Provincial Grand Master's Address, 2018
Brethren all, whilst I have already welcomed our guests I wish to start by once again thanking our many guests for their attendance today. As I have said before, the presence of our official guests and other visitors adds such a lot to these meetings and highlights the deep and fraternal friendship of this, our wonderful order.
Apart from the administrative functions necessary at each Annual Meeting, the main reason we are here today is to appoint and promote Provincial Officers; I, therefore, sincerely congratulate those I have appointed and promoted this afternoon. I am sure I can rely on your continued support at Provincial and Lodge level. Whilst appointments and promotions are for past services, your presence and contributions in the future is crucial to maintain not only this vibrant province but also your own Lodges.
If you are an Active Officer, I look forward to your company on my official visits around the Province and I am confident you will enjoy the warmth of welcome and hospitality from those Lodges we visit. The official visits are a wonderful occasion and I know you will enjoy visiting centers you may not have been to before and, more importantly, you will meet new friends and renew old acquaintances.
I also thank those Active Provincial Officers who have stood down today for their marvelous and generous support over the past year. I have enjoyed your company and I thank you once again.
Brethren, I am pleased to inform you that at the two investiture meetings of Grand Lodge this year, the Most Worshipful Grand Master will make appointments to and promotions within Grand lodge as follows:
First appointments:
W. Bro. John Finlay is to be appointed Active Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro John Jackson to Past Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro.s Bill Dyer and Peter Maloney to Past Grand Standard Bearer
W.Bro Derek Hester to Asst Grand Standard Bearer and
W.Bro Roy Kaye to Grand Steward
To be promoted are:
W.Bro Richard Goodwin to Active Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro.s David Awcock and Barry Coombes to Past Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro Dick Caldwell to Past Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies
I am sure, brethren, that you will join with me in wishing all those our heartiest congratulations.
Brethren I should now like to take this opportunity to update you on other Provincial matters.
Firstly, I am pleased to announce that this year’s northern cluster meeting will take place at the Easterford Lodge in Kelvedon on Wednesday 10th October. For those of you who have not been to the Masonic Centre at Kelvedon it is well worth a visit as their centre is steeped in history and you may not get another opportunity to visit. I also understand that W.Bro Peter Curtis will be in the chair so you can guarantee the Advancement Ceremony will be first class and one not to miss. As the numbers will be restricted I suggest you book early; details will follow shortly.
Most of you will be aware I have conducted a number of member surveys this past year to ensure you remain involved in the running of the Province and I get an understanding of your views. One such survey concerned the annual Provincial Officers Mess. As the result of your feedback I can report the Mess will be held in different locations around the Province each year, even if this means there may be a slight reduction in the numbers attending.
You also said the Mess dinners need not be held at a Masonic Centre, and I will take this into account when deciding where to go. However I can report that this year’s Mess will be held in the western part of the Province on the usual date of last Friday in November. Further details will be released nearer the time.
Brethren, the pre-loved regalia sales available on the website go from strength to strength and in this past year achieved in excess of £2300 for the Provincial Welfare Fund. Don’t forget you can buy regalia for most orders straight from the website by your PayPal account or credit/debit card as well as by cheque if preferred.
Whilst I am talking about our welfare fund and charity we have today launch the Provincial bonus ball scheme. This new initiative has been copied from some of the other Provinces and I am grateful for their help and advice. If you haven’t purchased a ball yet you can do so after the meeting in the display area by the dining room. All profits will go the Provincial Mark Welfare Fund. You can also buy a ball via the website and again pay via your paypal or debit/credit cards if you prefer. My thanks goes to W.Bro Richard Goodwin, Paul Thurgood, Chris Hicks and the rest of the team who have made this happen.
Our annual golf day will take place on Friday 27th of July at Stockbrook Manor; if you would like to join us for golf or just the evening events please see the organiser W.Bro Richard Goodwin or refer to the Provincial Website.
I can also report that the Province is continuing to support the local Essex based charity, SAFE (Supporting Asperger’s Families in Essex).
Furthermore, as the result of your continuing generosity I am also able to make another donation to our 2022 Craft Festival. (the Craft PGM was presented to R.W.Bro. Sheern).
Provincial Grand Master this as you know is our second donation towards the 2022 Craft Provincial Festival. This voucher is for £9,000, of which £8,000 from the Province and £1,000 from the Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge. This brings our total to date to £12,000.
The Mark Province is grateful for your support and that of your other senior members so it is only right we should show you our support to the Craft Province and it’s Festival.
As a quick aside, brethren, the Mark Degree in Essex is privileged to have 8 of the 10 Craft Executive and all but one Executive Member of the Holy Royal Arch as members of the Order. So if you ever hear a brother say Mark Masonry is not real masonry you may like to point this out to them!
Last year I had the pleasure to introduce to you the “father of our Province”, 97yr old W. Bro Wally Stevens. I am pleased to say he is with us again today. Along with a small contingent of those who have been members of the Province for over 50 years, we thank you all for joining us today and we look forward to your attendance next year.
Brethren we can now add a further name to this list as R.W. Bro John Webb, PGJW & Past Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in Essex achieved 50 years in the Mark last month. This means he has scored a hat trick of 50’s, Craft, Chapter and now the Mark, congratulations John, I trust you have many more years to enjoy as we do your company.
Brethren as well as having the father of the Province here today we also have “fresh from the quarries”, the most recent member. Bro. Terry Stapleton who was Advanced into Mark just 8 days ago!
We all welcome you into Mark Masonry. Thank you for your attendance today and we wish you many happy years amongst us.
Bro. Terry is part of the marvelous revival of the Naze Tower Lodge at Kirby Cross.
Lastly, I should like to give you a quick update on our membership numbers as the data in the meeting booklet is nearly a year out of date. I can report that the Royal Ark Mariner Province of Essex is now the third largest Province in the Constitution having increased our memberships to nearly 1000, the highest number the Province has ever had.
Mark also continues to grow and we have a total membership now of nearly 1300. Which is a net (taking into account deaths, resignations etc.) increase of around 75 from 2016 and around 50 from last year. This is excellent news and I thank you all for your continued efforts.
To those that are still struggling I would say there have been several local Lodge initiatives around the Province as well as the Provincial run ones, these have helped turn around the fortunes of some of our previously struggling lodges who are now Advancing new members, if you are one of those still struggling please speak to your executive representative to discuss ideas.
I can also announce to assist you further; we will be starting on a new media campaign later in the year, which we hope will be both exciting and interesting. I will keep you posted as this develops.
I am also today launching a new Advancee’s welcome pack, which I trust you will purchase from the Province for your Candidates. The Provincial Grand Secretary will send out more details in the next few days on its content and cost. These packs will also be available for Lodges to purchase from the Provincial Website.
Brethren, meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge take a tremendous amount of planning. I would therefore like to express my thanks to the Provincial Secretariat and my Ceremonial Team for the enormous amount of time and effort they have given to ensuring that our meeting today has run so smoothly.
I should also like to thank the Combined Stewards Lodge and all other helpers for giving up their time to ensure all the furniture arrived, parking was organized, and the temple and festive board made ready etc. I do thank you all most sincerely.
I also thank those Lodges that provided their Lodge Banners for the first time. I think they make a perfect backdrop for our meeting.
I do hope you have or will take the time to visit the displays set up for you today and would like to thank the Heads of the other Orders for supporting me in providing the displays and information for you to view.
This is your day, brethren; it’s an occasion to celebrate appointments and promotions and also an occasion to celebrate our Order in general and to promote the fraternal friendship we all enjoy. To my mind the co-operation we receive from the other Masonic Orders in Essex truly highlights the full extent of that fraternal friendship.
Brethren, thank you for listening to me, for your continued support and I look forward to being with you during my visits throughout the year.
Thank you.
Apart from the administrative functions necessary at each Annual Meeting, the main reason we are here today is to appoint and promote Provincial Officers; I, therefore, sincerely congratulate those I have appointed and promoted this afternoon. I am sure I can rely on your continued support at Provincial and Lodge level. Whilst appointments and promotions are for past services, your presence and contributions in the future is crucial to maintain not only this vibrant province but also your own Lodges.
If you are an Active Officer, I look forward to your company on my official visits around the Province and I am confident you will enjoy the warmth of welcome and hospitality from those Lodges we visit. The official visits are a wonderful occasion and I know you will enjoy visiting centers you may not have been to before and, more importantly, you will meet new friends and renew old acquaintances.
I also thank those Active Provincial Officers who have stood down today for their marvelous and generous support over the past year. I have enjoyed your company and I thank you once again.
Brethren, I am pleased to inform you that at the two investiture meetings of Grand Lodge this year, the Most Worshipful Grand Master will make appointments to and promotions within Grand lodge as follows:
First appointments:
W. Bro. John Finlay is to be appointed Active Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro John Jackson to Past Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro.s Bill Dyer and Peter Maloney to Past Grand Standard Bearer
W.Bro Derek Hester to Asst Grand Standard Bearer and
W.Bro Roy Kaye to Grand Steward
To be promoted are:
W.Bro Richard Goodwin to Active Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro.s David Awcock and Barry Coombes to Past Grand Junior Deacon
W.Bro Dick Caldwell to Past Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies
I am sure, brethren, that you will join with me in wishing all those our heartiest congratulations.
Brethren I should now like to take this opportunity to update you on other Provincial matters.
Firstly, I am pleased to announce that this year’s northern cluster meeting will take place at the Easterford Lodge in Kelvedon on Wednesday 10th October. For those of you who have not been to the Masonic Centre at Kelvedon it is well worth a visit as their centre is steeped in history and you may not get another opportunity to visit. I also understand that W.Bro Peter Curtis will be in the chair so you can guarantee the Advancement Ceremony will be first class and one not to miss. As the numbers will be restricted I suggest you book early; details will follow shortly.
Most of you will be aware I have conducted a number of member surveys this past year to ensure you remain involved in the running of the Province and I get an understanding of your views. One such survey concerned the annual Provincial Officers Mess. As the result of your feedback I can report the Mess will be held in different locations around the Province each year, even if this means there may be a slight reduction in the numbers attending.
You also said the Mess dinners need not be held at a Masonic Centre, and I will take this into account when deciding where to go. However I can report that this year’s Mess will be held in the western part of the Province on the usual date of last Friday in November. Further details will be released nearer the time.
Brethren, the pre-loved regalia sales available on the website go from strength to strength and in this past year achieved in excess of £2300 for the Provincial Welfare Fund. Don’t forget you can buy regalia for most orders straight from the website by your PayPal account or credit/debit card as well as by cheque if preferred.
Whilst I am talking about our welfare fund and charity we have today launch the Provincial bonus ball scheme. This new initiative has been copied from some of the other Provinces and I am grateful for their help and advice. If you haven’t purchased a ball yet you can do so after the meeting in the display area by the dining room. All profits will go the Provincial Mark Welfare Fund. You can also buy a ball via the website and again pay via your paypal or debit/credit cards if you prefer. My thanks goes to W.Bro Richard Goodwin, Paul Thurgood, Chris Hicks and the rest of the team who have made this happen.
Our annual golf day will take place on Friday 27th of July at Stockbrook Manor; if you would like to join us for golf or just the evening events please see the organiser W.Bro Richard Goodwin or refer to the Provincial Website.
I can also report that the Province is continuing to support the local Essex based charity, SAFE (Supporting Asperger’s Families in Essex).
Furthermore, as the result of your continuing generosity I am also able to make another donation to our 2022 Craft Festival. (the Craft PGM was presented to R.W.Bro. Sheern).
Provincial Grand Master this as you know is our second donation towards the 2022 Craft Provincial Festival. This voucher is for £9,000, of which £8,000 from the Province and £1,000 from the Essex Installed Mark Masters Lodge. This brings our total to date to £12,000.
The Mark Province is grateful for your support and that of your other senior members so it is only right we should show you our support to the Craft Province and it’s Festival.
As a quick aside, brethren, the Mark Degree in Essex is privileged to have 8 of the 10 Craft Executive and all but one Executive Member of the Holy Royal Arch as members of the Order. So if you ever hear a brother say Mark Masonry is not real masonry you may like to point this out to them!
Last year I had the pleasure to introduce to you the “father of our Province”, 97yr old W. Bro Wally Stevens. I am pleased to say he is with us again today. Along with a small contingent of those who have been members of the Province for over 50 years, we thank you all for joining us today and we look forward to your attendance next year.
Brethren we can now add a further name to this list as R.W. Bro John Webb, PGJW & Past Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in Essex achieved 50 years in the Mark last month. This means he has scored a hat trick of 50’s, Craft, Chapter and now the Mark, congratulations John, I trust you have many more years to enjoy as we do your company.
Brethren as well as having the father of the Province here today we also have “fresh from the quarries”, the most recent member. Bro. Terry Stapleton who was Advanced into Mark just 8 days ago!
We all welcome you into Mark Masonry. Thank you for your attendance today and we wish you many happy years amongst us.
Bro. Terry is part of the marvelous revival of the Naze Tower Lodge at Kirby Cross.
Lastly, I should like to give you a quick update on our membership numbers as the data in the meeting booklet is nearly a year out of date. I can report that the Royal Ark Mariner Province of Essex is now the third largest Province in the Constitution having increased our memberships to nearly 1000, the highest number the Province has ever had.
Mark also continues to grow and we have a total membership now of nearly 1300. Which is a net (taking into account deaths, resignations etc.) increase of around 75 from 2016 and around 50 from last year. This is excellent news and I thank you all for your continued efforts.
To those that are still struggling I would say there have been several local Lodge initiatives around the Province as well as the Provincial run ones, these have helped turn around the fortunes of some of our previously struggling lodges who are now Advancing new members, if you are one of those still struggling please speak to your executive representative to discuss ideas.
I can also announce to assist you further; we will be starting on a new media campaign later in the year, which we hope will be both exciting and interesting. I will keep you posted as this develops.
I am also today launching a new Advancee’s welcome pack, which I trust you will purchase from the Province for your Candidates. The Provincial Grand Secretary will send out more details in the next few days on its content and cost. These packs will also be available for Lodges to purchase from the Provincial Website.
Brethren, meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge take a tremendous amount of planning. I would therefore like to express my thanks to the Provincial Secretariat and my Ceremonial Team for the enormous amount of time and effort they have given to ensuring that our meeting today has run so smoothly.
I should also like to thank the Combined Stewards Lodge and all other helpers for giving up their time to ensure all the furniture arrived, parking was organized, and the temple and festive board made ready etc. I do thank you all most sincerely.
I also thank those Lodges that provided their Lodge Banners for the first time. I think they make a perfect backdrop for our meeting.
I do hope you have or will take the time to visit the displays set up for you today and would like to thank the Heads of the other Orders for supporting me in providing the displays and information for you to view.
This is your day, brethren; it’s an occasion to celebrate appointments and promotions and also an occasion to celebrate our Order in general and to promote the fraternal friendship we all enjoy. To my mind the co-operation we receive from the other Masonic Orders in Essex truly highlights the full extent of that fraternal friendship.
Brethren, thank you for listening to me, for your continued support and I look forward to being with you during my visits throughout the year.
Thank you.