Teaser Number 6
The Province of Essex held two very successful Mark Awareness Evenings held at Hutton Masonic Centre and Colvin Memorial Temple, Clacton on Sea with the aim of attracting Craft Masons to "The Friendly Degree"
The Hutton evening was hosted by Ilford St. Mary Lodge, and the Executive Lead was by VW Bro Richard Bowyer PDep.P.G.M, and Clacton was hosted by Aurelius Lodge and WBro John Finlay DepP.G.M was the Executive Lead.
The evenings attracted a combined total of 25 Craft Master Masons from various Lodges in Essex.
The format of the evening proved to be a great success at both venues, with a lot of hard work and explanation of both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges given by VW Bro Richard Bowyer and WBro John Finlay.
The explanation of the Overseers was found to be one of the most interesting parts of the evenings, especially when the Craft members were told that they would have to join to find out exactly what the Overseers roles are in the Ceremony of Advancement.
Both evenings proved to be very successful with a number of application joining forms completed.
Further Awareness Evenings are being planned and details will be published at a later date
If you are a Craft Mason looking to join our Degree,please click on the button below and see if there is a Lodge near you that would be suitable for you.
If so, please contact our Provincial Secretary and hopefully we can welcome you into the Province of Essex Mark Master Masons.
Don’t be one of those who miss out on an interesting fun degree. Either speak to a brother who you know and is a member and ask for more details, or contact the Provincial Grand Secretary via the contact details on the website at www.essexmark.co.uk or email to [email protected].
This is the sixth in a set of 9 teasers in this campaign and previous teasers can still be found on the Essex Mark website by clicking on the Teaser of the Month button on the front
This is the sixth in a set of 9 teasers in this campaign and previous teasers can still be found on the Essex Mark website by clicking on the Teaser of the Month button on the front