Beriffe Lodge of Mark Masters No.825
9 May 2023
Tuesday 9 May, saw Beriffe Lodge host the annual Norhtern Cluster meeting in Brightlingsea. The Lodge was honoured with an official visit from the Provincial Grand Master and several of his Active Officers. The main road into Brightlingsea being closed didn't deter the visiting Brethren and most of them following the diversion. With the exception of one member who decided to go thru the road closure.
The meeting was started in fine form by the Worshipful Master, Bob Crowe. Once the minutes had been confirmed, the Prov.G.M entered the Lodge to much acclaim.
Bob offered the Prov.G.M the Gavel, which he received and proceeded to introduce his attending Active Officers and thanked them for accompanying him over the last year, as this was his last official visit before the annual meeting at New Hall. The Prov.G.M then handed the Gavel back to Bob.
Bob offered the Prov.G.M the Gavel, which he received and proceeded to introduce his attending Active Officers and thanked them for accompanying him over the last year, as this was his last official visit before the annual meeting at New Hall. The Prov.G.M then handed the Gavel back to Bob.
The Travelling Maul was then presented to the Lodge by W.Bro. Ken Headworth who was standing in for the Master of Aurelius Lodge, the previous hosts of the Maul.
The "main event" of the meeting then commenced with the Advancement of Tony Chapman, a member of Lodge of Faith No.6830, Craft Lodge in Brightlingsea.
The Ceremony was carried out in a superb manner by Bob , he was assisted by Richard Stephens with the Signs and Secrets and the Working Tools by Peter Alexander in a flawless manner.
Once the Ceremony was completed and Tony was welcomed into our Friendly Degree, the Lodge proceeded to present the Prov.G.M with a donation of £250 towards his impending Wing Walk. W.Bro. Peter Nason then presented a cheque for £400 from the recent Indian meal held in Colchester.
The "main event" of the meeting then commenced with the Advancement of Tony Chapman, a member of Lodge of Faith No.6830, Craft Lodge in Brightlingsea.
The Ceremony was carried out in a superb manner by Bob , he was assisted by Richard Stephens with the Signs and Secrets and the Working Tools by Peter Alexander in a flawless manner.
Once the Ceremony was completed and Tony was welcomed into our Friendly Degree, the Lodge proceeded to present the Prov.G.M with a donation of £250 towards his impending Wing Walk. W.Bro. Peter Nason then presented a cheque for £400 from the recent Indian meal held in Colchester.
The meeting closed in peace and harmony, where those present retired to the bar and sat down for a most enjoyable Festive Board, the meal was first class , and even Peter Maloney enjoyed it.
Posted on 21/05/23