The Potters Clay Lodge of MMM and RAM No.1399
The Potters Clay Lodge of MMM and RAM 1399 met under the conditions of a Virtual Business Meeting on Wednesday 25th November 2020, this being the scheduled date of the meeting which could not be held due to the suspension of Masonic Activities and the temporary closure of Harlow Masonic Hall until further notice.
Apart from initial login issues for Brethren connecting to Zoom, the meeting was also honoured by the presence of Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Terence D. Sheern and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Mark Reeve (who was also congratulated on becoming a Grandfather for the first time).
The meeting was declared open by the Worshipful Master, WBro Andrew Pugh, and the authorisation and Dispensations were then read by the Secretary, VWBro Christopher Carter. Following the published Order of Business, Worshipful Brother Andrew Pugh was re-elected as Worshipful Master of the Mark Lodge with immediate effect and Worshipful Brother Clifford Perry was elected for a second year as Commander of the RAM Lodge effective from February 2021. The Treasurer presented Statements of Account for both Lodges and proposed disbursements from the Mark Alms Account to nominated Charities all of which were approved.
The Provincial Grand Master referred to the fact that the Secretary Very Worshipful Brother Christopher Carter had completed 50 years as a Member of the Mark Degree having been Advanced on 1st July 1970. He mentioned that the programme had included for his attendance with active Provincial Grand Officers at the November Lodge meeting to present the Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons to Chris but clearly this could not take place. Therefore, Provincial Grand Master read the content of the Certificate and stated that in congratulating Chris on his achievement including services to the Province and Order in general and indicated that he hoped to attend a meeting in 2021 to formally present the Certificate. Chris made an appropriate response referring to the honour and privilege experienced in his time as a member of the Mark Degree and in particular as a Founder and Officer of Potters Clay Lodge of MMMs and the Founding Scribe of the Potters Clay Lodge of RAMs.
Following the resignation of Worshipful Brother Trevor Barnwell as the Almoner of both Lodges, the WM of the Mark Lodge and the WC of the RAM Lodge appointed W. Bro. Michael Levene to be the Almoner.
Members were reminded of the fact that the Mark Lodge would complete 50 years of continuous working in November 2022 and arrangements were in hand to make the Meeting of the Mark Lodge in that month a special Celebration Meeting in the hope that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master; his Officers; and many more Brethren would attend.
The meetings closed with a special mention of the need to attract candidates for Advancement and/or Elevation and thus secure the future of both Lodges.