Interview with Anthony Latham, Past APGM
You have had an interview with W.Bro. John Finlay and the new Provincial Officers so we thought it only right to give
Very Worshipful Brother Anthony B.M. Latham a chance to bow out with a few words of reminiscence on his time as well as a few memories about Mark Masonry in general, the text of which can be found using the button at the bottom of the page.
To give some detail around his commitment to our Degree here are a few details and statistics around his time in the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Degrees.
Tony was Advanced into Essex Mark in the Tuscan Pillar Lodge, No. 1142 in 1980 and the Royal Ark Mariner in The North Kent Lodge, No, 1682 in 1993. He remains a subscribing member of eight Mark Lodges and six Royal Ark Mariner Lodges.
His first Provincial appointment was to the Acting Rank of Provincial Grand Senior Deacon in Essex; he was also the Acting Provincial Grand Senior Warden in 2003. He was promoted to Grand Rank in 2004 and RAMGR in 2006. He is currently a
Past Grand Junior Overseer and, of course, was our Assistant Provincial Grand Master from 2017 to 2019. Somewhere in all this, he still commits to his "own" Lodges as DC and ChStwd in Oakleaf, DC and Almoner in Tudor as well as SW in Tuscan Pillar. He is still doing the same in his Kent Lodges where he also fitted in time to be their ProvGTreasurer!
Tony is pictured below both with the PGM and APGM Mark Reeve on the night of his appointment as APGM and with his wife on an anniversary trip to Japan. The PGM truly thanks him for all his efforts on behalf of Essex Mark and RAM and wishes him a (slightly!) more peaceful time in future.