Sunday 21st of July saw the first Stisted Hall fete since before Covid, and Essex Mark Master Masons were kindly invited by the Association of Friends of P.E.D. of K. care home to have a stall at this prestigious event. So, the call went out for volunteers, and we weren’t disappointed with the response.
10 Mark Men stepped up to assist with fund raising for the home, the team consisted of some noticeable Mark Men in the form of our Provincial Charity Steward and our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Finlay.
It was a slow start for the weather, with rain threatening, but this didn’t deter the team. The clouds parted and the result was glorious sunshine, which encouraged attendance at the fete.
10 Mark Men stepped up to assist with fund raising for the home, the team consisted of some noticeable Mark Men in the form of our Provincial Charity Steward and our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Finlay.
It was a slow start for the weather, with rain threatening, but this didn’t deter the team. The clouds parted and the result was glorious sunshine, which encouraged attendance at the fete.
The fund raising consisted of “Guess the number of Jellybeans in a jar”, which proved very popular, with both children and adults. The winner was David Murphy who guessed 721beans.
David very kindly donated the prize back to us, which will undoubtedly be used for further fundraising.
There was also a “Wheel of Fortune” game, run by Pete Maloney, our ever-smiling Provincial Charity Steward able assisted by our Prov.G.M. This feature attracted people of all ages, where the prize for winning was one of our Festival Mascot “Rory the Lion”.
Rory proved very popular with the children.
We also had on show our regalia for everyone to see. We were very fortunate to attract four new members to our Friendly Degree.
The Team raised £250 for the Association, cementing our friendship with the Association of Friends, and resulted in an invite to next years event, which our Prov.G.M gladly accepted.
It was a fantastic day, and the team are looking forward to next year’s event already.
The Magic of the Mark at its best.
Details of the Association can be found on the link:
We also had on show our regalia for everyone to see. We were very fortunate to attract four new members to our Friendly Degree.
The Team raised £250 for the Association, cementing our friendship with the Association of Friends, and resulted in an invite to next years event, which our Prov.G.M gladly accepted.
It was a fantastic day, and the team are looking forward to next year’s event already.
The Magic of the Mark at its best.
Details of the Association can be found on the link:
Posted 28/07/24