Mark Awareness Evenings
As part of an ongoing initiative and building on the success of previous events, a series of further Mark Awareness Evenings are planned, they are:
14th February, 2020, at the Colvin Memorial Temple, hosted by Aurelius Lodge
Executive Lead, John Finlay, APGM ([email protected])
(22nd January, 2020 at the Hutton Masonic Centre, hosted by Ilford St. Mary Mark
Executive Lead, Richard Bowyer, DPGM ([email protected]) see report in News)
They will commence around 6.15 to 6.30pm and dress for attendees is "smart casual". All Mark Master Masons are requested to ensure suitable members of their Craft Lodges are made aware and invited to attend one of the sessions. The intention is to open up a Mark Lodge to Craft Master Masons so that they can be informed and made aware of the Mark, and Royal Ark Mariner, Degrees.
They are non-ticket events and an email to the Executive Lead as above, with names and Lodges of those attending, will be all that is necessary to confirm attendance.
Not only is the Mark Master Mason Degree (which actually consists of two Degrees in the Ceremony, that of Mark Man and that of Mark Master Mason) and the Royal Ark Mariner Degree more than worthwhile in each of their own rights, membership of Mark Masonry is a pre requisite to other interesting and absorbing Orders.
In most cases these Awareness Evening events will be held during the meeting, with the Lodge called off, or immediately after, a meeting. That way the different Lodge layout; officers and some indication of what the ritual is can be displayed to the brethren attending. These have been enormously successful in the past and no doubt, will be again.
After each session there will be an informal Q & A session where members of the Provincial Executive will be present. An informal buffet will follow, where any additional information can be explained.
The evening will be free to all craft attendees and it is hoped that the evening will finish by 8.00 p.m.
If you are a Master Mason reading this and wondering what Mark is about, then please take the time to attend one of the below evenings; you are, and will be made, most welcome. The qualification for becoming a member is solely that you are a Master Mason (please also see the link on the home page).
To those Mark Master Masons reading this, you are all members of a Craft Lodge, there must be Master Masons in them who are, or can be made aware of, the great fun, enjoyment and moral lessons of Mark Masonry. Invite them along, discuss the matter with your Craft Secretary and consider raising the matter on the 3rd rising or AOB. There are approximately 30 Craft Lodges meeting around the Hutton area and 38 around the Clacton so, at least one Master Mason from each would be an achievement for you to aim for.
14th February, 2020, at the Colvin Memorial Temple, hosted by Aurelius Lodge
Executive Lead, John Finlay, APGM ([email protected])
(22nd January, 2020 at the Hutton Masonic Centre, hosted by Ilford St. Mary Mark
Executive Lead, Richard Bowyer, DPGM ([email protected]) see report in News)
They will commence around 6.15 to 6.30pm and dress for attendees is "smart casual". All Mark Master Masons are requested to ensure suitable members of their Craft Lodges are made aware and invited to attend one of the sessions. The intention is to open up a Mark Lodge to Craft Master Masons so that they can be informed and made aware of the Mark, and Royal Ark Mariner, Degrees.
They are non-ticket events and an email to the Executive Lead as above, with names and Lodges of those attending, will be all that is necessary to confirm attendance.
Not only is the Mark Master Mason Degree (which actually consists of two Degrees in the Ceremony, that of Mark Man and that of Mark Master Mason) and the Royal Ark Mariner Degree more than worthwhile in each of their own rights, membership of Mark Masonry is a pre requisite to other interesting and absorbing Orders.
In most cases these Awareness Evening events will be held during the meeting, with the Lodge called off, or immediately after, a meeting. That way the different Lodge layout; officers and some indication of what the ritual is can be displayed to the brethren attending. These have been enormously successful in the past and no doubt, will be again.
After each session there will be an informal Q & A session where members of the Provincial Executive will be present. An informal buffet will follow, where any additional information can be explained.
The evening will be free to all craft attendees and it is hoped that the evening will finish by 8.00 p.m.
If you are a Master Mason reading this and wondering what Mark is about, then please take the time to attend one of the below evenings; you are, and will be made, most welcome. The qualification for becoming a member is solely that you are a Master Mason (please also see the link on the home page).
To those Mark Master Masons reading this, you are all members of a Craft Lodge, there must be Master Masons in them who are, or can be made aware of, the great fun, enjoyment and moral lessons of Mark Masonry. Invite them along, discuss the matter with your Craft Secretary and consider raising the matter on the 3rd rising or AOB. There are approximately 30 Craft Lodges meeting around the Hutton area and 38 around the Clacton so, at least one Master Mason from each would be an achievement for you to aim for.