The Velocity Run
Penrhyn Quarry
North Wales
Saturday 21 June 2025
Brethren in June 2025, I will once again lead our intrepid team on a Zipwire challenge, this time to the daunting Velocity Run in North Wales.
The team of Volunteers this time will be accompanied on the zipwire by some of the ladies! My own dear wife has stepped up to the plate along with at least 3 other wives of Essex Mark Men. As you can see in the photos the descent is made in teams of 4, mixed doubles has a whole new meaning! |
Once again this challenge is in aid of our Festival 2030, the participants are all self-funded.
We are looking to our Essex Mark brethren, along with friends and family to sponsor these hardy flyers either as individuals or as a collective. All of us participants will be glad of your support to spur us on in this challenge. Anything that you can give will be greatly appreciated. |
Let's make this event another success for the ‘Keystone Flyers’
We will be traveling to Wales on the Friday before the event, staying overnight on the Friday and Saturday, before traveling home on the Sunday.
We have organized some social events on the Friday and Saturday evenings for us all to get together.
If you would like to join us as spectators or supporters or if you want to attend to be part of the social side of the event contact the organizer, you will all be welcome.
We have organized some social events on the Friday and Saturday evenings for us all to get together.
If you would like to join us as spectators or supporters or if you want to attend to be part of the social side of the event contact the organizer, you will all be welcome.
or scan the QR Code below
For further information, please email: [email protected]
The Provincial Grand Master cordially invites all members of the Province to support this event in person should they wish to.
Onwards and Upwards, or in this case Downwards! Thank you in anticipation of your support. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Wales next year.