Dep.P.G.M. Toast
New Hall '23

Brethren, no doubt many of you will have been both surprised and saddened by the Prov.G.M’s announcement of his impending retirement. Fear not for him, he is in fine fettle.
He is exercising one of the core tenets set out by him at the beginning of his tenure as Prov.G.M., that of ensuring that as many brethren as possible have the opportunity to hold high office in our Province. Something he has done with remarkable success which has kept our beloved Province fresh and vibrant. He will leave office not with sadness, but with the satisfaction of a job well done.
Since his Installation as Prov.G.M. in 2015, he has presided over the Consecration of 3 new Mark Lodges, resurrected 7 further Mark or RAM Lodges by either reponment or repurposing; has officiated at numerous Banner and Bible Dedications; has initiated our 2030 MBF Festival and has taken the chair of every Mark Lodge in the Province, a personal ambition realised.
He has a pedigree and C.V. that any Prov.G.M., in any order, can only envy. It has, however, not all been plain sailing. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent suspension set him severe and difficult challenges, not surprisingly he led from the front, overcame all, and ensured that we came out of those tumultuous times in good order, and well placed to enter a period of growth.
Our Prov.G.M. could never be described as remote nor aloof, he is of the most gregarious nature, his stewardship of this Province has been conducted in the most conspicuous and caring manner. Brethren I can assure you, that everything R.W. Bro. Terry has done or will do in this Province, the welfare and happiness of every member is foremost in his thoughts. He has the proverbial heart of gold. You will all have appreciated his keen sense of humour at some point, particularly when he mentions “His Mistakes”, (they know who they are!).
He is invariably the first to join in any joviality that is being had at our gatherings, he positively encourages good humour and laughter, a great example was shown at his recent “Wing Walk” challenge which incidentally raised close to £15,000 for the 2030 Festival.
There he gave the assembled brethren “a real good laugh” as they witnessed “That Magnificent Mason being strapped to his Flying Machine”
Provincial Grand Master, I am only too aware of the high regard that you are held in by every member of this Province, and it would have been remiss of me not to mark that sentiment especially today. I therefore, on their behalf, commissioned this very fine portrait of you in all your pomp, which you will see also has a small reminder of your wing walk painted into one corner. On behalf of all the members of the Province, Sir, please accept this gift as not only a memento of your time as our Prov.G.M. but also as a token of the high esteem that you are held in by all the members.
Sir, you have today presided over yet another enjoyable and successful Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, held for the first time at this magnificent venue of New Hall School. The number of our Mark brethren attending today shows the esteem you are held in, and the presence of so many Heads of the Masonic Orders in Essex and visitors from other Provinces is testament to the high regard that you are held in by all of Essex Masonry and beyond.
On behalf of the members of your Province, I thank you for your sublime leadership as our Prov.G.M. over the last eight years and we look forward to another year but with mixed emotions as you enter upon your closing year as Prov.G.M..
He is exercising one of the core tenets set out by him at the beginning of his tenure as Prov.G.M., that of ensuring that as many brethren as possible have the opportunity to hold high office in our Province. Something he has done with remarkable success which has kept our beloved Province fresh and vibrant. He will leave office not with sadness, but with the satisfaction of a job well done.
Since his Installation as Prov.G.M. in 2015, he has presided over the Consecration of 3 new Mark Lodges, resurrected 7 further Mark or RAM Lodges by either reponment or repurposing; has officiated at numerous Banner and Bible Dedications; has initiated our 2030 MBF Festival and has taken the chair of every Mark Lodge in the Province, a personal ambition realised.
He has a pedigree and C.V. that any Prov.G.M., in any order, can only envy. It has, however, not all been plain sailing. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent suspension set him severe and difficult challenges, not surprisingly he led from the front, overcame all, and ensured that we came out of those tumultuous times in good order, and well placed to enter a period of growth.
Our Prov.G.M. could never be described as remote nor aloof, he is of the most gregarious nature, his stewardship of this Province has been conducted in the most conspicuous and caring manner. Brethren I can assure you, that everything R.W. Bro. Terry has done or will do in this Province, the welfare and happiness of every member is foremost in his thoughts. He has the proverbial heart of gold. You will all have appreciated his keen sense of humour at some point, particularly when he mentions “His Mistakes”, (they know who they are!).
He is invariably the first to join in any joviality that is being had at our gatherings, he positively encourages good humour and laughter, a great example was shown at his recent “Wing Walk” challenge which incidentally raised close to £15,000 for the 2030 Festival.
There he gave the assembled brethren “a real good laugh” as they witnessed “That Magnificent Mason being strapped to his Flying Machine”
Provincial Grand Master, I am only too aware of the high regard that you are held in by every member of this Province, and it would have been remiss of me not to mark that sentiment especially today. I therefore, on their behalf, commissioned this very fine portrait of you in all your pomp, which you will see also has a small reminder of your wing walk painted into one corner. On behalf of all the members of the Province, Sir, please accept this gift as not only a memento of your time as our Prov.G.M. but also as a token of the high esteem that you are held in by all the members.
Sir, you have today presided over yet another enjoyable and successful Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, held for the first time at this magnificent venue of New Hall School. The number of our Mark brethren attending today shows the esteem you are held in, and the presence of so many Heads of the Masonic Orders in Essex and visitors from other Provinces is testament to the high regard that you are held in by all of Essex Masonry and beyond.
On behalf of the members of your Province, I thank you for your sublime leadership as our Prov.G.M. over the last eight years and we look forward to another year but with mixed emotions as you enter upon your closing year as Prov.G.M..
Posted on 04/06/23