The MARK presentation for Craft Lodges
Available now is the brand-new production ‘The Magic of the Mark’ designed for presentation in Craft Lodges which focuses on the Mark degree and its history.
The demonstration which includes a portion within giving a Sojourn’ around the lodge by two Mark Men commentating on their journey, is set between a very well thought out and meaningful presentation.
If your craft lodge has an empty meeting and you think they might like to see our presentation please ask the Craft Lodge Secretary to invite us.
The team attend at no charge. The presentation which can include the ‘Magic of the Mark’ video, and when included lasts approximately 45 minutes.
What a wonderful opportunity to show your Craft Lodge brethren why we love the Mark, you never know how many might be interested enough to join your Mark lodge.
Below follows the criteria which is agreed between the Craft and the Mark Provincial Grand Masters which must be followed before any presentation is prepared and made to a Craft Lodge.
- We will only attend lodges by invite, no advertising will be done. These invites will be obtained by Mark members making their craft lodges aware of the presentation, and only if the lodge has no other regular work for a meeting, also the lodge must be in agreement with extending an invitation.
- The presentation item must be shown on the summons.
- The lodge must be called off before the presentation.
- The Mark presentation team will attend in their Craft regalia.
- The presentation and the attendance of the team is at no cost to the lodge.
- There will be no overt attempt at recruiting.
- The Lodge will inform the Craft Provincial Secretary of its intention to invite the presentation.
Once agreement from the Craft Lodge is received and an invitation is made, contact should be made with the presentation team to establish dates etc.
W. Bro. John H. Stannard
Assistant Provincial Grand Master
Email: [email protected]
Posted 22/09/24