Fillebrook Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners Re-Opened
on the 9th October, 2019 at Chingford
on the 9th October, 2019 at Chingford
The Povince of Essex is delighted to welcome the Re-Opening of the Fillebrook Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 944, it was re-opened by the Provincial Grand Master and his Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens.
The decision to repurpose the Fillebrook RAM lodge as a resource lodge was formulated by the now ProvGDC Michael West and the now APGM (previous ProvGDC) John Finlay, having often discussed what measures could be taken to assist Lodges who might experience problems in delivering the very best of ritual for Candidates and Installations and may lack experienced DC’s or members. As the PGM has often said ‘the candidate is the most important person’ and we needed to make sure they had the best possible experience at Advancement or Elevation. After discussion with the PGM on the plans to make this a viable unit, his blessing was given and the work began.
First, a group of dedicated and experienced Mark and RAM Brethren with good ritual knowledge and a desire to ensure Essex Lodges flourish was approached and put together; looking through the list of the members, this has been achieved. Ritual and protocol aside, the list of things to do to re form the Lodge was seemingly endless. There were the meeting and venue arrangements, Summons, festive board arrangements, bank account, a Grand Lodge Dispensation and Provincial Grand Lodge paperwork to apply for and complete, regalia to be sourced, registers etc. etc. etc. etc! In the end this was all achieved by our very competent members and with grateful thanks to our Scribe, David Hook and Treasurer, Clive Snell.
The meeting day was a busy affair with the PGM opening the Lodge assisted by APGM W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM, and Acting Provincial Grand Officers supported by a retinue of other Provincial Grand Officers. It was carried out in splendid form and W. Bro. John Finlay was installed as Worshipful Commander. W.Bro. Peter Lindell, the last Scribe and Secretary of Fillebrook Mark and RAM before their closure, was invited by the PGM to present the Warrant of the Lodge to the Commander which he did with great sincerity and affection. The officers were installed by the Commander who then went onto bestow Honorary Membership of the Fillebrook Lodge of RAM upon the PGM and W Bro Peter Lindell, who both accepted with pleasure.
The Lodge was closed and all retired to enjoy a fine festive board provided by the Chingford Masonic Hall.
At the festive board the PGM proposed the toast to the WC who responded by presenting the PGM with a bottle of his favourite tipple as a token of gratitude for his assistance and support of this new venture.
The Lodge will meet twice annually, once at Chingford and at a venue somewhere in the North of the Province to give all Essex Brethren a chance to attend without too much travelling. Applications for membership will be welcomed from any brethren who wish to be part of this venture. Fillebrook will not be a working lodge in the sense of elevating candidates. Applications should be made to our Scribe W Bro David Hook. Costs are kept to a minimum with dining fees on a pay as you dine basis. However we consider the festive board part of our meeting and education process.
It is intended that the Lodge Work will consist of opening as a RAM Lodge and either remaining open to deal with RAM matters, or calling off to deal with Mark matters such as ritual explanation, floor work with commentary, discussion and Q&A session on any topic that is brought up. The installation meeting will see the new WC installed followed by a RAM explanation and work similar to that as described for the Mark degree. The Provincial GDC will be responsible for the running of the Lodge but welcomes any request on ehat might be a relevant subject for the meeting. It is hoped that as many aspiring DC’s and current Lodge DC’s will find time to attend our meeting to gain helpful insights into their work, which we hope they will take back to their own Lodges and increase the standard of work and ritual performed, hopefully also increasing the enjoyment of the lodge members. The invitation is not only open to DC’s but to any interested brother. Membership is encouraged but not essential, attendance is what is requested.
It is the aim to make the meetings interesting, informative and inclusive for all but above all to educate as best as can be so that both RAM, Mark and Installation ritual can be performed to the best possible standard.
Repeated below is the original article.
The decision to repurpose the Fillebrook RAM lodge as a resource lodge was formulated by the now ProvGDC Michael West and the now APGM (previous ProvGDC) John Finlay, having often discussed what measures could be taken to assist Lodges who might experience problems in delivering the very best of ritual for Candidates and Installations and may lack experienced DC’s or members. As the PGM has often said ‘the candidate is the most important person’ and we needed to make sure they had the best possible experience at Advancement or Elevation. After discussion with the PGM on the plans to make this a viable unit, his blessing was given and the work began.
First, a group of dedicated and experienced Mark and RAM Brethren with good ritual knowledge and a desire to ensure Essex Lodges flourish was approached and put together; looking through the list of the members, this has been achieved. Ritual and protocol aside, the list of things to do to re form the Lodge was seemingly endless. There were the meeting and venue arrangements, Summons, festive board arrangements, bank account, a Grand Lodge Dispensation and Provincial Grand Lodge paperwork to apply for and complete, regalia to be sourced, registers etc. etc. etc. etc! In the end this was all achieved by our very competent members and with grateful thanks to our Scribe, David Hook and Treasurer, Clive Snell.
The meeting day was a busy affair with the PGM opening the Lodge assisted by APGM W.Bro. Mark Reeve, APGM, and Acting Provincial Grand Officers supported by a retinue of other Provincial Grand Officers. It was carried out in splendid form and W. Bro. John Finlay was installed as Worshipful Commander. W.Bro. Peter Lindell, the last Scribe and Secretary of Fillebrook Mark and RAM before their closure, was invited by the PGM to present the Warrant of the Lodge to the Commander which he did with great sincerity and affection. The officers were installed by the Commander who then went onto bestow Honorary Membership of the Fillebrook Lodge of RAM upon the PGM and W Bro Peter Lindell, who both accepted with pleasure.
The Lodge was closed and all retired to enjoy a fine festive board provided by the Chingford Masonic Hall.
At the festive board the PGM proposed the toast to the WC who responded by presenting the PGM with a bottle of his favourite tipple as a token of gratitude for his assistance and support of this new venture.
The Lodge will meet twice annually, once at Chingford and at a venue somewhere in the North of the Province to give all Essex Brethren a chance to attend without too much travelling. Applications for membership will be welcomed from any brethren who wish to be part of this venture. Fillebrook will not be a working lodge in the sense of elevating candidates. Applications should be made to our Scribe W Bro David Hook. Costs are kept to a minimum with dining fees on a pay as you dine basis. However we consider the festive board part of our meeting and education process.
It is intended that the Lodge Work will consist of opening as a RAM Lodge and either remaining open to deal with RAM matters, or calling off to deal with Mark matters such as ritual explanation, floor work with commentary, discussion and Q&A session on any topic that is brought up. The installation meeting will see the new WC installed followed by a RAM explanation and work similar to that as described for the Mark degree. The Provincial GDC will be responsible for the running of the Lodge but welcomes any request on ehat might be a relevant subject for the meeting. It is hoped that as many aspiring DC’s and current Lodge DC’s will find time to attend our meeting to gain helpful insights into their work, which we hope they will take back to their own Lodges and increase the standard of work and ritual performed, hopefully also increasing the enjoyment of the lodge members. The invitation is not only open to DC’s but to any interested brother. Membership is encouraged but not essential, attendance is what is requested.
It is the aim to make the meetings interesting, informative and inclusive for all but above all to educate as best as can be so that both RAM, Mark and Installation ritual can be performed to the best possible standard.
Repeated below is the original article.
Are you a Lodge DC or ADC? A good ritualist? Are you an average ritualist and want to get better? Are you "just" a keen RAM and Mark Mason? Do you wish to attend a regular LOI style Lodge and help the Province improve the experience that our Lodges can provide members?
Well, these and many more questions will be answered and the new "Lodge of Excellence" is the place for you! Keen Royal Ark Mariners and Mark Master Masons are now asked to consider joining and send completed RAM joining forms (in the members section) to the Secretary Elect, W.Bro. David Hook directly or on email to [email protected] . There are still one or two possible opportunties to take a first office at the meeting for those who respond quick enough! Any questions you might have will be answered on the same email address.
The Fillebrook Lodge of RAM handed its Warrant in some 3yrs ago and has ceased to meet. For some while the current ProvGDC and ProvDepGDC have been looking at the viability of a "formal" LOI Lodge where keen, committed and curious Essex Mark amd RAM members could meet and improve ritual and protocol. To that end the PGM was requested to consider re-opening the Lodge. We are pleased to confirm that both the Prvincial Grand Master and Grand Lodge have given their assent and the Lodge will be re opened on the 9th October. Whilst this is a RAM Lodge it will be able to "call-off" and then deal with Mark matters when necessary.
The Provincial Grand Master, His Wardens and a Provincial Team will ReOpen the Lodge and Install the new "First" Commander which will be W.Bro. John Finlay who will them appoint and invest his Officers.
Not many will have seen this take place so please come along and make another daily advancement in your knowledge.
So, this Lodge will be a vehicle that the Prov DC or, in his absence, the DepDC can address members on subjects or ritual and procedure and it can exist as an “LOI” for all covering all aspects of meetings in both degrees as well as the running of festive boards. This enables a standardized approach to Mark and RAM ritual whilst, at the same time, recognising that there are individual “Lodge practices” that can continue to exist where they do not significantly alter published ritual, practices and protocol. Membership is open to all and fees are to be set around £40 per annum with dining costs also kept to a minimum and paid on attendance not in subscription. Additionally, attendance as a guest is positively encouraged and you will all be encouraged to take part and not sit on the sidelines!
There will be a RAM Installtion in October each year so you are welcome to ask to take part and deliver part of the ritual, offices are not necessarily to be seen as progressive but everyone who wants to take the Chair will have the opportunity to do so.
There will be a dining and booking form posted soon, don't miss the opportunity to take part!
Well, these and many more questions will be answered and the new "Lodge of Excellence" is the place for you! Keen Royal Ark Mariners and Mark Master Masons are now asked to consider joining and send completed RAM joining forms (in the members section) to the Secretary Elect, W.Bro. David Hook directly or on email to [email protected] . There are still one or two possible opportunties to take a first office at the meeting for those who respond quick enough! Any questions you might have will be answered on the same email address.
The Fillebrook Lodge of RAM handed its Warrant in some 3yrs ago and has ceased to meet. For some while the current ProvGDC and ProvDepGDC have been looking at the viability of a "formal" LOI Lodge where keen, committed and curious Essex Mark amd RAM members could meet and improve ritual and protocol. To that end the PGM was requested to consider re-opening the Lodge. We are pleased to confirm that both the Prvincial Grand Master and Grand Lodge have given their assent and the Lodge will be re opened on the 9th October. Whilst this is a RAM Lodge it will be able to "call-off" and then deal with Mark matters when necessary.
The Provincial Grand Master, His Wardens and a Provincial Team will ReOpen the Lodge and Install the new "First" Commander which will be W.Bro. John Finlay who will them appoint and invest his Officers.
Not many will have seen this take place so please come along and make another daily advancement in your knowledge.
So, this Lodge will be a vehicle that the Prov DC or, in his absence, the DepDC can address members on subjects or ritual and procedure and it can exist as an “LOI” for all covering all aspects of meetings in both degrees as well as the running of festive boards. This enables a standardized approach to Mark and RAM ritual whilst, at the same time, recognising that there are individual “Lodge practices” that can continue to exist where they do not significantly alter published ritual, practices and protocol. Membership is open to all and fees are to be set around £40 per annum with dining costs also kept to a minimum and paid on attendance not in subscription. Additionally, attendance as a guest is positively encouraged and you will all be encouraged to take part and not sit on the sidelines!
There will be a RAM Installtion in October each year so you are welcome to ask to take part and deliver part of the ritual, offices are not necessarily to be seen as progressive but everyone who wants to take the Chair will have the opportunity to do so.
There will be a dining and booking form posted soon, don't miss the opportunity to take part!