Appointment and Investiture of New Assistant Provincial Grand Masters
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is delighted to confirm that the next meeting of the Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge will see the appointment of two new Assistant Provincial Grand Masters on the 14th September, 2017 at Saxon Hall. Those new APGMs will be V.W.Bro. Anthony Latham, and W.Bro. Mark Reeve.
As was announced by the Provincial Grand Master at PGL last, he has requested that both his current APGMs stand down after several years of sterling and supportive work. Both W.Bro. Roger Wacey and W. Bro. John Emmerick acceded to the PGM's request and both will stand down prior to the next meeting of Essex Installed Mark Masters on September 14th.
Tony Latham was Advanced into Tuscan Pillar Lodge in 1980 and is also in Tuscan Pillar RAM. He has been the Senior Warden in Essex Installed Mark Masters and the Commander of Essex Enthroned Commanders as well as the Master of the Stilus et Denarius Lodge and he was the Provincial Grand Senior Warden in Essex in 2004. Tony is also an active Mark Mason and RAM in Kent having been a Founder of the North Kent Lodge of MMM and it's RAM Lodge. He has also been the Commander of Kent Installed Commanders. He holds RAM Grand Rank and his first Grand Appointment in Mark was in 2010, he was made a Past Grand Junior Overseer (and, therefore, entitled to the distinction of Very Worshipful) in 2015 .He is a well respected and knowledgeable Mason by all that know him.
Mark Reeve will be known to many of you as the current Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies; he was Advanced into the Mayflower Lodge in 1997 and Elevated into the RAM in 1998. He was an Active ProvADC; the ProvDepDc and, of course, the current Provincial Director of Ceremonies. He is in a number of other Orders administered by the GLMMM holding provincial rank in KT; OSM and RSM; he holds RAM Grand Rank, his first mark Grand Appointment was in 2010 and was the Mark Active Deputy Grand Sword Bearer in 2015. Also a very knowledgeable and respected Mark Mason with an exemplary knowledge of ritual and protocol.
As was announced by the Provincial Grand Master at PGL last, he has requested that both his current APGMs stand down after several years of sterling and supportive work. Both W.Bro. Roger Wacey and W. Bro. John Emmerick acceded to the PGM's request and both will stand down prior to the next meeting of Essex Installed Mark Masters on September 14th.
Tony Latham was Advanced into Tuscan Pillar Lodge in 1980 and is also in Tuscan Pillar RAM. He has been the Senior Warden in Essex Installed Mark Masters and the Commander of Essex Enthroned Commanders as well as the Master of the Stilus et Denarius Lodge and he was the Provincial Grand Senior Warden in Essex in 2004. Tony is also an active Mark Mason and RAM in Kent having been a Founder of the North Kent Lodge of MMM and it's RAM Lodge. He has also been the Commander of Kent Installed Commanders. He holds RAM Grand Rank and his first Grand Appointment in Mark was in 2010, he was made a Past Grand Junior Overseer (and, therefore, entitled to the distinction of Very Worshipful) in 2015 .He is a well respected and knowledgeable Mason by all that know him.
Mark Reeve will be known to many of you as the current Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies; he was Advanced into the Mayflower Lodge in 1997 and Elevated into the RAM in 1998. He was an Active ProvADC; the ProvDepDc and, of course, the current Provincial Director of Ceremonies. He is in a number of other Orders administered by the GLMMM holding provincial rank in KT; OSM and RSM; he holds RAM Grand Rank, his first mark Grand Appointment was in 2010 and was the Mark Active Deputy Grand Sword Bearer in 2015. Also a very knowledgeable and respected Mark Mason with an exemplary knowledge of ritual and protocol.