in a ‘commendable and heartfelt manner’, a great entry for two new Brothers in the RAM Degree in Essex.
After a short break, the Dunmow Mark Lodge was opened and WBro Phil Richardson, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies entered in order to escort the APGM into the Lodge on his official visit. The Brethren of Dunmow welcomed WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM and the Master; WBro Michael Sayer greeted him, offered him the gavel but was to remain in his office.
The next item of business was for the APGM to present the Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Ian Barbrook and Nigel Farmer which was duly completed. Fortunately for the Secretary, the Certificates were in order and they were signed by the Brothers receiving them. The remainder of the Lodge business was completed and the Lodge was closed with the 21 Brethren present remaining to dine at the festive board.
Photograph shows:
WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM (Centre)
Bro Ian Barbrook & Bro. Nigel Farmer (Left)
Worshipful Master WBro Michael Sayer (1st right)
Worshipful Commander WBro Dudley Holmes (2nd right)
WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM (Centre)
Bro Ian Barbrook & Bro. Nigel Farmer (Left)
Worshipful Master WBro Michael Sayer (1st right)
Worshipful Commander WBro Dudley Holmes (2nd right)
Posted 22 February 2022
Isthmian Lodge of M.M.M. No. 891
Wednesday 9 February 22
Chingford Masonic Hall
The Isthmian Mark Lodge No. 891 was Consecrated in February of 1930 and worked until May of 2009 when its Warrant was surrendered and it fell into darkness. On the 13th of October 2021, the Isthmian Mark was ‘Reponed’ into the Isthmian Combined Services Mark No. 891 to cater for all serving, retired and volunteer members of the Emergency Services, Civil, Public or Crown servants.
The first regular meeting of the newly Reponed daylight Mark Lodge was held in the morning of Wednesday 9 February 2022 at its spiritual home, that of Chingford Masonic Hall where it had met throughout its previous life.
The Lodge was opened and the Master, WBro Pierre Waddoups, with his Wardens processed into the Lodge. The business of the day was first of all welcome the 23 Brethren in attendance which included the two Brothers that were Advanced at the Reponement meeting, Bro’s John Mansfield and Jack Holmstock, this being their first regular Mark meeting. They were to witness an Advancement Ceremony and the third Candidate in two meetings for Isthmian.
Prior to this were the Ballots for the Candidate to be Advanced at this meeting and a second Candidate that is to be Advanced at the following meeting in May. The Ballot proved in favour of both Candidates.
The Candidate for today, Bro John Kersey was prepared and entered into the Lodge, was duly Advanced and received a well prepared Ceremony that was truly a team effort. He was given an overview of the efforts of the Province towards the 2030 Essex MBF Festival, a history of the Lodge and a pocket full of cards with the details of Amazon Smile and how he could help towards the Festival.
The Lodge DC, WBro Steve Joslin then advised the Lodge that he would be taking part in the Zipwire Challenge in April with other members of the Essex Mark, including our DPGM, WBro John Finlay. A collection at the Festive Board raised £75 for Steve and the members of Isthmian wish him luck! Lots of luck. Isthmian hope that they don’t have to find a replacement as DC by April!
Details of the Reponement of the Isthmian Combined Services Royal Ark Mariner Lodge were read out by the Secretary with the date to be communicated soon. The members fully support having the RAM moored once again to the Mark so that both can meet on the 2nd Wednesday of February, May and October as daylight Lodges.
The first regular meeting of the newly Reponed daylight Mark Lodge was held in the morning of Wednesday 9 February 2022 at its spiritual home, that of Chingford Masonic Hall where it had met throughout its previous life.
The Lodge was opened and the Master, WBro Pierre Waddoups, with his Wardens processed into the Lodge. The business of the day was first of all welcome the 23 Brethren in attendance which included the two Brothers that were Advanced at the Reponement meeting, Bro’s John Mansfield and Jack Holmstock, this being their first regular Mark meeting. They were to witness an Advancement Ceremony and the third Candidate in two meetings for Isthmian.
Prior to this were the Ballots for the Candidate to be Advanced at this meeting and a second Candidate that is to be Advanced at the following meeting in May. The Ballot proved in favour of both Candidates.
The Candidate for today, Bro John Kersey was prepared and entered into the Lodge, was duly Advanced and received a well prepared Ceremony that was truly a team effort. He was given an overview of the efforts of the Province towards the 2030 Essex MBF Festival, a history of the Lodge and a pocket full of cards with the details of Amazon Smile and how he could help towards the Festival.
The Lodge DC, WBro Steve Joslin then advised the Lodge that he would be taking part in the Zipwire Challenge in April with other members of the Essex Mark, including our DPGM, WBro John Finlay. A collection at the Festive Board raised £75 for Steve and the members of Isthmian wish him luck! Lots of luck. Isthmian hope that they don’t have to find a replacement as DC by April!
Details of the Reponement of the Isthmian Combined Services Royal Ark Mariner Lodge were read out by the Secretary with the date to be communicated soon. The members fully support having the RAM moored once again to the Mark so that both can meet on the 2nd Wednesday of February, May and October as daylight Lodges.
Mayflower Lodge No. 1536
Thursday 3 February 22
Orsett Masonic Hall
The members of the Mayflower Mark, were honoured by an official visit from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Richard Goodwin on Thursday 3 February at the Orsett Masonic Hall. The Mayflower RAM Lodge met prior to the Mark and after a short break for Tea and Coffee, the Mayflower Mark was opened in the presence of the 36 Brethren in attendance.
The business of the day was to Advance Bro Gregory Dimond and so, once the Lodge was opened, WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM entered the Lodge and took his place to the right of the Master. The Worshipful Master of Mayflower, WBro Fred Sander, provided an ‘excellent rendition of the Ceremony of Advancement’ and was assisted by WBro David Wells who undertook the explanation of the Signs, Tokens and Words to his Candidate and friend, Bro Gregory.
The Master asked the Secretary to make special mention to WBro Peter Maloney, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, for giving a ‘premier performance as the acting Senior Deacon’.
The business of the day was to Advance Bro Gregory Dimond and so, once the Lodge was opened, WBro Richard Goodwin, APGM entered the Lodge and took his place to the right of the Master. The Worshipful Master of Mayflower, WBro Fred Sander, provided an ‘excellent rendition of the Ceremony of Advancement’ and was assisted by WBro David Wells who undertook the explanation of the Signs, Tokens and Words to his Candidate and friend, Bro Gregory.
The Master asked the Secretary to make special mention to WBro Peter Maloney, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, for giving a ‘premier performance as the acting Senior Deacon’.
The APGM, WBro Richard Goodwin gave his thanks to the members of Mayflower for his reception on his first visit to the Lodge and congratulated Bro Gregory on taking his 4th regular step in Masonry and into the Mayflower Lodge in particular, in what he described as a ‘brilliant Advancement’. He welcomed Bro Gregory on behalf of the PGM, RWBro Terence D. Sheern and hoped to see him and the other members of Mayflower on his future visits around the Province and at the Provincial meeting to be held at Felsted School on 1 June.
The Brethren retired to the festive board and the raffle raised £185 which was donated to WBro Les Irving for his part in the Zipwire Challenge to take place in April, all in aid of the 2030 Essex MBF Festival.
The Brethren retired to the festive board and the raffle raised £185 which was donated to WBro Les Irving for his part in the Zipwire Challenge to take place in April, all in aid of the 2030 Essex MBF Festival.
Posted 13 February 2022
Tuscan Pillar No 1142
Friday 21 January 22
On Friday 21 January 2022, the Tuscan Pillar Mark and RAM was host to RMBro Terence D.Sheern Provincial Grand Master and his Provincial Officers along with the ProvGM and DepPGM of Middlesex.
There were 39 Mark Brethren in attendance to witness VWBro Tony Latham conduct the business of the Tuscan Pillar RAM followed by an Installation meeting in the Mark.
There were 39 Mark Brethren in attendance to witness VWBro Tony Latham conduct the business of the Tuscan Pillar RAM followed by an Installation meeting in the Mark.
The Installation of the new Master was undertaken by the current Master in the form of WBro Arthur Bennett who Installed WBro George Baker into the Chair.
The address to the Master was rendered by VWBro Tony Latham who also gave to the address to the Overseers. To the Wardens, the address was given by WBro Barry Shepherd and to the Brethren it was RWBro Eddy Garty, the ProvGM for Middlesex.
Those in attendance where then treated to a Burns Night Festive Board with the Toast to the Haggis delivered by WBro Colin Innes in his usual sincere manner.
The response from the Haggis was given by the Provincial Grand Senior Warden, WBro Ray McKerron.
To end the work of the day, members of Tuscan Pillar Lodge presented to the ProvGM a cheque for £500 in sponsorship of the Zip Wire Challenge due to take place on the 16th of April 2022 and a further £150 collected from members on the night to be added to the £500 total.
The response from the Haggis was given by the Provincial Grand Senior Warden, WBro Ray McKerron.
To end the work of the day, members of Tuscan Pillar Lodge presented to the ProvGM a cheque for £500 in sponsorship of the Zip Wire Challenge due to take place on the 16th of April 2022 and a further £150 collected from members on the night to be added to the £500 total.
Members of the Essex Mark Media Team and friends will be taking part in the Keystone Flyers Zip Wire Challenge at the Hangloose venue at Bluewater in Kent on Easter Saturday in aid of the MBF Essex 2030 Festival, further information about this event can be found by clicking the button below.
Posted 26 January 2022
St. Nicholas Mark Lodge No 413
Thursday 20 January 2022
Harwich Masonic Centre
The St. Nicholas Mark Lodge held its first meeting of 2022 on Thursday 20 January at the Harwich Masonic Centre, under challenging circumstances. The Worshipful Master, having prepared himself alongside other members of the Lodge at a Lodge of Instruction, a few days before the meeting, tested positive for Covid, which could have impacted almost all of the Lodge Officers.
Fortunately, after a ‘flurry’ of tests, only the Master tested positive and the meeting could go ahead, albeit without him, the Acting Master was to be WBro Brian Todd.
The members of St. Nicholas then enacted their ‘Plan B’ in readiness for the Advancement of Bro John Hughes of the Essex United Service Lodge No. 3804, which also meets at Harwich. In true Essex Mark style, the Lodge called for some assistance to create a memorable Ceremony for Bro John and members of ‘Brilliant’ Beriffe No. 825 and Naze Tower No. 1380 answered the call.
The Mark Lodges of the North of the County regularly offer their support to each other and with Harwich being in the distant North East of Essex; have formed a strong bond of support as visitors are not as frequent as they could be.
The meeting was a go for launch and the Ceremony was undertaken in true St. Nicholas fashion with a sincere Ceremony of Advancement to welcome another Mark Master into the Province of Essex. There was thanks to the following Brethren in attending to support St. Nicholas and in taking office for the Ceremony;
WBro Andy Sylvester of Naze Tower as JO.
WBro Dick Stephens of Berrife as SO
Bro John Adams of Naze Tower as IG
Bro Les Bond, the newest member of St. Nicholas acted at Tyler.
Freshly Advanced Bro John Hughes remarked at the Festive Board, “I was told that this is the friendly degree, and everyone has proved that by putting me at ease with a warm and friendly ceremony. Thank you all, very much.”
Fortunately, after a ‘flurry’ of tests, only the Master tested positive and the meeting could go ahead, albeit without him, the Acting Master was to be WBro Brian Todd.
The members of St. Nicholas then enacted their ‘Plan B’ in readiness for the Advancement of Bro John Hughes of the Essex United Service Lodge No. 3804, which also meets at Harwich. In true Essex Mark style, the Lodge called for some assistance to create a memorable Ceremony for Bro John and members of ‘Brilliant’ Beriffe No. 825 and Naze Tower No. 1380 answered the call.
The Mark Lodges of the North of the County regularly offer their support to each other and with Harwich being in the distant North East of Essex; have formed a strong bond of support as visitors are not as frequent as they could be.
The meeting was a go for launch and the Ceremony was undertaken in true St. Nicholas fashion with a sincere Ceremony of Advancement to welcome another Mark Master into the Province of Essex. There was thanks to the following Brethren in attending to support St. Nicholas and in taking office for the Ceremony;
WBro Andy Sylvester of Naze Tower as JO.
WBro Dick Stephens of Berrife as SO
Bro John Adams of Naze Tower as IG
Bro Les Bond, the newest member of St. Nicholas acted at Tyler.
Freshly Advanced Bro John Hughes remarked at the Festive Board, “I was told that this is the friendly degree, and everyone has proved that by putting me at ease with a warm and friendly ceremony. Thank you all, very much.”
Posted 26 January 2022